In most groups subtle alliances and undercurrents develop over time. I typically didn't used to consider such things, treating most people equally until proven otherwise. But knowing one's audience is an idea worth considering if you don't want to be Pollyanish at best, or superficial or isolated at worst.
The karma meter kind of gives me clues about who I am talking to. Before I confront someone with huge karma, I prepare to defend my position, bec they are going to have backup! I usually look at many angles before I present opinions to them, bec they didn't get all their karma by being silly!
But if I confront someone with negative karma, the only response back is likely to be theirs. I might take more risks and see what I get back.
Also, when I see very negative karma, I don't take hasty comments to heart. I also can review the person's post history to see if they were forced wrongly into bad karma just by being railroaded or something. With Mars in Libra and a Leo moon, this is right up my protective alley! Then I can kind of be supportive of that person, or remind them of why they lack support. Supporting a poster who has been mobbed is not a karma-point booster, so again there can be valid reasons for having somewhat low karma. I don't judge people with low karma. Some of the nicest people here have low karma, simply bec they don't post frequently, or bec they don't generate strong reactions. But they are bread and butter here. If everyone were to "shine", we might all be blinded to each other.
Sometimes people support my positions and I really appreciate it. I've also received many instances of specific, constructive feedback, even about my style. The karma meter enables people to elbow me, or kick my toes under the table, without making a big deal of it, so we can keep on flowing...
Celebrities like Bart, or posters who clearly have specific goals which kind of give them one special role, kind of celebrity-ish, receive accolades of karma. But for regular posters without fixed roles, the karma meter is a spectrum, not a scale. Each person decides where they are comfortable. It's like money: One needs plenty enough, but beyond that more is not necessarily better. More can be an indication of pandering or superficiality. Likewise, excess wealth creates security risks (being used, being abused, theft, ransom, blackmail), substance addiction, class warfare, management complications, greed, and inflation ($3,000 handbags, vulture-like fees/expenses).
When an experienced poster has somewhat low karma, remember that it may have been gotten through earnest, progressive exchange, and low karma is just fine. It is not a negative thing. It can mean one has the courage to present controversial matter.
Sure, the whole karma thing can at times seem juvenile, but it gives readers a way to passively state their opinions without conflict. And at the very least, it is a reminder to aim to have fun. There are discussion forums all over, but we traditionally have incorporated a great amount of humor and fun. It's not wrong to see one's karma dip, and to ask oneself if one has gotten stodgy