Author Topic: Dream Stuff  (Read 95281 times)

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Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #135 on: September 14, 2018, 12:33:01 PM »
Dreams, September 14, 2018.

I entered an old second hand store, but to say it was a building would be misleading.  It was more like a lean-to entrance into a big, wooden shack.  When I walked inside, I was greeted with not a door, but a curtain that was stretched out the length of the room.  At first I thought that the store was closed, but then I could hear voices behind the curtain.  I walked up and opened the curtain just enough to get a glimpse of what was going on inside there.  Much to my surprise, there was an elaborate church service in progress.  I could see people sitting in rows and flowers everywhere and a reverend standing at a pulpit, busily delivering a sermon, though I couldn't comprehend what he was saying.  I left the store and moved further on.  I saw a woman standing on a flat, wooden platform and she was delivering a speech, but again, I couldn't understand what she was saying.

I walked into my backyard and saw that an ex neighbor was busily pruning some of my shrubs.  In real life, the guy was kind of a pain in the ass and I was glad to see him and his family move away, but here in my dream he was more likable.  I greeted him and looked over his work.  It looked as though he was cutting off dead limbs only and not the living plant tissue, so I let him continue on with the job.     

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #136 on: September 15, 2018, 12:33:25 PM »
Dream, September 15, 2018.

I was standing in a room with computers and monitors.  There was a bed there too and based on what was taking place at the start of the dream, I could actually piece together what had occurred before I started the dream.  I must have been sleeping on the bed and somebody went and attached a bunch of wires to my head, because there I stood, with wires stuck all over my head.  The wires from my head to the machines were very long.  A message entered my brain that warned me not to pull the wires off en masse.  They could only be removed in a certain sequence.  Since there were a good twenty wires, I had absolutely no idea which one to pull out first.  Then, to make matters worse, I was told that to remove the wrong wire would cause me to suffer a big electrical shock to my head.  So I stood there for awhile trying to figure things out but the more I thought, the more freaked out I became.  Finally, I let out a howl and raced out of the room.  I ran into the night and entered some dark woods, with the wires trailing behind me.  I came to a babbling brook and after deciding that I had ran far enough, I began to pull the wires out.  Thankfully, I didn't receive any shocks.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #137 on: September 16, 2018, 02:46:38 PM »
Dream, September 16, 2018.

I like it when I have a dream in which I get to act.  Last nights dream had me acting not in a television show or a movie, but in a commercial.  I was all suited up in a tux, my hair was nicely styled and I was sitting behind a desk when the camera started to roll.  I got to watch myself from the camera's angle, not through my own dream self.  I saw myself announce that I had recently been killed in a car accident and that through the miracle of Revisit Inc., my soul could be made solid for an hour or so, giving me the opportunity to make proper goodbyes with friends and loved ones, impart certain information regarding the proper disbursement of property in case I haven't made out a will, appearing at a police department to put the finger on someone that has murdered me.  There were a number of advantages that I pointed out to the hired audience but I can't remember them all.  To finish, I held up a test tube that contained some of my bone tissue and said that this is all that you would need to be eligible for a 'revisit' and sorry, cremated remains were not accepted.  The commercial ended with me pointing out that the process could bring back historical figures or long dead loved ones, just so long as some of their bone tissue could still be obtained.  (Sorry, but I can't recall the price for the process, or why they hired my dream body to do the commercial and not someone who had died.)     


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #138 on: September 16, 2018, 09:59:29 PM »
Dream, September 16, 2018.

