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Discussing Frequent C2C Callers
« on: July 29, 2023, 07:28:55 AM »
Most of the calls I hear are from when Art was still there as Art shows are primarily the only shows I ever listen to.

On a show that was on a few nights ago, both Fritz from Phoenix and Olan from Culver City and both were absolutely nauseating. I don't know whatever happened to these guys along with several other repeat callers but they seemed to all fade out by the end of the 90's, thus making way for even more eyeroll type calls.

And who is/was Joyce from New Jersey? Tinfoil hats ETC and claimed her X-husband worked with alien craft and such.


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Re: Discussing Frequent C2C Callers
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2023, 07:57:51 AM »

Looking at the current C2C thread there does seem to be more repeat callers than ever, and they do not all seem to be dealing with a full deck - so-to-speak.


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Re: Discussing Frequent C2C Callers
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2023, 12:47:08 PM »
I would like to know too.

The occasional caller would give a lot of clues making them searchable. Case in point is the organic farmer who called Art. Turns out they suddenly stopped posting on social media in 2020 and the property is now littered with homes. Stephenie Caughlin and her husband ran it, one of them must have died.

Doc Democrat would be an interesting find. Art certainly attracted a much more intelligent and engaged audience. Another reason to miss him and be disgusted by Dave Norway.

Come to think of it, unscreened calls and the overall quality was just so far superior compared to the screened calls.
Eh, nevermind...


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Re: Discussing Frequent C2C Callers
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2023, 12:55:20 PM »
I would like to know too.

The occasional caller would give a lot of clues making them searchable. Case in point is the organic farmer who called Art. Turns out they suddenly stopped posting on social media in 2020 and the property is now littered with homes. Stephenie Caughlin and her husband ran it, one of them must have died.

Doc Democrat would be an interesting find. Art certainly attracted a much more intelligent and engaged audience. Another reason to miss him and be disgusted by Dave Norway.

Come to think of it, unscreened calls and the overall quality was just so far superior compared to the screened calls.

Oh, yeah.. Doc democrat  ::)   Definitely an eyeroll caller. he called alot from 95-98 but mostly in 96 because it was an election year. Most of the usual callers were calling in most often in 96 because of that.

Wasn't there a rumor that Bateman was the old lady New Jersey character?

Agreed on the screened calls.


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Re: Discussing Frequent C2C Callers
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2023, 01:16:15 PM »
Oh, yeah.. Doc democrat  ::)   Definitely an eyeroll caller. he called alot from 95-98 but mostly in 96 because it was an election year. Most of the usual callers were calling in most often in 96 because of that.

Wasn't there a rumor that Bateman was the old lady New Jersey character?

Agreed on the screened calls.

Balls or no balls?

@bateman ???
Eh, nevermind...


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Re: Discussing Frequent C2C Callers
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2023, 01:43:43 PM »
In later years, Andy (Jazmunda) would call in often.

Not a fan. Never was.


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Re: Discussing Frequent C2C Callers
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2023, 02:23:33 PM »
I wonder if Charlie the Liberal (so infamous the l is capitalized) is still kickin'.

Ditto for the original J.C..


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Re: Discussing Frequent C2C Callers
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2023, 04:19:41 PM »
I wonder if Charlie the Liberal (so infamous the l is capitalized) is still kickin'.

Ditto for the original J.C..

I wonder if there's a log floating around that Ramona (RIP) or Art kept with caller IDs and names... Prolly not, but Danheiser does.
Eh, nevermind...


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Re: Discussing Frequent C2C Callers
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2023, 05:13:15 PM »
I wonder if there's a log floating around that Ramona (RIP) or Art kept with caller IDs and names... Prolly not, but Danheiser does.
Ahh  Interesting..

I wonder if Charlie the Liberal (so infamous the l is capitalized) is still kickin'.

Ditto for the original J.C..

Yes. JC #1 I believe was legit. First call was about bigfoot where JC says "You're a grown man and you're talkin' about bigfoot!"

I'll just assume that Charlie is still above room temperature. He's one I couldn't stand and yet when he called in things were usually fun. Several debates too. Another 1996 mainstay caller.


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Re: Discussing Frequent C2C Callers
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2023, 06:21:23 PM »
There was also a regular caller with Art in the 90s called "Steve"
He would claim he was a time traveler and also a member of some galactic federation.

Then there was a caller that several times got in with Art and he claimed to be the antichrist and that he had six fingers on each hand.

Uncle Duke

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Re: Discussing Frequent C2C Callers
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2023, 10:33:20 PM »
There was also a regular caller with Art in the 90s called "Steve"
He would claim he was a time traveler and also a member of some galactic federation.

Then there was a caller that several times got in with Art and he claimed to be the antichrist and that he had six fingers on each hand.

Great memory, Morgus. I'd forgotten about the six fingered antichrist.  At the time I remember wondering if he was one of Bell's shill callers. He was kinda creepy.

The other caller I liked was the guy who claimed he was an admiral in some world space organization.  Like Bill the AAA, he tended to call in when the guest was talking spaceflight or something to do with space exploration.  He'd launch into a rant/speech about how whatever was being discussed needed to be run by his group. I think he got on the air with both Bell and Noory over the years.


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Re: Discussing Frequent C2C Callers
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2023, 06:46:01 AM »
There was also a regular caller with Art in the 90s called "Steve"
He would claim he was a time traveler and also a member of some galactic federation.

Then there was a caller that several times got in with Art and he claimed to be the antichrist and that he had six fingers on each hand.

Oh that's right! And for a while the ongoing joke was that we need to get rid of the "Steve's" of the world. Again, 95 - 99

Reminds me of Dan From Idaho Falls who claimed to wear many hats, but the main one was that the US was holding off the supernova under his (Dan's) direction. He had a very mundane way of speaking and every time he called in Art sounded like he'd never heard the guy before, but sure enough Dan would go into something about how he was connected with or in charge of some alphabet agency ETC that was doing the earth a great service and saving all its inhabitants.


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Re: Discussing Frequent C2C Callers
« Reply #12 on: July 30, 2023, 09:17:16 AM »
There was also a man who was announce "      , from Sedona".  I can't recall his first name.  He was not really a wonky caller, as he usually asked interesting questions and made some "Good Points."  At least that is what Norry would remark. 


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Re: Discussing Frequent C2C Callers
« Reply #13 on: July 30, 2023, 10:23:02 AM »
There was also a man who was announce "      , from Sedona".  I can't recall his first name.  He was not really a wonky caller, as he usually asked interesting questions and made some "Good Points."  At least that is what Norry would remark.

@Dateline Blair, From Sedona. That sound right?  Yeah he wasn't too bad.


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Re: Discussing Frequent C2C Callers
« Reply #14 on: July 31, 2023, 10:10:01 AM »
Oh, yeah.. Doc democrat  ::)   Definitely an eyeroll caller. he called alot from 95-98 but mostly in 96 because it was an election year. Most of the usual callers were calling in most often in 96 because of that.

Wasn't there a rumor that Bateman was the old lady New Jersey character?

Agreed on the screened calls.

Yesterday U7 radio aired a show from I believe 5/27/1994.  Art raging against the gun grab response to some shootings was one of the takeaways.  Anyway, Doc called in and offered a weak but hopeful defense of future prisoner Dan Rostenkowski, a Democratic House member from Illinois who probably did get the shaft.  Later in the call Doc asked if Art had heard about (game show host) Bob Barker and his affair with co-worker Diane Parkinson.  Diane had accused Ol' Bob of sexual harassment, and Doc finally got around to what was probably his main purpose for calling.  He said Diane would settle out of court if "the price is right".  Art totally missed the joke.