Author Topic: Seeking Your Feedback on New Podcast - The Midnight Academy  (Read 3988 times)

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Hello fellow seekers,

It's been a while since I've participated on the boards, but I've been working on a new project that I'm really excited to share with all of you. You might know me as Dr. Heather Lynn, author, professor, and historian. Today, I'm here to introduce you to my podcast, The Midnight Academy.

The goal of The Midnight Academy is to bridge the divide between knowledge and belief. Through genuine curiosity and careful questioning, I delve into fringe topics with guests from a wide array of backgrounds, on subjects like consciousness, ancient history, philosophy, the supernatural, Aliens, and artificial intelligence.

I have a low-resolution and unedited version of the first episode that I'd love for you to listen to and critique. It was with Michael Le Flem, Historian and author of "Visions of Atlantis." It was my first time interviewing rather than being interviewed, so I said "um" a lot and rambled, but hopefully with each episode, I'll improve. I'm reaching out because I value your opinions and insights, and believe you will give me some honest feedback and criticism. I am unsure about things like whether to have an intro, outro, where to insert ads so they are not annoying, etc. I had planned to do perhaps an intro giving the guest's bio before the show, but didn't want it to sound too corporate like George sNoory Zzzzzz... It was an almost 2-hour interview that got to be a lot of fun toward the middle and end, so I know it may be a big ask for anyone to listen to it but I want to create something worth listening to. Again, any and all suggestions would be graciously accepted and appreciated.

Here are some of the guests I’ve interviewed so far for the first season:

- Michael Le Flem, Historian and author of "Visions of Atlantis"
- Bernard Haisch, Astrophysicist and director of the California Institute for Physics and Astrophysics. Author of "The Miracle of Our Universe: A New View of Consciousness, God, Science, and Reality"
- Graham Hancock, Bestselling author and speaker known for his insights into ancient history
- Thomas Lee, Curator of the Bruce Lee Museum and author of "The Bruce Lee Code: How the Dragon Mastered Business, Confidence, and Success"
- Matthew J. Louis, Lieutenant Colonel (USA Retired), West Point Graduate and Consultant on Hiring Veterans and Helping them get the jobs they deserve
- James Martin, Author of "Uncharted: A Rediscovered History of Voyages to the Americas Before Columbus"
- Jake Richards, Author of "Backwoods Witchcraft: Conjure & Folk Magic from Appalachia"
- Maureen Seaberg, Author of "The Synesthesia Experience: Tasting Words, Seeing Music, and Hearing Color. Explore the Creative World of Intersensory Phenomena"
- Jeff Belanger, Author of "The Fright Before Christmas: Surviving Krampus and Other Yuletide Monsters"
- Professor Zeus, Mystic Trap Rapper, Professor, and author
- Marie D. Jones, Screenwriter and author of numerous supernatural books
- Joseph Selbie, Author of "The Physics of God" and "Break Through the Limits of the Brain: Neuroscience, Inspiration, and Practices to Transform Your Life"

Your feedback, criticisms, and suggestions are not only welcome, they are needed. Like I said, this is a rough cut and all of the episodes will go through professional postproduction before they are on YouTube, Rumble, Spotify, Apple, iHeart, etc. I'm excited to hear what you have to say and look forward to learning from you. Thanks in advance for your help and taking the time. I hope to catch up with you all soon on the boards.

Dr. Heather Lynn

Here's the link to the first episode:


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Re: Seeking Your Feedback on New Podcast - The Midnight Academy
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2023, 08:15:09 AM »
Thanks for letting us know.  I found you interesting as a guest, so I'll give this a listen.
Merry Christmas - Nice things, and posts, are nicer than nasty things.


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Re: Seeking Your Feedback on New Podcast - The Midnight Academy
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2023, 08:28:24 AM »
I liked you as a guest. Best of luck on your new venture. I will listen tonight


  • KIDD
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Re: Seeking Your Feedback on New Podcast - The Midnight Academy
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2023, 08:34:24 AM »
Thanks for letting us know.  I found you interesting as a guest, so I'll give this a listen.

Thank you so much!!!

I have not shown it to anyone else. I reserved the very first look exclusively for EllGab because I thought no one else out there could give better criticism and feedback.


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Re: Seeking Your Feedback on New Podcast - The Midnight Academy
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2023, 08:38:05 AM »
This is great. That's quite a lineup so far so if that's any indication..  :)

I will definitely check out the first episode and more from there.

Bart Ell

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Re: Seeking Your Feedback on New Podcast - The Midnight Academy
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2023, 11:31:54 AM »
Again, any and all suggestions would be graciously accepted and appreciated.

Your setup, sound and lighting are great.
Lots of attention to detail.
The real challenge is to get the guests to up their game too.
Smokey Mike and his bouncy cam and mic are a big distraction.
I get that he may be in a Thai hostel without A/C that is making his cam look like he just applied a handful of vaseline to it but I am sure he has something handy to steady his setup. (I know he is in Mexico, calm down!)
Smokey Mike sure believes a bunch of things... I feel he is a man with an interesting crawlspace in his past.
I do find the conversation interesting but I am not sure I could last 2 hours with his bad sound if I was listening to the audio podcast direct into my earholes.
You could run the audio file through and he will end up sounding fantastic.
Do not use any files with music on that or it will try to change the music to speech.

I know it may be a big ask for anyone to listen to it but I want to create something worth listening to.

It's about time someone steps up wanting to do that.
I am in until you start trying to sell supplements.