I like it when I have a dream in which I get to act.  Last nights dream had me acting not in a television show or a movie, but in a commercial.  I was all suited up in a tux, my hair was nicely styled and I was sitting behind a desk when the camera started to roll.  I got to watch myself from the camera's angle, not through my own dream self.  I saw myself announce that I had recently been killed in a car accident and that through the miracle of Revisit Inc., my soul could be made solid for an hour or so, giving me the opportunity to make proper goodbyes with friends and loved ones, impart certain information regarding the proper disbursement of property in case I haven't made out a will, appearing at a police department to put the finger on someone that has murdered me.  There were a number of advantages that I pointed out to the hired audience but I can't remember them all.  To finish, I held up a test tube that contained some of my bone tissue and said that this is all that you would need to be eligible for a 'revisit' and sorry, cremated remains were not accepted.  The commercial ended with me pointing out that the process could bring back historical figures or long dead loved ones, just so long as some of their bone tissue could still be obtained.  (Sorry, but I can't recall the price for the process, or why they hired my dream body to do the commercial and not someone who had died.)   

Interesting ones, keep posting. I had an odd dream last night but, again weird, partially lucid, maybe? Woke up early and "got back into it" because woke due to tramuatic even, maybe?  The event was a black guy being shot point-blank in the head, in an area that looked like a prison or UN temp disaster camp. The weirder thing was dream started at an old English style country house but , apparently, owned by an uncle and there was a wedding. Most mundane but there was aome nd of mystery and I was an almost Sherlock type (here it was more like maybe Watson or a watcher even tho) but, somehow it ended with the shot during some kind of questioning. Ike hostage situation, proving "do as I say or else" but no longer in a nice house but a camp with desparate people. .woke up. So vivid, almost slo-mo as guy shot the random, I think, black guy in the head (with thr obvious consqeunce.) Weird and upsetting and frustrating, got up nntook a leak, had a glass of water, n sorta got back in but couldn't. Forgive spelling on phone n bad lte.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #139 on: September 17, 2018, 04:25:40 PM »
Interesting ones, keep posting. I had an odd dream last night but, again weird, partially lucid, maybe? Woke up early and "got back into it" because woke due to tramuatic even, maybe?  The event was a black guy being shot point-blank in the head, in an area that looked like a prison or UN temp disaster camp. The weirder thing was dream started at an old English style country house but , apparently, owned by an uncle and there was a wedding. Most mundane but there was aome nd of mystery and I was an almost Sherlock type (here it was more like maybe Watson or a watcher even tho) but, somehow it ended with the shot during some kind of questioning. Ike hostage situation, proving "do as I say or else" but no longer in a nice house but a camp with desparate people. .woke up. So vivid, almost slo-mo as guy shot the random, I think, black guy in the head (with thr obvious consqeunce.) Weird and upsetting and frustrating, got up nntook a leak, had a glass of water, n sorta got back in but couldn't. Forgive spelling on phone n bad lte.

I liked your dream.  A fairly dramatic dream at that, what with the black guy getting shot and all.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #140 on: September 17, 2018, 05:19:14 PM »
Dream, September 17, 2018.

I think I've been watching the Weather Channel too much, of late.  Anyway, here's the dream.. I walked up the hill to Dad's house and saw that Dad and Mom were there.  Funny, they have been dead for years and yet I totally thought that they were alive in the dream. We were standing out front, looking down the hill when the wind started to blow.  At first it was just a breeze but then it got stronger and stronger.  I noticed a funnel cloud down at the lane across the street from Dad's.  It swerved over to a neighbor's house where I once had a friend years ago and it blew out all the windows.  The glass from those windows swirled up the hill and pounded up against the front of Dad's house.  I could distinctly hear the tinkling and clinking of the glass shards as they hit Dad's front windows.  The wind was pretty strong, but the three of us were able to stand around on the front lawn without too much trouble.

My oldest brother's forest retreat house came to mind so I drove up there to warn him about the oncoming wind storm.  I got up to his house and went inside.  He had a big, picture window at the front and we stood there looking at all the dust and windblown branches being tossed about.  "What about those trees up the slope?" I asked my brother.  "This wind might blow them over, you know."  So we walked out back and looked up the slope of the mountain.  We walked up a ways and sure enough, a couple of uprooted trees were rolling down towards us.  The branches fell off of the fallen trees and they looked more like logs by the time they reached us.  We were able to dodge out of the way when they approached us.  "Tell you what," I said.  "I'll hike on up and see if I can spot some more trees that are likely to roll down the mountainside." 

