Author Topic: Screen Mirroring  (Read 1823 times)

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  • Evil Temptress
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Screen Mirroring
« on: February 18, 2024, 08:16:04 AM »
Anyone know of a good, stable, streamline screen mirroring app/system that allows one to mirror from the phone to TV?
Windows phone link does everything BUT stream video from the interwebz.


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Re: Screen Mirroring
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2024, 10:00:33 AM »
Anyone know of a good, stable, streamline screen mirroring app/system that allows one to mirror from the phone to TV?
Windows phone link does everything BUT stream video from the interwebz.

I have used for Android with my Roku. Ebaums works OK although sometimes the advertisements loop and you have to dig down to find the actual video on some websites (like Russian movie streamers, sports hackers, porn and click bait crap).
Eh, nevermind...


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Switching to iOS, for the last time...
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2024, 10:31:26 AM »
By the way, I'll piggyback my little topic on your lame thread there, @KSM...

For the second time in 4 months, I will be buying an iPhone. The first time I had it, I knew I was not going to like the keyboard interface as I constantly complain about it I get somebody else's device in my hands. Even with keyboard familiarity, the iPhone took considerably longer for me to do even a simple tech report. Since I had an Android option, I just switched back.

My Android is just getting overwhelmed every time it does Android Auto connection to my car's infotainment system. It also locks up my operating system for a good minute while connecting and disconnecting. I wanted to take a video of something and the stupid thing was locked up. So I have acquiesced with the idea that this is it, no going back.

I tried to get myself into a Samsung 24 ultra, but that too was frustrating and not much better than my old Android.
Eh, nevermind...


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Re: No Hijacking My Thread
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2024, 02:44:42 PM »
I have used for Android with my Roku. Ebaums works OK although sometimes the advertisements loop and you have to dig down to find the actual video on some websites (like Russian movie streamers, sports hackers, porn and click bait crap).
Interesting. I'll look into that.

By the way, I'll piggyback my little topic on your lame thread there, @KSM...

For the second time in 4 months, I will be buying an iPhone. The first time I had it, I knew I was not going to like the keyboard interface as I constantly complain about it I get somebody else's device in my hands. Even with keyboard familiarity, the iPhone took considerably longer for me to do even a simple tech report. Since I had an Android option, I just switched back.

My Android is just getting overwhelmed every time it does Android Auto connection to my car's infotainment system. It also locks up my operating system for a good minute while connecting and disconnecting. I wanted to take a video of something and the stupid thing was locked up. So I have acquiesced with the idea that this is it, no going back.

I tried to get myself into a Samsung 24 ultra, but that too was frustrating and not much better than my old Android.

You and your damn phone stuff. Hijacking my "lame thread" lol


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Re: Screen Mirroring
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2024, 02:56:33 PM »
Apple and Vizio and ESPN  have some kind of app that is supposed to let me stream one of those bottom feeder ESPN channels to my tv.  There was a football game I wanted to see.  It was horrible. Drop outs, audio and video not in sync, video freezing.  I turned it off and listened on good, dependable AM radio.
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Re: No Hijacking My Thread
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2024, 02:59:53 PM »

You and your damn phone stuff. Hijacking my "lame thread" lol

You agree!  There's hope yet.
Eh, nevermind...


  • Evil Temptress
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Re: Screen Mirroring
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2024, 07:00:55 PM »
Apple and Vizio and ESPN  have some kind of app that is supposed to let me stream one of those bottom feeder ESPN channels to my tv.  There was a football game I wanted to see.  It was horrible. Drop outs, audio and video not in sync, video freezing.  I turned it off and listened on good, dependable AM radio.
I have ESPN Plus and it's absolutely horrific! It drops, it buffers, it times out and cannot be refreshed. I rented a UFC fight about 6 weeks ago and had guests over and.. wanna take a guess on what happened while watching?

Had to reboot the computer once. Had to re-sign-in twice, and had to close app altogether to completely start over once. I would have rather taken all four of us out for $79 of pizza and beer. ESPN is owned by Disney................. of course it is. I just want to get through my Van Canucks season even though the same problems continue.