No. I did not know.
I'm working it over the scenario in my mind trying to relate it to myself. Say I have an OBE and boogie on into say Hot Wheels's bedroom in the still of the night and manifest there. She wakes up in horror and disgust and I float the hell out of there. Then what? Do I tell others about this happening as apparently Strieber did? If I do, what about when Hot Wheels's finds out? Does she file a harassment claim or is she okay with it?
I still have to laugh at "float the hell out of there."
Anyway, you probably shouldn't say anything. Kind of like if you walk in on somebody by accident, undressing, compromising position, etc. Just put it aside and avoid eye contact if you meet again or pretend it didn't happen.
How would one file a harassment claim in that situation? "Yes, someone just materialized in my room, stood over me, then floated away."
What I wonder is if Strieber materialized in the nude. No visual...just wondering. I guess, YES.