Dear Bart,
Mrs. Walks_At_Night is out of the country for a few weeks and Little Walks is out of state at college. So I find myself
Home Alone I have gone pretty wild! Here is a list
- Drinking Whole Milk
- Bought real, honest to goodness whole butter
- Eating white bread
- Not eating the little gnarlly heel of the bread loaf
- Eating Captain Crunch for breakfast
- Taking extra long showers
- Right now, I am making Fried Chicken for dinner
- Bought a big pack of bacon
- Cranking Dio on the stereo at max volume
- Drinking Hamm's (The beer refreshing) and lots of it
What other forms of debauchery would you suggest while I remain free?
I wish I could help but that seems like an average day to me - alone or not.
Well, almost.
I don't drink beer and I do eat the entire loaf, end included.
Hopefully it is Holy Diver or The Last In Line.
I think you could use a jar of pickled eggs and maybe some sort of masturbator device.
Also, get a huge cake and eat it until it is physically impossible to swallow another morsel.