Author Topic: That (Near) Perfect Album  (Read 2735 times)

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Billy Joe Mulgreavey

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That (Near) Perfect Album
« on: June 12, 2024, 12:08:39 PM »
Do you remember waiting for that new album to come out featuring one of your favorite musicians/bands?  You purchase it for what turns out to be a few great/good songs, the others being....meh.   But every once in awhile, an album comes out that you enjoyed in its entirety (or nearly, anyway).  Or maybe you discovered an older album, one before your time that really wowed you.  I can think of a few.  I'd like to know what your nearly perfect albums are and why.  Thank you.  I'll start out with one that came out slightly before my time:

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I was ten when this album came out.  I remember "Miss You," and "Beast of Burden" getting lots of play on the radio.  I grew up in a family who listed to country music for the most part so these tunes really blew me away.  A few year later, I purchased this LP and was really pleased with just about every song on it!  Keith's "Before They Make Me Run" really sounded great to me.  Later, I heard that this album came out during that time that Keith was supposedly putting his addictions behind him.  Some Girls remains my favorite Stones album amongst many great Stones albums and really set me off to seeking their music out, both past and future. 


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Re: That (Near) Perfect Album
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2024, 12:12:06 PM »
some girls was a great album. The girl with the far away eyes Was quite memorable too... The Rolling Stones do urban New York.

The zombies Odyssey and Oracle, the police synchronicity also are quite momentous albums

Eh, nevermind...

Billy Joe Mulgreavey

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Re: That (Near) Perfect Album
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2024, 12:16:25 PM »
some girls was a great album. The girl with the far away eyes Was quite memorable too... The Rolling Stones do urban New York.

The zombies Odyssey and Oracle, the police synchronicity also are quite momentous albums

"Far Away Eyes" was a great song.  I figured maybe my Ma would like it as it had a hokey country sound and mom was country as a chicken coop.  She didn't like it.  Haha.  Synchronicity was defo one I was going to cover.  A truly great album!


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Re: That (Near) Perfect Album
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2024, 01:09:13 PM »
"Far Away Eyes" was a great song.  I figured maybe my Ma would like it as it had a hokey country sound and mom was country as a chicken coop.  She didn't like it.  Haha.  Synchronicity was defo one I was going to cover.  A truly great album!

Have you been running any red lights in His honor?

Badfinger's "wish you were here" was lauded by reviewers as the 1970s version of Sergeant Pepper a bit of a stretch as I didn't really think pepper was much of an album except for the innovation.
Eh, nevermind...


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Re: That (Near) Perfect Album
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2024, 01:49:36 PM »
I pretty much enjoyed every song on Hagar's Standing Hampton album from 1982. I'm not even a huge Hagar guy but everything clicked there for me. Bought it for the Heavy Metal track but all the others were darn good as well.

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Re: That (Near) Perfect Album
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2024, 02:50:55 PM »


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Re: That (Near) Perfect Album
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2024, 03:53:44 PM »

Past, Present and Future by Al Stewart
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Bart Ell

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Re: That (Near) Perfect Album
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2024, 03:47:23 AM »
I pretty much enjoyed every song on Hagar's Standing Hampton album from 1982.

Sammy is older than Robert Plant.
Doesn't seem possible but it's true.

Perfect albums are rare.
Doing it twice in a row is dang near impossible.
Harem Scarem did it with their debut and Mood Swings.
Doing it twice in a row and only The Philippines noticing sounds like a lie.
Search YouTube for "Harem Scarem covers" and you will see thousands of Filipino singers and maybe three Canadians.
I bet even @HamsterMuscle knows Honestly.


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Re: That (Near) Perfect Album
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2024, 04:14:22 AM »
Sammy is older than Robert Plant.
Doesn't seem possible but it's true.

Perfect albums are rare.
Doing it twice in a row is dang near impossible.
Harem Scarem did it with their debut and Mood Swings.
Doing it twice in a row and only The Philippines noticing sounds like a lie.
Search YouTube for "Harem Scarem covers" and you will see thousands of Filipino singers and maybe three Canadians.
I bet even @HamsterMuscle knows Honestly.

Any encounters with Sammy, Bart? I'm guessing he is a pretty good dude in real life but that's just a guess.

I'll check out Harem Scarem. My experience with Filipino cover singers has been limited to a couple of not very talented lounge lizards on a couple of cruises.


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Re: That (Near) Perfect Album
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2024, 04:40:55 PM »
My experience with Filipino cover singers has been limited to a couple of not very talented lounge lizards on a couple of cruises.

Oh, my dear friend WAN, you have NO idea.  Karaoke here is as cherished to Filipinos as a banjo and a compliant hog is to @PB .  The Holy Trinity in this staunchly Catholic country is not Father/Son/Holy Spirit;; it's Food, San Miguel, and a Karaoke Machine.  It is a low bar to clear, I assure you, and the Filipino love of partying is all the momentum that it needs. 

