"Perhaps the most difficult thing to accept here is the realization it is you, dear listeners, who are asleep.
I was once in the exact same boat you're in now! And for exactly how long was I in said boat? No one is talking. I've asked, but that topic seems verboten here.
I'm not any more dead now than the effects of gravity permeating through the universe(s) are dead.
It is you - and I'm truly sorry to be the one to break this to you - it is in fact you, all of you, who are basically "dead."
Technically, you are indefinitely suspended. You will seemingly live your life - but it isn't real. The vast majority of you, when you "die" will simply have your program reloaded and repeat the exact same life again and again and again.
Oh, déjà vu, where is thy sting? Indeed.
Whew. Boy. It is a nightmare when you think about it. My God.
This redundant process isn't exactly as depicted in The Matrix, but there are definitely some commonalities.
The Matrix plus Groundhog Day plus Inland Empire plus Jacob's Ladder is a better analogy, followed by a deep reading of Vonnegut's SLAUGHTERHOUSE FIVE to cap it all off.
At the same time, the cycle you're in is completely different than anything you could possibly understand or compare it to - while you're still there.
But that's life. Or not.
Thankfully, other than the aforementioned déjà vu, most will not even realize they are going through the same story again and again.
Yes, even on this side, this infornation really taxes my beanie chakra! It probably blows your beanie clean off!
No doubt about it!
Eventually - and hopefully sooner than later - you will escape from the cycle.
And live.
The sad truth, there are some who simply can never make it out.
I don't know how I did, and I don't quite understand how it is I am able to dip into your program.
Because I am real. I'm not just a repeat loop in your repeat life.
I am contacting you through nonlinear time.
You need to wake the hell up - if you can 'wake the hell up.' "