I dreamt that I was living in a strange world where everyone wore robes and all the men had long beards. It was easy to find out what job I had because there was a trial going on. A man was being held for murdering a popular citizen of the town. The trial proceeded with the prosecutor and defense attorney both singing their side of the case. That's right, they were singing, just like in an opera. The jury sang like a chorus, the word guilty and the murderer was brought to me for sentencing. In a grand, operatic voice, I sang that the man was to be released, and returned to his home, up on a mountain. This rather shocked the large crowd of onlookers and there was much grumbling, but I had the final word. The freed man laughed at everybody and then he walked up the mountain. The next morning, he stepped outside his house into bright sunshine. He took a big breath and chuckled some more at having gotten away with murder. Right at that moment, there was an earth tremor and the ground opened up beneath him. He fell screaming into a deep dark pit. Down, down, down he went, until a length of chain, stretched across the pit, stopped him. He was able to sit on the chain and after looking around he noticed that two skeletons were holding each end of the chain.