@Whistler Thank you for that! I don't know where I read it but it did say that googall is storing all users history until 2038. Whatever that means.. I will now check out the second article
PS I don't know what the hell to make of your new avatar
@LOL(Off Tangent: Did you know your registration # is also the C.I.D. of a killer, screaming, Pontiac mill ?
Well, this place keeps getting referred to as the 'Cat-Lady' site, so... .
As luck would have it, I came across that pic on a defunct Operating System - an Amiga clone - and I couldn't resist lifting it for an avatar.
(No, I'm not into furries.)
It's a kinky S & M Cat-Lady, shot across the bow - in good (?) humor.
And, look at the happy anticipation on 'Tux'es face.
Heh, heh, heh.