So I hiked up the mountain and it appeared that all the tall evergreen trees were holding on to the ground OK.  I reached the top of the mountain and was surprised to see two silent UFOs hovering above.  They weren't round in shape.  I was suddenly levitated up towards the one on the right.  I got close enough to see that a message had been stenciled onto the bottom of the UFO.  The words were in English but I wasn't able to comprehend what they said. 

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Here are the shapes of the UFOs as seen from directly underneath them, plus where the stenciled message was on the one to the right.


  • Ellightened
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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #141 on: September 17, 2018, 06:35:57 PM »
Dream, September 17, 2018.

I think I've been watching the Weather Channel too much, of late.  Anyway, here's the dream.. I walked up the hill to Dad's house and saw that Dad and Mom were there.  Funny, they have been dead for years and yet I totally thought that they were alive in the dream. We were standing out front, looking down the hill when the wind started to blow.  At first it was just a breeze but then it got stronger and stronger.  I noticed a funnel cloud down at the lane across the street from Dad's.  It swerved over to a neighbor's house where I once had a friend years ago and it blew out all the windows.  The glass from those windows swirled up the hill and pounded up against the front of Dad's house.  I could distinctly hear the tinkling and clinking of the glass shards as they hit Dad's front windows.  The wind was pretty strong, but the three of us were able to stand around on the front lawn without too much trouble.

My oldest brother's forest retreat house came to mind so I drove up there to warn him about the oncoming wind storm.  I got up to his house and went inside.  He had a big, picture window at the front and we stood there looking at all the dust and windblown branches being tossed about.  "What about those trees up the slope?" I asked my brother.  "This wind might blow them over, you know."  So we walked out back and looked up the slope of the mountain.  We walked up a ways and sure enough, a couple of uprooted trees were rolling down towards us.  The branches fell off of the fallen trees and they looked more like logs by the time they reached us.  We were able to dodge out of the way when they approached us.  "Tell you what," I said.  "I'll hike on up and see if I can spot some more trees that are likely to roll down the mountainside." 

So I hiked up the mountain and it appeared that all the tall evergreen trees were holding on to the ground OK.  I reached the top of the mountain and was surprised to see two silent UFOs hovering above.  They weren't round in shape.  I was suddenly levitated up towards the one on the right.  I got close enough to see that a message had been stenciled onto the bottom of the UFO.  The words were in English but I wasn't able to comprehend what they said. 

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Here are the shapes of the UFOs as seen from directly underneath them, plus where the stenciled message was on the one to the right.
Wow. That is a good one, esp with the drawings. Odd, you.should call into a UFO show with it. It wasnt clear, to me, but reading on phone n sma text. Did your brother really have a 'forest retreat home' nearby up a mountain or was that a part of the dream?

Reminds me of a dream I had years ago. Was at a relative's house amd it was new and I never been. So unfamliar with night sounds. Winter and so I had both windows open. We had drank late into evening catching up and bullshitting. I have dream that nuclear war started. Realistic dream. Odd thing was when I woke up there was still what ended up being distant booms of thunder echoing down valley but no storm still where I was. But when I awoke and laying there a very odd feeling or resignation. Seriously I thought to myself "well, that's it." But wasn't afraid. Just thought, still half asleep, "well, they finally done it" ane thought.about getting up but a weird, almost comfortable "bound to happen" and went back to sleep. Then woke up and figured out the storm situation and alsl in line of airport and railway (so the jets etc in dream.) Was glad world wasn't blown up but also a.strange feeling or why I wasn't more bothered of that potential!?

