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Random Topics / Re: The 100 Years Ago Thread
« Last post by Rikki Gins on Today at 12:20:29 AM »
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Carmichael - Bart Ell
Collins - Bobs Your Uncle, MAX, Mr Apnea, KSM & TigerLily
Greaver - JUAN

Alarmed - Mr Apnea
Startled - Bart Ell, Bobs Your Uncle, MAX, KSM & TigerLily
Surprised - JUAN

Casino - Mr Apnea
Library - Bart Ell & MAX
Museum - JUAN & KSM
Theatre - Bobs Your Uncle & TigerLily

Three - Bart Ell, MAX, Mr Apnea & KSM
Four - JUAN, Bobs Your Uncle & TigerLily

"No, of course not" - Bart Ell, Bobs Your Uncle & TigerLily
"No, but did the cat get your tongue?"
"No, as long as you just want to talk." - JUAN, MAX & KSM
"Yes, I do mind."
"Yes, because you give me the creeps." - Mr Apnea

@Bart Ell: 300 points
@KSM: 300 points
@Bobs Your Uncle: 200 points
@TigerLily: 200 POINTS
@Mr Apnea: 100 POINTS

Random Topics / Ed Sullivan -- It was 61 Years ago Today !
« Last post by Up All Night on February 08, 2025, 11:37:50 PM »
I remember watching from the living room with my family there also.

On Feb. 9, 1964, the Beatles made their first live American television appearance on “The Ed Sullivan Show,” broadcast from New York on CBS. The quartet played five songs, including “She Loves You” and “I Want to Hold Your Hand,” to a crowd of screaming teenagers in person and more than 70 million viewers across the country.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Refuting Douglas Dietrich
« Last post by Pelayo on February 08, 2025, 09:38:56 PM »
Stupid ass ddd talks about 'high born" and "low born" historical leaders. I know some douche told you ddd that if you comported yourself as if you were "high born" people will treat you as such. Well ddd, you comport yourself like a Chinese trash piece of shit and therefore I will treat you accordingly.
Art Bell's Time Capsule / Re: The Legendary Art Bell
« Last post by sean92008 on February 08, 2025, 08:45:24 PM »
On tonight's Somewhere In Time, an earlier version of this website was referenced. The guy, John Daly, died 20 years ago. I was expecting to see this on the wayback machine, but somebody has it alive at a different URL...
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Refuting Douglas Dietrich
« Last post by Pelayo on February 08, 2025, 08:39:27 PM »
Shut up ddd, it's not Grunland and it's not Panyuma. Your fake accents are totally cringeworthy. You confirm you are an idiot every show.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Refuting Douglas Dietrich
« Last post by Pelayo on February 08, 2025, 08:35:04 PM »
@4:03:00 ddd says Trump wants to deport people via the enemy aliens act. Well, if ddd's mom was half jap during the war, and his daddy was Hitler, I guess that is a good reason to deport ddd. See ya ddd!
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Refuting Douglas Dietrich
« Last post by Pelayo on February 08, 2025, 08:15:58 PM »
Sorry ddd, your mommy wasn't an Asian aristocrat, she was a Taiwanese bar girl. And your daddy wasn't Adolf Hitler, he was an ordinary Naval enlisted officer. You can live in your fantasy world, but I don't have to.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Refuting Douglas Dietrich
« Last post by Pelayo on February 08, 2025, 08:12:15 PM »
Of course you don't speak the native language of those of the call centers. Because you speak English, and nothing else. And you don't even speak it well. You speak it like a Chinese trash piece of shit.
Random Topics / Re: Random, stupid things on your mind
« Last post by sean92008 on February 08, 2025, 07:57:08 PM »
This is sooo wrong. This is the type of woman you want on the streets...  Badass!

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Refuting Douglas Dietrich
« Last post by Pelayo on February 08, 2025, 07:56:40 PM »
@3:37:00 ddd says we want clean air and water. Then why doesn't he rag on the Chinese who pollute the Earth like there's no tomorrow? Because he is a racist traitor who still thinks it's cool to blame everything on white males. Get with the times idiot. If anybody can be blamed for America's problems, it's the over-abundance of lazy, narcissistic mama's boys like you ddd who refuse to support themselves and expect the state to supply their needs. And no ddd, your big lie that the japs won WW2 doesn't count as work and you'll never get a Nobel prize for it
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