What's with the half drunken, tops aren't even on liquid refreshments? Who knows what is growing in those cups. The mustard can stay. That M&M crunch thing probably has a half life of a couple of years. Might be tempting after midnight. I would definitely be putting up signs about rinse and stack your dirty plates, cups and utensils. Maybe a photograph out of Good Housekeeping to show proper loading and stacking protocol. I know some real dishwasher Nazis when it comes to loading technique
That's just the top right side. The open tops of drink containers that hold various amounts of whatever are a mystery to me. The m&m thing has been there for about 3 weeks. Odd thing about that is that it was set right up tight to the already 2-week-old burrito. This suggests that the owner of burrito added the m&m dessert yogurt for whenever she? planned on getting to it all. Mmm-Mm!
The dishwasher is less than 3 ft off to the side under the countertop. It was empty at the time of that picture. This is what I covered in #4. I don't have to unload the dishwasher but I do because the dishes are clean and I can load MY dirty dishes into so that somebody else doesn't have to deal with my mess.
Am I wrong about this? No.
Isn't there at least one other ElGabber that listens to somebody declaring herself an Art's Tart while committing chickencide?
(No, KSM did not put me up to this, but I thought he would have if I didn't act soon. 😁😁😁)
Timely fashion is duly noted.