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #142 on: September 17, 2018, 07:23:09 PM »
Wow. That is a good one, esp with the drawings. Odd, you.should call into a UFO show with it. It wasnt clear, to me, but reading on phone n sma text. Did your brother really have a 'forest retreat home' nearby up a mountain or was that a part of the dream?

Reminds me of a dream I had years ago. Was at a relative's house amd it was new and I never been. So unfamliar with night sounds. Winter and so I had both windows open. We had drank late into evening catching up and bullshitting. I have dream that nuclear war started. Realistic dream. Odd thing was when I woke up there was still what ended up being distant booms of thunder echoing down valley but no storm still where I was. But when I awoke and laying there a very odd feeling or resignation. Seriously I thought to myself "well, that's it." But wasn't afraid. Just thought, still half asleep, "well, they finally done it" ane thought.about getting up but a weird, almost comfortable "bound to happen" and went back to sleep. Then woke up and figured out the storm situation and alsl in line of airport and railway (so the jets etc in dream.) Was glad world wasn't blown up but also a.strange feeling or why I wasn't more bothered of that potential!?

Oh, that was quite a dream, especially the part where you were kind of resigned as to nuclear war occurring.  I have often wondered how I would react to such a nightmare scenario.  I once dreamt that a giant asteroid was going to crash into the earth and when the moment arrived I walked up to a tree and wrapped my arms around it, hoping to get a quick prayer off before the fireworks began.  All at once a strange ray shot out of the tree and up into space.  Similar rays shot out of all the trees and they went up and destroyed the asteroid.  Oh, and yes my oldest brother and his family did have a home once, about half way up a canyon, actually.  Not a mountain, though.  I dreamt that part up.   

Fast and Bulbous

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #143 on: September 18, 2018, 01:17:10 PM »

Yesterday, I decided I want to write a fantasy story. Needing material, I decided to try to dream the plot. For ideas to write about, I had decided to go outside and explore the city from this perspective.

This morning, after havign slept around seven hours, which is not enough; I need 8 or 9 hours, I gave up. It was raining, and I was not eager to get out of bed. Instead, I tried an OBE.

I rolled onto my side. I could feel the throbbing in my solar plexus. I closed my eyes and focused on the vibration in my solar plexus. The throbbing grew in intensity, and within seconds, it had flung me out of bed. I landed on my hands and toes.

My POV was of being in a pushup or yoga plank position on the floor beside the bed. I looked around the room. Curtain was closed. On the bed, I saw only bare sheets. Not my body.

I knew my body was there in the bed, but I could not see it. Why do I never see my body in such a dream? I wondered. I was disappointed.  “Goddammit.”

I could feel my body lying on the sofa bed, and at the same time, I could feel myself on the floor holding the plank yoga pose. Idiotic discrepancies like this ruin the dream experience, and I prefer a dreamless sleep.

I was well aware that I was dreaming. I was thinking clearly, so clearly, that I could do complicated arithmetic in my head. (One of the lucidity tests I do during dreams).

I knew I would not be able to hold it (the dream. I can hold the plank position for as long as I want.) for long. Act fast. “No time. Move,” I said aloud.

Not much time. I could feel it going. “Must hurry,” I said aloud.

I tried to open the curtain, but it was solid and did not budge. “Ack!” I went through the curtain and the window. Passing through the solid barriers confused me.

Now, I could see only gray light, as though I were looking into fog. I felt weightless. I could not feel any objects touching me, not even the ground or my bed. I had no idea where I was.

Then, I felt motion. I struggled to see. Finally, I saw a gray shape silhouetted in  darkness. It became a pale, gray trapezoid outlined in darkness. The sense of motion continued. The trapezoid was getting smaller and smaller as though I were moving backwards down a tunnel, away from the light at the end of the tunnel.

Then, I realized the trapezoid was the cloudy sky. I was on my back looking up at the sky.  It was framed by the tops of the walls of the courtyard. I was falling down into the courtyard one hundred feet below. I braced myself for the inevitable bloody SPLAT.

