Author Topic: "The Kid Detective" - "The Empty Man" double feature  (Read 843 times)

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  • Drone Pilot
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"The Kid Detective" - "The Empty Man" double feature
« on: October 25, 2020, 11:54:54 AM »
Saw them on the middle screen last night at the Warwick (NY) Drive-In.  Seems to be the theater's closing weekend.

In case I haven't mentioned it, last month we saw there a double feature of The New Mutants (stank) and Deadpool (almost entirely great, the rest just good).

The Kid Detective was a Canadian production with Bronfman involvement featuring Nobody You'd Know, and it was good.  A retrospective from a fictional detective who started as a child, became an alcoholic/pill-popping has-been as an adult, then cracked a huge case.  You can play along, it looked close to "fair" in mystery fiction terms.  And it's funny, as well as "funny".

The Empty Man is the one I really want to pimp.  It's very good, but you have to let it jerk you around first.  It's long, like 2:20, also featuring probably Nobody You'd Know, and although I haven't read the graphic novel it's based on, I've read that it's a new departure, resting only loosely on the original, so readers won't be spoiled.

Reviewers are complaining about that jerking around.  Teasers for it are misleading, and the movie itself is also deliberately misleading to the audience, giving you clues (as it too is a kind of mystery) while taking you thru a series of what may be taken as parodies of genre movies for an hour or more before getting to the real story.  However, all that misleading was a necessary investment you have to allow the picture to do to pay off.  The conclusion is shocking and provocative, and should be of interest to participants here.


  • Drone Pilot
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Re: "The Kid Detective" - "The Empty Man" double feature
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2020, 06:57:31 PM »
A week ago the Warwick put up a weekend schedule for November.  Then as the week rolled around, they put up a new notice they were closed for the season.  I don't get that second slide, "We made it!  Thank you for your support."  That's like what WFMU would put up on reaching their pledge goal.  But the Warwick's for-profit!