Rikki Gins Lounge > Announcements And Other Such Nonsense

Ask Bart Anything

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Dear Bart,

What is your prediction on the HLW fiasco?

Will she return to the airwaves, or will she not, and if so, when?

Bart Ell:
For those who like her show I hope she does...

Anyone would half a brain would tell her to forget this "network" nonsense and do a weekend show on her own Icecast account.  Make archives available via Patreon. No bumper music on the downloads.

Dear Bart,

Now that you've gotten to know this community through the eyes of a community leader, has your impression of us improved, or what?

Dear Bart,

Are there any plans for a hate button, so that the haters can hate?  The smite button is nice for passive/aggressive personalities, but what about the haters needs?

Bobs Your Uncle:
Hey Bart,
I'm having some pie.

In the form of a question: hey Bart, guest what I'm having?


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