Was given a problem to solve at work. Tough one. Spent many hours trying to solve but nothing I could come up with worked. Let's just say that I was more than a little frustrated. My mind began to wander and for some reason I thought of that host scene where Tom Servo discusses accepting Crow as a sexual being. You know - this scene:
Suddenly I felt that I knew the solution, coded up the patch, tested it out and it works like a honey. I'm coming up at a career crossroads. Mrs.WAN thinks that I should take the opportunity and call it a career and do something different. I've been resistant as being a code jock is all I've never known. However, the situation above is a definite indication that I've lost some zip on the fastball so to speak. So the question is this. If you have to rely on a plastic toy, strutting its stuff in gold boots for guidance are you all washed up?