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Yeah. It's a shame. There were exclusive posters of there that I liked, just like there are over here. I'd imagine with his little girls growing up, MV doesn't want to put the time in to muck with it anymore.
I'm guessing there won't be a GabCast this Saturday..A small many. Zeebo being the most recent that we know of.
From bellgab.
Zeebo was hit by a car?!?!
I don't want my death being handed off to grunts and underlings. Gotta be done right! Make me SCREEEAAAMMMM in agony for countless hours as I curse the day I was born!
One wonders where all the nut jobs that BG attracted over the years now will go to continue to post their crazy shit anonymously and by doing so remain outside the walls of an institution. Oh shit! Nevermind. All hands prepare for a head case tsunami!!!
I don't know. But he was nice.If he was hit by a car - what a way to go! That's one of my personal favs - although it depends on the car so maybe a truck might be nicer. Or maybe a haying accident where I'm pulled into a bailer and come out like hamburger strung and weaved throughout a bail of hay! Perhaps being cut up and disemboweled by blood countess Elizabeth Bathory herself would be more to my tastes. But she would have to do the work.. I don't want my death being handed off to grunts and underlings. Gotta be done right! Make me SCREEEAAAMMMM in agony for countless hours as I curse the day I was born!
So, @KSM when do you want me to come over?
Oh, are those strawberries in your avatar? I do so like strawberries!
Yes. And indeed. Gods natural candy.
Wow, George Noory outlasts BellGab. Is that a cosmic irony or what?
... Facebook cannot replace Bellgab. There, you had an avatar and could post as you wished. There is no anonymity on Facebook.