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Random Topics / Re: The 100 Years Ago Thread
« Last post by Bart Ell on Today at 05:24:17 AM »
Ethel & Edith
Random Topics / Re: The 100 Years Ago Thread
« Last post by TigerLily on Today at 03:50:30 AM »
Edith & Ethel
Random Topics / Re: The 100 Years Ago Thread
« Last post by Walks_At_Night on Today at 03:45:07 AM »
Edith & Ethel
Random Topics / Re: Aviation Thread
« Last post by Walks_At_Night on Today at 03:44:14 AM »
What a great story.

It sure is.  When I was a wee lad there were F-106's based nearby.  Great looking airplane.  That squadron had Rickenbacker's old Hat-in-the-Ring

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Random Topics / Re: The 100 Years Ago Thread
« Last post by JUAN on Today at 03:39:54 AM »
Ethel - Edith
Radio and Podcasts / Re: The Kingdom of Nyet with Heather Wade
« Last post by Walks_At_Night on Today at 03:35:45 AM »
I was friendly with Lou, he was a great guy.

That's good to know.  It sure seemed like he was and very sad that he died so young. 
Random Topics / Re: Whatever: The Open Lines Thread
« Last post by Walks_At_Night on Today at 03:25:31 AM »
Of the three laptops I've had the Lenovo was the absolute worst. It lasted 18 months.   Had an Asus that lasted 11 years. Only died because I threw it out a window. Landed in an open hot-tub.  The Acer's are pretty good but they do come with some easily removable bloat. Amazon FIRE tablets might be the worst offenders of all time.

Yeah Lenovo's stuff is hit and miss.  The Thinkpad laptops are usually very solid.  My employer provides them at work and they are quite good.  Personally I've had some of their other devices - most were ok and one was awful.  I worked for them for one year once a long time ago.  Didn't care for it too much and got out when I could.  Their Chinese CEO came to visit us once when I was there.  Any American CEO that I've worked for usually had a personal caddy type and a few nerds around them along with a couple of ex-special forces types out on the periphery.  The Lenovo dudes posse were all female.  All super model hot.  No political correctness there.   8) 
Random Topics / Re: The 100 Years Ago Thread
« Last post by Bobs Your Uncle on Today at 03:16:52 AM »
Edith & Ethel
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Coast to Coast AM with George Noory
« Last post by sean92008 on Today at 12:58:17 AM »
Anybody know how much Art's estate was worth and who got most of it?

I'm not a betting guy, oh, I am. Airyn got it all. I doubt Art Bell the 17th got anything, maybe a cursory amount. Ultimately, he probably has millions from the school district.

Art was listed as being worth something like $4M or $9M at one point. When I posted that In the old country, Art denied it. Considering his intellectual property rights, a lifestyle that didn't spend all the money, look at where he lived... My guess is that he was easily worth over $3 million if Irene didn't blow it all on her family, her boyfriend and gambling.

His payoff from the show and the old network, the book, the movie, the sale of the radio station, all his properties, his disability/veteran benefits probably helped out a bit...
Random Topics / Re: The 100 Years Ago Thread
« Last post by Rikki Gins on Today at 12:03:37 AM »
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For 200 points, is it, from left to right...

Edith & Ethel?
Ethel & Edith?
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