Author Topic: Coast to Coast AM with George Noory  (Read 1035060 times)

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Re: Coast to Coast AM with George Noory
« Reply #2670 on: July 02, 2021, 01:22:49 AM »
Noory ended her interview with his usual awkwardness. He asked her when her book was released, she giggled 'Today, July 1st'  - now a normal person would have responded with 'wow, hot off the press huh, good luck with it Stephanie'  nope not Noory,  all he's got is his go to inane thing with the calendar 'Jeesh, can you believe it's July already? The year is just flying by.'  It doesn't matter what the date is, once it's February you're going to get Noory's disbelief how fast time is going - it's really not that he's obsessed with the quickness of the year, it's just him having absolutely nothing interesting to say.

Ha!  I missed that because I tuned out.  Same ol' George. 


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Re: Coast to Coast AM with George Noory
« Reply #2671 on: July 02, 2021, 01:38:03 AM »
She felt threatened. It could have been fatal! He was going to bore her to death! 😁
Very funny.  But I could have sworn he got an order against her first. 


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Re: Coast to Coast AM with George Noory
« Reply #2672 on: July 02, 2021, 01:43:06 AM »
George was giving news about how break-ins were up 700% in San Francisco. He follows up by saying I guess they're breaking into cars to take things or some other stupid, inane, thing. Why didn't he refer to the fact that they are not putting people in jail for stealing stuff anymore? There is no more law enforcement for that stuff.

I think George is part of the evil plot to stupidify America so it can be handed over to the totalitarian Communist and fascist dictator types.
True that theft is not prosecuted.  When my SUV was stolen, I had to persist for a year before finally someone new answered the phone & agreed to prosecute.  But she could only get 30 days.  Better than nothing.


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Re: Coast to Coast AM with George Noory
« Reply #2673 on: July 02, 2021, 01:44:53 AM »

oh brother, he and Tommy have been shilling that Everett Washington live show for weeks, they claim ticket sales are through the roof - sure they are, the theater only seats 800 yet here they are having to keep selling it hard. September, just in time for the big Delta Variant wave. 800 old people crammed in a theater for 2-3 hours. Noory won't be happy until he kills some of his listeners.


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Re: Coast to Coast AM with George Noory
« Reply #2674 on: July 02, 2021, 01:58:37 AM »
I wonder what George does in his personal time.  I don't mean going to restaurants, etc.  Just alone time.  You know, come home, change clothes, plop yourself down on the couch or recliner, make a snack and turn on the TV.  Does he just sit in his boxers watching Twilight Zone reruns while munching on popcorn or Doritos?  Then before he goes to bed he combs his mustache and when he wakes up he does it again.  Inquiring minds want to know.


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Re: Coast to Coast AM with George Noory
« Reply #2675 on: July 02, 2021, 02:47:04 AM »
i just couldn't believe neither Noory or her encouraged him to see a doctor. And while I'm not a doctor either I don't think very brief contact with glyphosate would cause cancer - people who get cancers from toxic chemicals usually are exposed to them over a long period.
If they ingest it though, then it's serious.  A neighbor put round up on my organic garden, which my 3 cats ate greens from directly.  All the cats got very sick and had to be treated.  The one who ate the most died of a liver mass 4 years later.  It was awful.


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Re: Coast to Coast AM with George Noory
« Reply #2676 on: July 02, 2021, 02:48:17 AM »
I wonder what George does in his personal time.  I don't mean going to restaurants, etc.  Just alone time.  You know, come home, change clothes, plop yourself down on the couch or recliner, make a snack and turn on the TV.  Does he just sit in his boxers watching Twilight Zone reruns while munching on popcorn or Doritos?  Then before he goes to bed he combs his mustache and when he wakes up he does it again.  Inquiring minds want to know.
Rich people have technology beyond our wildest dreams.  He's probably reading your mind.  But he sounds like he spent as much time with his grandchildren as possible before she moved away.  I don't understand why he didn't just move house with her parents and all go to the same area.  Surely they can afford 2 moves.  But no, he was mournful about losing her, on the show.  He says he does watch a lot of movies.  I doubt his cookbook of late night snacks is real.  Between stints writing for Newsmax, Beyond Belief, Events and Virtual Events, Book Writing, Making Appearances for Interviews, and who knows what else, he probably just goes straight to bed a lot of days - it's obvious from his face he doesn't get much sleep.  Disdainful, if you ask me.  No one needs to work that hard except once in a while.  It's not necessary.


