lol so soooo limited an intellect. i half listened tonight in and out of sleep. Noory was interviewing some soft spoken British man about ghosts in England, you know at some point in any Noory interview he's going to come up completely empty whereupon his lizard brain is going to kick in, make some crude connections and spit out a question that leaves the guest speechless - 'The movie Christmas Carol, the ghosts of Christmas Future and Past ........... what do you know about them?' Guest of course was taken aback by the ridiculous out of left field question and had to reorient himself and give some kind of answer.
I really mean it when I talk about his lizard brain, the oldest part of our brains, very basic functions - A Christmas Carol is one of a very limited collection of cultural artifacts stored in his memory, can't be more inside there than about 25 items - so he's sitting there behind his microphone trying to do an interview and since he does absolutely no preparation at some point he will have no question ready so his primitive brain kicks in 'seeking .... England ....... waiting .... and ...... or ........ ghost ..... retrieving ........ ' and out pops the inane A Christmas Carol question.
I think he bailed on the guest early, took no calls from listeners with questions for the guest and went to open phone.
Thomas from La Jolla called in, Noory greeted him with great fanfare - even Thomas was surprised by Noory's over the top flattery, Thomas after his trademark sycophantic 'Thank you so much for accepting my call' told George that he doesn't call in to be a celebrity or 'build my brand', he's just a curious guy who wants to ask questions of guests that he feels the Coast audience whom he loves will find valuable. So after this nauseating preamble of course Noory has nothing to offer so Thomas who probably does get paid to call in says that tonight he thought he'd keep it light and ask George what comedy movies are among George Noory's favorites. Huge mistake of course because of what I said before, Noory's got very little to work with - he stammers out 'It's a Mad Mad World' a movie you know he saw 50 years ago and remembers almost nothing about. His mind is blank so he turns the question on Thomas who has no problem coming up with a few more contemporary comedy films including the recent CGI cartoon 'The Mitchells Against The Machines' completely showing up Noory. Noory now scrambles to think of a comedy movie from this century 'I like those Vacation movies you know the one in Las Vegas ............ or ..... well all of them .... do you know Randy Quaid? Eddie that was his name' The man can't even hold a 2 minute conversation about funny movies.
Then Joseph the gravely voiced regular caller from Long Island with his usual droning contribution. Followed by Annie from Alabamie who we found out hasn't left her house in a year and a half, 'haven't seen a soul', hasn't been vaccinated and is upset about it - Noory told her millions have been vaccinated and it's free so Annie should get vaccinated, she protests that they are liars, she's high risk and they need to come to her house to vaccinate her - i am pretty sure they do offer this for shut-ins.