Yup, it seems that he’s got more tongue than he has mouth and it sticks out a lot. Bogey is a bit of a control freak. He likes to keep a schedule and he knows what time certain things are supposed to happen like feedings, walks, play times, treats, and nap times and bed time and if they don’t happen when they should he lets you know about it. He also has to know where everyone is in the house at all times and he’ll come looking for you if he hasn’t seen you for while. Sometimes he’ll actually try to get us all in one place in the house by barking and leading the way like Lassie or Rin Tin Tin. The dog is out of control.
They have us trained well
True creatures of habit. It sounds like he has a herding instinct. Charlie, the Maltese I have now, will also come looking for you if he realizes you are not in the room. He also gets extremely anxious and nervous whenever he hears an electronic chirp, such as the short beep when pressing a button on an alarm system keypad or when the battery is low in a smoke detector and it chirps every minute or so. He was a rescue and something in his past must have happened to cause him to relate the chirp sound to danger or to something bad. They all have their quirks and their own personalities.