Now that you're all here..
IMPORTANT MESSAGE: As long as I been on social media, running my YouTube channels and groups about Art Bell or Heather Wade I have been told that Art was a Horrible Person. A terrible father, a pedo, Liar scam artist, telling fake stories. A terrible human being. I was told the same about Heather, she's a crackhead, a bad Host, blah blah. she looks like a horse. it seems the community has become somewhat hateful over the years, this started after bellgab had a saying on the internet. With threads like George Noory sucks and the hate from Michael Vandeven, and Michael Vara, a gross individual who hated and backstabbed Heather Wade. Keith Rowland, gross sick man. it seems all these people always project and attack people who liked Art Bell with stupid things like "He was A terrible Father" or "He loved young girls" none of this is true, why did this happen or am I the only one to see this? Discuss.