So tonight's show should be interesting, at least, even if full of b.s.
Some years back, one of the Lutz sons(he goes by a different name now, but Iforgot it) was on with a different host--dont remember which one--and debunked about 75% of the Amityville story. George Lutz had basically gotten into a big house he couldn't afford, and he and his wife cooked up a scheme with some other people. The DeFeo kid's lawyer also had a vested interest in the haunted house story. As is often the case, the story behind the story is the best one.
I'll be interested in tonight's show. But I do tend to take a debunker's view on most of this stuff.
The Everett WA show is one block from my apt. No, really.. George was pretty pissed off at Jay Inslee last year.