Oh yeah @KSM32 . Just call me a wage cuck. I don't mind. It's a "If the shoe fits - wear it" kind of a thing. I'll
shoulder that yoke but I don't even get any free Trump Bux for not being dead yet. At least, I can be comforted in the fact that the
fruits of my labor go to Senda. Some other poor bastard is paying for your Trudy Bux while you treat a world wide
disaster like a summer vacation. You know. Munching on cookies, sitting around in your skivvies until noon and watching
Saved by the Bell reruns.
Well now you're making me feel bad. My post was rude and verbose to put it lightly. I'm sorry
Listen, I'm fine with anything you got but that Saved By The Bell shit was just Mean, man!
Yes work is slow and has been for three weeks now what with the new Covid plan to crush the worlds economy n shit and moving us one step further to a cashless society GLOBALIST NIGHTMARE! But we have projects starting back up next week, OK!
Saved by the fucking bell he says. I have NEVER watched that! That cut deep. Can you say you're sorry for that? All good.
<<< Look at Henry looking at you!