Last night Syrett had on a woman as his second guest of the night, an ET contactee who said the ETs had warned that our sun would produce a massive CME that would hit Earth within 2.5 years.
So anytime from now until late 2024...
She claimed the CME event would destroy all satellites in orbit and all houses with electric wiring would light on fire and burn up.
She recommended people learn how to grow your own food and have a source of water and live in a house without wiring to be ready for this time.
Sounds like communities like the Amish may be the only survivors?
She also said that after this CME event, sometime after the sun would have a "micro nova" that would then destroy all the rest of life on the Earth, but ETs would come after the CME event but before the micro-nova event to save some humans.
This all sounds similar to Major Ed Dames remote viewing of a future "solar kill shot" ?