Yesterday, I had to drive up north a little bit. I was in the car probably 90 minutes.
Maybe 20 minutes into my trip, I went into a tirade, cussing out the radio. What triggered me? I normally save such the tree all for Sean Hannity. That guy is just such a fucking card, I don't care if I agree with him on 99.9% of everything, he's an asshole. But this was Clay and Buck that I had my cussfit over.
These two morons were talking about some lady complaining at some board meeting or something and her last name was Sexton.
Then these assholes start riffing on the "that's your mother" hardy-har-har bullshit.
They're like a fucking morning zoo show, trying to appeal to the low IQ-equipped people. Just so fucking annoying. Today, I tuned in just so that I could find out who advertises with them. Frankly, I don't know who does but I'll send a little complaint messages to all of them.
These assholes shouldn't be on the radio, period.