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Re: Coast to Coast AM with George Noory
« Reply #2677 on: July 02, 2021, 02:54:34 AM »
Noory ended her interview with his usual awkwardness. He asked her when her book was released, she giggled 'Today, July 1st'  - now a normal person would have responded with 'wow, hot off the press huh, good luck with it Stephanie'  nope not Noory,  all he's got is his go to inane thing with the calendar 'Jeesh, can you believe it's July already? The year is just flying by.'  It doesn't matter what the date is, once it's February you're going to get Noory's disbelief how fast time is going - it's really not that he's obsessed with the quickness of the year, it's just him having absolutely nothing interesting to say.
They never used to say the show was pre-recorded.  Now they say it all the time.  Now that they are required to say it's pre-recorded, they have an incentive to pre-record even more, since everyone knows now.


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Re: Coast to Coast AM with George Noory
« Reply #2678 on: July 02, 2021, 03:30:47 AM »
I never saw any lawsuits.
Oh.  I guess I didn't look hard enough.  Thanks for pointing that out.  Why wouldn't a rich man clear up things like this?


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Re: Coast to Coast AM with George Noory
« Reply #2679 on: July 02, 2021, 05:10:04 AM »
I laughed at your 'old man jeans' comment.  ;D  I heard that caller as well and wondered why the hell didn't he go to a doctor.  Anyway, the guest has some serious credentials and I'm trying to figure out why she's talking about medical issues.  Well, then again, she has a degree in Biophysics and a book to sell.

It's her bread and butter. I first heard about her last year with the Roundup worsens Covid theory. The farmer grows corn and uses Roundup which is all in the corn. The corn is turned into ethanol which is mixed with gasoline and combusted. The resulting exhaust floats around and you suck it in and then when you get exposed to the virus, the Roundup hooks up with the virus in your lungs and has a party.


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Re: Coast to Coast AM with George Noory
« Reply #2680 on: July 02, 2021, 06:23:06 AM »

...I'm surprised Noory didn't recommend that the caller contact Doc Wallett to help with his rash.
Or at least tell him to pound down several dozen eggs a day with lots of tooomeric.
AntaÅ­en kamaradoj!

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Re: Coast to Coast AM with George Noory
« Reply #2681 on: July 02, 2021, 07:30:07 AM »
oh brother, he and Tommy have been shilling that Everett Washington live show for weeks, they claim ticket sales are through the roof - sure they are, the theater only seats 800 yet here they are having to keep selling it hard. September, just in time for the big Delta Variant wave. 800 old people crammed in a theater for 2-3 hours. Noory won't be happy until he kills some of his listeners.
The last I heard, Snorge hadn’t gotten a Covid vaccine and wasn’t planning to.  Yet he’s planning to croon away at this “packed” event?  I’d think he’d be concerned about his own exposure.
AntaÅ­en kamaradoj!

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Re: Coast to Coast AM with George Noory
« Reply #2682 on: July 02, 2021, 07:40:27 AM »
The last I heard, Snorge hadn’t gotten a Covid vaccine and wasn’t planning to.  Yet he’s planning to croon away at this “packed” event?  I’d think he’d be concerned about his own exposure.

Maybe Snorge knows something we don't?  Perhaps hair dye is a preventative against Covid.  ???


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Re: Coast to Coast AM with George Noory
« Reply #2683 on: July 02, 2021, 07:44:00 AM »
Noory ended her interview with his usual awkwardness. He asked her when her book was released, she giggled 'Today, July 1st'  - now a normal person would have responded with 'wow, hot off the press huh, good luck with it Stephanie'  nope not Noory,  all he's got is his go to inane thing with the calendar 'Jeesh, can you believe it's July already? The year is just flying by.'  It doesn't matter what the date is, once it's February you're going to get Noory's disbelief how fast time is going - it's really not that he's obsessed with the quickness of the year, it's just him having absolutely nothing interesting to say.

He ha to have been furnished with an advance copy of the book they send out to reviewers, show hosts they hope will interviewer them, and so on.  He had to have received an email or something on the background of the author, a line or two of what it's about, AND THE RELEASE DATE OF THE BOOK.

We know he doesn't read the books, now we know he doesn't even read the background material the guest's promotor sends out.  I think Tommy asks them for a list of questions George should ask, and they add George's cue cards to the stack, then snore the show away.


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Re: Coast to Coast AM with George Noory
« Reply #2684 on: July 02, 2021, 11:41:34 AM »
Noory ended her interview with his usual awkwardness. He asked her when her book was released, she giggled 'Today, July 1st'  - now a normal person would have responded with 'wow, hot off the press huh, good luck with it Stephanie'  nope not Noory,  all he's got is his go to inane thing with the calendar 'Jeesh, can you believe it's July already? The year is just flying by.'  It doesn't matter what the date is, once it's February you're going to get Noory's disbelief how fast time is going - it's really not that he's obsessed with the quickness of the year, it's just him having absolutely nothing interesting to say.
Snorge... the preprogrammed idiot bot.

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AntaÅ­en kamaradoj!

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