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Random Topics / Re: The 100 Years Ago Thread
« Last post by Rikki Gins on Today at 12:20:29 AM »
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Carmichael - Bart Ell
Collins - Bobs Your Uncle, MAX, Mr Apnea, KSM & TigerLily
Greaver - JUAN

Alarmed - Mr Apnea
Startled - Bart Ell, Bobs Your Uncle, MAX, KSM & TigerLily
Surprised - JUAN

Casino - Mr Apnea
Library - Bart Ell & MAX
Museum - JUAN & KSM
Theatre - Bobs Your Uncle & TigerLily

Three - Bart Ell, MAX, Mr Apnea & KSM
Four - JUAN, Bobs Your Uncle & TigerLily

"No, of course not" - Bart Ell, Bobs Your Uncle & TigerLily
"No, but did the cat get your tongue?"
"No, as long as you just want to talk." - JUAN, MAX & KSM
"Yes, I do mind."
"Yes, because you give me the creeps." - Mr Apnea

@Bart Ell: 300 points
@KSM: 300 points
@Bobs Your Uncle: 200 points
@TigerLily: 200 POINTS
@Mr Apnea: 100 POINTS

Random Topics / Ed Sullivan -- It was 61 Years ago Today !
« Last post by Up All Night on February 08, 2025, 11:37:50 PM »
I remember watching from the living room with my family there also.

On Feb. 9, 1964, the Beatles made their first live American television appearance on “The Ed Sullivan Show,” broadcast from New York on CBS. The quartet played five songs, including “She Loves You” and “I Want to Hold Your Hand,” to a crowd of screaming teenagers in person and more than 70 million viewers across the country.
Random Topics / Re: Random, stupid things on your mind
« Last post by sean92008 on February 08, 2025, 07:57:08 PM »
This is sooo wrong. This is the type of woman you want on the streets...  Badass!

Random Topics / Re: The 100 Years Ago Thread
« Last post by TigerLily on February 08, 2025, 11:01:16 AM »
No, of course not. But just so you know. This is an open carry State
Random Topics / Re: Whatever: The Open Lines Thread
« Last post by sean92008 on February 08, 2025, 10:29:05 AM »
Hoovie ditched his cutie Vietnamese wife and hooked up with one of those Blondies that work the car auctions but he's still doing his schtick.  Just built a huge garage on his farm in fact.

Surprises me about the Wizard.  I didn't think he'd give a rat's ass about geopolitics and would be more concerned that Toyota and Mopar have F'd up their engine designs.

Wizard and this guitar guy I liked both said something... On the topic of terrorism, murdering babies and raping women, an ounce of support or acceptance is worth a pound of punishment. Wizard did not say much, but he said something and it wasn't condemning the terrorists. Some guy from Canada named Woodford who does guitar repair sure seem to support the terrorism through blaming the victims.

I bet hoovie made that big "I'm quitting" announcement as a precursor or post cursor for legal actions in the divorce...

I helped ... and ... during their divorces by reallocating their equipment and sending collection letters. (I don't need to self-dox myself...) One of them actually announced he quit the band for the sake of the divorce... It wasn't a far stretch as the band had a destructive alcoholic in it, but still 🙄🙄🙄
Random Topics / Re: Whatever: The Open Lines Thread
« Last post by Walks_At_Night on February 08, 2025, 10:09:35 AM »
I thought hoovie quit and moved to a condo in notown, Kansas

Car wizard lost me on his pro-Palestinian comment and he was starting to whine about his success.(he's living it up, the wife was able to quit her job, etc...)

Hoovie ditched his cutie Vietnamese wife and hooked up with one of those Blondies that work the car auctions but he's still doing his schtick.  Just built a huge garage on his farm in fact.

Surprises me about the Wizard.  I didn't think he'd give a rat's ass about geopolitics and would be more concerned that Toyota and Mopar have F'd up their engine designs.
Random Topics / Re: Jason Callan the food review
« Last post by damon on February 08, 2025, 09:25:53 AM »

Random Topics / Re: The 100 Years Ago Thread
« Last post by KSM on February 08, 2025, 09:00:38 AM »
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She: "Oh! Mister Collins! You Startled me!"

He: "I've watched you come to the Museum for Three days now, and...well, I just wanted to talk to you again. Do you mind?"

She: "No, as long as you just want to talk."
Random Topics / Re: The 100 Years Ago Thread
« Last post by Mr Apnea on February 08, 2025, 08:05:25 AM »
She: "Oh! Mister Collins! You Alarmed me!"

He: "I've watched you come to the Casino, Three days now, and...well, I just wanted to talk to you again. Do you mind?"

She: "Yes, because you give me the creeps."
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