What in the wild, wild, worlds of sports is going on over at the
Rapture Ready Index? It claims to have been updated on December 20th, 2021. However the index is only 184 which is unchanged and where it has been for quite sometime. If I look at the lay of the land, I believe that the true index value should be 190. That value breaks the all-time record of 189 from October, 10th 2016. I think the
Oil Supply/Price shoulde be a solid 5 over their value of 4. So that is a +1. The index for
Drug Abuse is a 3 but I saw where Fentanyl OD's where a leading cause of death for some age groups. That has gotta be a 5 so we are now at a +3. Look at
Gog (Russia) sitting at a measly 3! There is talk of Russia launching a Christmas Eve offensive into Ukraine with 100,000 guys from the Rompin' Stompin' Red Army. Sounds like a solid 5 to me. That gets us +5. There is no way
Beast Government ain't a 5. Won't be long before you have to show you QR code on your phone to take a crap. So that gets us to +6 and the true value of 190. At a 191 value the tribulation is all systems go.
Why are they hucking? Do you think that deep down they do not want the tribulation to initiate over there? It would seem to be their core mission so I am confused. You don't think that Todd Strandberg is really a troll and he is just doing this to delay the healing hands being laid upon Senda's whammer do you?