I have heard karaoke while working in a business district; while fishing; while playing golf; while watching a funeral procession pass by.  It seems that no one in this country sings on-key  Some are so bad that you pray a merciful Creator to take away your ability to hear as you bleed out of your eyes, your ears, and your anus.  "Not very talented" is good enough (pwede na 'yan) to get you gigs on cruise ships. 

Why do Filipinos like Harum Scarum?  Well, probably because they adore corny love songs.  Regarding "Honestly" more specifically, it's the kind of song that a Filipino can shriek into a microphone, causing nearby plants to wither and small animals to faint, while at all times feeling the emotion, baby.


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Re: That (Near) Perfect Album
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2024, 05:19:49 PM »
Oh, my dear friend WAN, you have NO idea.  Karaoke here is as cherished to Filipinos as a banjo and a compliant hog is to @PB .  The Holy Trinity in this staunchly Catholic country is not Father/Son/Holy Spirit;; it's Food, San Miguel, and a Karaoke Machine.  It is a low bar to clear, I assure you, and the Filipino love of partying is all the momentum that it needs. 

I have heard karaoke while working in a business district; while fishing; while playing golf; while watching a funeral procession pass by.  It seems that no one in this country sings on-key  Some are so bad that you pray a merciful Creator to take away your ability to hear as you bleed out of your eyes, your ears, and your anus.  "Not very talented" is good enough (pwede na 'yan) to get you gigs on cruise ships. 

Why do Filipinos like Harum Scarum?  Well, probably because they adore corny love songs.  Regarding "Honestly" more specifically, it's the kind of song that a Filipino can shriek into a microphone, causing nearby plants to wither and small animals to faint, while at all times feeling the emotion, baby.

LoL. Perhaps I can experience it first hand someday. Palawan is on my bucket list.

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Re: That (Near) Perfect Album
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2024, 05:29:03 PM »
LoL. Perhaps I can experience it first hand someday. Palawan is on my bucket list.

Try to stay out of Metro Manila.  The tourist areas -- Palawan, for example -- have the highest incidents of foreigner kidnapping, because that's where foreigners can be reliably found.  I went to Davao several times, against the advice of friends, because what terrorist is going to look for a foreigner there?  Never had a problem, and got my picture taken with a cardboard cutout of Duterte shaking hands with me


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Re: That (Near) Perfect Album
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2024, 05:44:58 PM »
Try to stay out of Metro Manila.  The tourist areas -- Palawan, for example -- have the highest incidents of foreigner kidnapping, because that's where foreigners can be reliably found.  I went to Davao several times, against the advice of friends, because what terrorist is going to look for a foreigner there?  Never had a problem, and got my picture taken with a cardboard cutout of Duterte shaking hands with me

I'm not a big city kind of guy anyway so that would be easy. Sad about kidnappings - I've obviously need to educate myself more other than seeing videos and photos of a place and going "Wow. I'd love to visit some year". Davao is down south where the Moro are, right? It's my limited understanding that those troubles go back to the Spanish era.


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Re: That (Near) Perfect Album
« Reply #13 on: June 13, 2024, 07:11:24 PM »
Do you remember waiting for that new album to come out featuring one of your favorite musicians/bands?  You purchase it for what turns out to be a few great/good songs, the others being....meh.   But every once in awhile, an album comes out that you enjoyed in its entirety (or nearly, anyway).  Or maybe you discovered an older album, one before your time that really wowed you.  I can think of a few.  I'd like to know what your nearly perfect albums are and why.  Thank you.  I'll start out with one that came out slightly before my time:

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I was ten when this album came out.  I remember "Miss You," and "Beast of Burden" getting lots of play on the radio.  I grew up in a family who listed to country music for the most part so these tunes really blew me away.  A few year later, I purchased this LP and was really pleased with just about every song on it!  Keith's "Before They Make Me Run" really sounded great to me.  Later, I heard that this album came out during that time that Keith was supposedly putting his addictions behind him.  Some Girls remains my favorite Stones album amongst many great Stones albums and really set me off to seeking their music out, both past and future.

I too grew up listening to my father's country music.  I made friends with a guy a work that introduced me to rock, although he leaned towards Lynyrd Skynyrd and the Allmans.  One day after work we went to the record store, just browsing, and Vince pulls out Some Girls and says ''let's check out the new Stones album''.  Still my favorite Stones record, and they're still one of my favorite bands.  I still have my copy - with ALL the faces on the cover.

As far as Skynyrd, I like every track on every album (up the plane crash, not the stuff after that), and haven't heard a better live album.  We were going to see them when they got to Spokane.


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Re: That (Near) Perfect Album
« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2024, 07:14:11 PM »
This one absolutely took my HS by storm.

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