After what seemed nearly a minute, I was no longer moving. I was on the ground of the courtyard of my building. Door to building was open. Another door opposite led through an ivy covered wall. People were going in and out through the doorways.

“Think fast,” I said. “Time’s running out.” I went into my building. I went through the passage into the lobby. It was just my building and normal people were going through. I could feel myself waking up.

What do with so little time? Think fast. It was early in the morning, and many of the residents were still asleep.

Perhaps I could go into their apartments and give them Night Terrors. Go medieval and put on Devil’s horns and prod them with a pitchfork. Or sit on their chests and choke them like the Old Hag. Put on a Roswell Gray alien suit and give them an Anal Probe… Last time I tried that, my experimental subject screamed and woke the entire building. Woke me up too. I know it was only a dream, but the coincidence between my dream content and the screaming of a real person was... interesting. And reapeatable. I decided it was not a good idea to dream about things like this.

 Move out now.

I went back out through the hallway. People were walking through the hall. The hallway was narrow, and only one person could pass at a time. I forced my way through the people in the hall, climbing over them, saying, “Sorry, so sorry, pardon me, Ma’am. I need to get out right now, sorry. It is an emergency.”

After an agonizing moment that seemed like it took an hour, I made it out of the building to the courtyard again and went through the other door in the ivy-covered wall opposite my building.

I went through a tunnel and came out into a grassy area. It was foggy, and I could only see fifty feet.

The area nearest me was clear. Abruptly, at a distance of around fifty feet from me, was the fog. It was like a wall reaching to the sky. It roiled, and shadows moved in it. Some shadows would solidify into forms and boiled away. Trees, animals, people, buildings became solid and evaporated into fog.

Near me was a ring of huge trees. I moved toward the trees, and the Fog of Time retreated. Landscape and trees and statues formed out of it. They remained solid, and I approached and walked among them. As I looked, the wall of fog receded.

I was in a park full of plane trees, huge and untrimmed. The park was surrounded by walls that looked like they were made of thick, boiling mist. I had the feeling that they were a dream phenomenon known as the Walls of Time. Perhaps they were temporal walls sectioning off this area into a place of non-time that intersects thousands of years of time, past and future, for this area.

Although I did not pay attention to the tops, they were perhaps thirty meters high and their orientations and locations corresponded to that of the University behind my apartment, just as they are in life.

Stationed along the Walls were monuments, representational bronzes atop high stone and brick bases. They were mostly of significant people, mythical creatures, and animals done in a nineteenth century realistic style once popular for municipal art.

I walked around. People were here in the park. Going farther south (away from my building), there was a canal. In it was a barge (for people, like a pleasure boat). There was a ticket kiosk. A female voice was announcing guided tours and describing the areas the boat would visit. Her words were garbled, as though her reference time frame did not match mine. I could not follow.

I went to the barge. I wondered where it went. I looked for its name and home port.  It was called the “Nightmare.” I could not find its port. I decided to get on and go for a cruise.

Sadly, I could no longer maintain the state. I woke up and did research on streams in the area. Turns out the Beaver river used to run through here until perhaps 100 years ago. It was used as a network of transport canals. There are old photos and it is shown on maps as being where I dreamed part of it.

The park and locations of the walls of mist were the same as those of the College of Agriculture.

The experience took only a few minutes. I was glad I had not wasted the entire morning lying around dreaming.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #144 on: September 18, 2018, 02:52:19 PM »
Great dream control there, Fast.  Nice recollection too.  Good going.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #145 on: September 18, 2018, 03:00:01 PM »
Dream, September 18, 2018.

