In a world full of degeneracy and perversion, what, if anything, should I do about this? I'm concerned about not fitting in.
Oh for those that are attracted to dudes there is a test for you
TigerLily accepts the challenge. Just how much kink does she like?
"The EMAS measures one variable, traditionalism. Your score was 66/100 where 100 is the highest possible score and 0 is the lowest. Individuals high in traditionalism prefer traditionally masculine men and are inclined to not be extremely comfortable with sexuality. Individuals low in traditionalism are attracted to a wider selection of men and are inclined to appreciate tattoos."
The girls don't get a cool chart like the boys but with my 66/100 I think I'm pretty close to
@Walks_At_Night 's boring middle of the road. So I guess this means I like manly men, tats are fine; You have to at least buy me dinner first; And save cosplay for after the first date