I was listening to Clyde on Ground Zero last night where he had Jimmy Church on for a time. When did Clyde Lewis start kissing Jimmy Church’s butt so much? 🙄
They have been making kissy face for a while. I listen to pretty much all of Clyde’s shows, have done since around 2011ish, his gov stuff puts me off as I am not in the US, so it’s all a big car crash to me whichever slant is put on it. His stuff with Jimmy Church riles me a bit, so I tend to skip his segments. I never really liked him or his show, and even less since that shit with the Ouija board the other week which was in very poor taste even for a no hoper like Church. Apart from the fact they are both premiere rats, I don’t really understand why Clyde blots his copy book by having Church on the shows. I’d even prefer to listen to Hoagie over Church and I really can’t stand listening to Hoagie.