i agree with it. i also want the legalization of all drugs. reason:
stop violence from black marketeers protecting their "turf". this results in to many innocent people getting injured or killed. 1 innocent getting killed by criminal gangs over drugs is one to many. stop this violence.
people will do drugs regardless of the legal status of their drug of choice.
move drug production from criminal gangs that use any and all means to protect their wares, to domestic controlled production so at least the drug will be of consistent quality, helping to avoid overdoses.
this takes all the money out of the black market and puts the products into a taxable form (although i am against most taxes, but thats another rant).
im not sure why alcohol and tobacco are legal (accounting for associated diseases , the #1 and #2 killer of people worldwide) and these others are not "legal". and i am as anti alcohol as they come. reasons are for another thread.
That’s almost the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever heard. That’s basically saying let’s sell crack and heroine at the 7-11 to little jimmy the high school kid.
If you really want to buy “illegal†drugs, yes you can find them. What we don’t need is marketing and availability right in front of someone’s face. Had a bad day? Try some crack! - Now comes in cherry and bubble gum flavor.
Statistically there are very few crimes committed over just beer and cigarette money. It’s a shame that idiots are aloud to reproduce...