Rikki Gins Lounge > How To Use EllGab

What's missing?

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Bart Ell:
I have very little idea how SMF works and features may be missing. Let me know here and I will see what I can do to add them

Radio Activity:

--- Quote from: Bart Ell on July 05, 2018, 08:59:20 AM ---I have very little idea how SMF works and features may be missing. Let me know here and I will see what I can do to add them

--- End quote ---

Praise Bart Ell!

Is there a way that you can limit the size of linked images?  I think the current large size might annoy some users that have to scroll through them.  (And you know how I like to communicate via imagery - I don’t want to piss off people more than I already do!  ;))

Bart Ell:

--- Quote from: Bluejay on July 05, 2018, 11:54:30 AM ---Is there a way that you can limit the size of linked images?  I think the current large size might annoy some users that have to scroll through them.  (And you know how I like to communicate via imagery - I don’t want to piss off people more than I already do!  ;))

--- End quote ---

I installed a mod that is supposed to limit them to screen width. If that doesn't work I will look for something else

Dr. Deplorable:
New Posts button. Probably my most used button. ;)


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