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Art and Photography / Re: The Major
« Last post by Rikki Gins on Today at 10:27:40 AM »
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Random Topics / Re: The General Musings of Wyngarde
« Last post by Billy Joe Mulgreavey on Today at 10:24:19 AM »
Wyngarde's mother weighs in.

Random Topics / Re: Celebrity Deaths
« Last post by Rikki Gins on Today at 10:18:29 AM »
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Actor Jonathan Haze has died at the age of 95.
Announcements And Other Such Nonsense / Re: Ask Bart Anything
« Last post by JUAN on Today at 10:13:53 AM »
How could you possibly choose which damon thread to vote for?
Its the one with the most posts from your fake jedimiller account.
Announcements And Other Such Nonsense / Re: Ask Bart Anything
« Last post by KSM on Today at 09:45:45 AM »
Release the extra episodes as a members only perk on onlyfans.
Or Patreon.

Well, that's a great answer.
Announcements And Other Such Nonsense / Re: Ask Bart Anything
« Last post by Bart Ell on Today at 09:12:23 AM »
That could be interesting. Some of the reddit threads and sub-threads are real doozies. Bizarre shit to be found over there.


Bahd, would it be better to release episodes on Spotify as they happen as opposed to scheduling? Problem is that scheduled shows end up being released many many weeks into the future due to the consistency of output on my end.  They are posted on site same day, and as a result the site is killing/nullifying my spotify presence. Opinion?

Aghh whatta mess  :-\

Release the extra episodes as a members only perk on onlyfans.
Or Patreon.
Announcements And Other Such Nonsense / Re: Ask Bart Anything
« Last post by Bart Ell on Today at 09:09:58 AM »
Is there a poll online for the stupidest thread on the Internet?  I have some nominations.

How could you possibly choose which damon thread to vote for?
Art Bell's Time Capsule / Re: On this day in Art Bell history...
« Last post by KSM on Today at 08:08:30 AM »
I don't like Dreamland. Never did. Completely unnecessary. Somebody, please try and prove me wrong!

coz i'm rite
Announcements And Other Such Nonsense / Re: Ask Bart Anything
« Last post by KSM on Today at 07:57:10 AM »
Is there a poll online for the stupidest thread on the Internet?  I have some nominations.
That could be interesting. Some of the reddit threads and sub-threads are real doozies. Bizarre shit to be found over there.


Bahd, would it be better to release episodes on Spotify as they happen as opposed to scheduling? Problem is that scheduled shows end up being released many many weeks into the future due to the consistency of output on my end.  They are posted on site same day, and as a result the site is killing/nullifying my spotify presence. Opinion?

Aghh whatta mess  :-\
Random Topics / Re: The 100 Years Ago Thread
« Last post by KSM on Today at 07:36:43 AM »
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