It's our conversations that fire the dendrites.
Also, you may be the only person on the planet at this very moment reading an article on Plastic Flow and also on dichloromethane.
This happens to me, especially after a EG conversation.
Re: water color. It still changes, even in Dixie, to degrees of brown though in places with fake lakes, old gravel pits, or karst stuff (like here or in some of FLA) you can get crystal clear water. And, obviously, the salinity and "clearness" if fishing on the bays and bayous on rain, tides, etc.
A couple months ago someone I know was a marshal on the BASS tournament and said the lake was very clear but guys were catching them on surface lures. Fish would come up from the way deep. Also one day 100F and then a rainstorm one of the days and they still catch fish. The pros are amazing. He said the worst thing was how they drive. No comfort on boat and they 60mph+ bouncing all over the place, camera guy holding on for dear life, etc.