Lily, you know about Mother Love Bone, correct?
Seattle band, early 90's. Not quite grunge, but getting there. An LA-ish glam oh-so soft grunge band perhaps. If not for them you would not have had several of the bigger grunge bands that you love. Pearl Jam being the biggest and some say that Soundgarden would be another. All because of a little band that were only known around this area as well as Vancouver and Victoria where I was at the time.
I do not think it appropriate to share one of their videos because they do not
musically fit the criteria of the thread. They were almost like a bridge or a transition from LA to Seattle and they didn't even know it. That said; it needed to be brought up for what should seem like obvious reasons.
WAIT: Here's an afterthought. Being the flaming lefty that you are, should we now refer to
Mother Love Bone as,
Birthing Person Love Bone from here on out?
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