Dr. Bart

Bart Ell

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Re: Seeking Your Feedback on New Podcast - The Midnight Academy
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2023, 11:45:44 AM »
Here is a short example of the improvement to his audio


  • KIDD
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Re: Seeking Your Feedback on New Podcast - The Midnight Academy
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2023, 11:53:13 AM »
Your setup, sound and lighting are great.
Lots of attention to detail.
The real challenge is to get the guests to up their game too.
Smokey Mike and his bouncy cam and mic are a big distraction.
I get that he may be in a Thai hostel without A/C that is making his cam look like he just applied a handful of vaseline to it but I am sure he has something handy to steady his setup. (I know he is in Mexico, calm down!)
Smokey Mike sure believes a bunch of things... I feel he is a man with an interesting crawlspace in his past.
I do find the conversation interesting but I am not sure I could last 2 hours with his bad sound if I was listening to the audio podcast direct into my earholes.
You could run the audio file through and he will end up sounding fantastic.
Do not use any files with music on that or it will try to change the music to speech.

It's about time someone steps up wanting to do that.
I am in until you start trying to sell supplements.

Dr. Bart

I am so honored to have your feedback Dr. Bart.  :) Thanks for the link too. I am using a few freelancers at the moment and they have given me some things to look at but I am currently interviewing for someone more permanent to help with post-production. My studio can host in-person interviews, so hopefully that will happen more often down the line.

Michael's shaking camera was driving me crazy too!!!  :-\ I've noticed that this may be a problem moving forward because when I interviewed the West Point guy and his setup was great, but Michael's was, unfortunately, the worst. I had another guest that had a corny green screen background and started to fade away into the scene!

Someone suggested that if the guest looks terrible then I should just stream myself interviewing them but that seems boring too. Maybe I should use graphics of their book or press photo; integrate visuals pertaining to the topic. Again, just ideating and problem-solving. I am very grateful for your input Bart!!!!

Too bad about the supplements. I have a supplement in development that improves both "male vitality" and "brain support." It's called DickHead. Oh well. Maybe I can just stick to selling gold and storable foods.


  • KIDD
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Re: Seeking Your Feedback on New Podcast - The Midnight Academy
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2023, 11:54:44 AM »
Here is a short example of the improvement to his audio


Bart Ell

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Re: Seeking Your Feedback on New Podcast - The Midnight Academy
« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2023, 12:05:35 PM »
Someone suggested that if the guest looks terrible then I should just stream myself interviewing them but that seems boring too.

You could minimize the annoyance.

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  • KIDD
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Re: Seeking Your Feedback on New Podcast - The Midnight Academy
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2023, 12:09:24 PM »
You could minimize the annoyance.

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That's a really good idea!


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Re: Seeking Your Feedback on New Podcast - The Midnight Academy
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2023, 12:39:16 PM »
If you are going to have guests in studio, might be good to have someone operating the camera like these guys do.  Focuses on the guests. Focuses on the hosts.  Shows all three of them together. Seems to work better than just a static setup.  Cigars, black wall paint and booze are optional.  ;)


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Re: Seeking Your Feedback on New Podcast - The Midnight Academy
« Reply #12 on: June 14, 2023, 12:47:52 PM »

Here are some of the guests I’ve interviewed so far for the first season:

- Michael Le Flem, Historian and author of "Visions of Atlantis"
- Bernard Haisch, Astrophysicist and director of the California Institute for Physics and Astrophysics. Author of "The Miracle of Our Universe: A New View of Consciousness, God, Science, and Reality"
- Graham Hancock, Bestselling author and speaker known for his insights into ancient history
- Thomas Lee, Curator of the Bruce Lee Museum and author of "The Bruce Lee Code: How the Dragon Mastered Business, Confidence, and Success"
- Matthew J. Louis, Lieutenant Colonel (USA Retired), West Point Graduate and Consultant on Hiring Veterans and Helping them get the jobs they deserve
- James Martin, Author of "Uncharted: A Rediscovered History of Voyages to the Americas Before Columbus"
- Jake Richards, Author of "Backwoods Witchcraft: Conjure & Folk Magic from Appalachia"
- Maureen Seaberg, Author of "The Synesthesia Experience: Tasting Words, Seeing Music, and Hearing Color. Explore the Creative World of Intersensory Phenomena"
- Jeff Belanger, Author of "The Fright Before Christmas: Surviving Krampus and Other Yuletide Monsters"
- Professor Zeus, Mystic Trap Rapper, Professor, and author
- Marie D. Jones, Screenwriter and author of numerous supernatural books
- Joseph Selbie, Author of "The Physics of God" and "Break Through the Limits of the Brain: Neuroscience, Inspiration, and Practices to Transform Your Life"

Might want lead off with whomever is the most dynamic, engaging guest for episode one.  There might be better options than Mr. Le Flem.


  • KIDD
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Re: Seeking Your Feedback on New Podcast - The Midnight Academy
« Reply #13 on: June 14, 2023, 01:15:35 PM »
If you are going to have guests in studio, might be good to have someone operating the camera like these guys do.  Focuses on the guests. Focuses on the hosts.  Shows all three of them together. Seems to work better than just a static setup.  Cigars, black wall paint and booze are optional.  ;)

Their studio is beautiful. I have a guy who is going to come set up my other cameras and help with a few things. I will show him this video.


  • KIDD
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Re: Seeking Your Feedback on New Podcast - The Midnight Academy
« Reply #14 on: June 14, 2023, 01:26:59 PM »
Might want lead off with whomever is the most dynamic, engaging guest for episode one.  There might be better options than Mr. Le Flem.

Noted. I am open to guest suggestions, as well. I have a genuine interest in these topics and have for decades so I am looking for primarily standard woo, but I am steering clear of totally over-the-top nonsense like the guy who thinks he is a reincarnated time-traveling dolphin, etc. I want to throw in a few non-woo guests too just to mix things up a bit.