My experience with Filipino cover singers has been limited to a couple of not very talented lounge lizards on a couple of cruises.
Oh, my dear friend WAN, you have NO idea. Karaoke here is as cherished to Filipinos as a banjo and a compliant hog is to
@PB . The Holy Trinity in this staunchly Catholic country is not Father/Son/Holy Spirit;; it's Food, San Miguel, and a Karaoke Machine. It is a low bar to clear, I assure you, and the Filipino love of partying is all the momentum that it needs.
I have heard karaoke while working in a business district; while fishing; while playing golf; while watching a funeral procession pass by. It seems that no one in this country sings on-key Some are so bad that you pray a merciful Creator to take away your ability to hear as you bleed out of your eyes, your ears, and your anus. "Not very talented" is good enough (pwede na 'yan) to get you gigs on cruise ships.
Why do Filipinos like Harum Scarum? Well, probably because they adore corny love songs. Regarding "Honestly" more specifically, it's the kind of song that a Filipino can shriek into a microphone, causing nearby plants to wither and small animals to faint, while at all times
feeling the emotion, baby.