I dreamt that I started a new job and it was pretty nice in there, some type of company that made machine parts or something.  The job involved operating a fork lift, so it wasn't very laborious work, though I was getting pretty hungry when lunchtime rolled around.  I hadn't brought a lunch so I went in search for some vending machines.  I entered a big break shack and saw a number of empty spaces where I could see that the vending machines had been.  A man sitting at a table saw me looking at the empty wall and said, "You looking for the vending machines?  Sorry, but management had them all removed on the grounds that they weren't healthy for the employees.  We had some really good ones too, that sold soup, chili, deli sandwiches, ice cream, pastries, cookies, bags of chips, coffee, tea, hot chocolate and milk.  The whole shebang."  "Well, what does management expect us to eat around here?"  I asked.  "Oh, they are going to set out bowels of fruit and sliced vegetables with healthy dip, things like that." he said.  "The only problem is that they haven't brought any of that stuff in yet, and nobody knows when they are going to start doing so." 

Fast and Bulbous

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #146 on: September 18, 2018, 04:13:10 PM »
Great dream control there, Fast.  Nice recollection too.  Good going.
Thanks. For this dream method,  there is no loss of cosciousness. You’re wide awake the whole time. It’s all first person perspective.  Never any breaks in alert ness,     déjà vu or back story or dream within dream. It’s not restful or refreshing like normal sleep.

It goes from being wide awake and reading or puttering around the apartment to lying or sitting down to deep breathing to being in some weird location in the room to the dream experience  to getting out of bed and writing it.

The dream tends to be unstable . Sometimes the content struggles to keep up with the intention to navigate. The scenery can't render and fill in fast enough to keep up with exploration.  It’s like a laggy video game.

The interesting thing about it is the huge number of improbable coincidence, the synchronicity content.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #147 on: September 18, 2018, 06:50:31 PM »
Yesterday, I decided I want to write a fantasy story. Needing material, I decided to try to dream the plot. For ideas to write about, I had decided to go outside and explore the city from this perspective.

This morning, after havign slept around seven hours, which is not enough; I need 8 or 9 hours, I gave up. It was raining, and I was not eager to get out of bed. Instead, I tried an OBE.

I rolled onto my side. I could feel the throbbing in my solar plexus. I closed my eyes and focused on the vibration in my solar plexus. The throbbing grew in intensity, and within seconds, it had flung me out of bed. I landed on my hands and toes.

My POV was of being in a pushup or yoga plank position on the floor beside the bed. I looked around the room. Curtain was closed. On the bed, I saw only bare sheets. Not my body.

I knew my body was there in the bed, but I could not see it. Why do I never see my body in such a dream? I wondered. I was disappointed.  “Goddammit.”

I could feel my body lying on the sofa bed, and at the same time, I could feel myself on the floor holding the plank yoga pose. Idiotic discrepancies like this ruin the dream experience, and I prefer a dreamless sleep.

I was well aware that I was dreaming. I was thinking clearly, so clearly, that I could do complicated arithmetic in my head. (One of the lucidity tests I do during dreams).

I knew I would not be able to hold it (the dream. I can hold the plank position for as long as I want.) for long. Act fast. “No time. Move,” I said aloud.

Not much time. I could feel it going. “Must hurry,” I said aloud.

I tried to open the curtain, but it was solid and did not budge. “Ack!” I went through the curtain and the window. Passing through the solid barriers confused me.

Now, I could see only gray light, as though I were looking into fog. I felt weightless. I could not feel any objects touching me, not even the ground or my bed. I had no idea where I was.

Then, I felt motion. I struggled to see. Finally, I saw a gray shape silhouetted in  darkness. It became a pale, gray trapezoid outlined in darkness. The sense of motion continued. The trapezoid was getting smaller and smaller as though I were moving backwards down a tunnel, away from the light at the end of the tunnel.

Then, I realized the trapezoid was the cloudy sky. I was on my back looking up at the sky.  It was framed by the tops of the walls of the courtyard. I was falling down into the courtyard one hundred feet below. I braced myself for the inevitable bloody SPLAT.

After what seemed nearly a minute, I was no longer moving. I was on the ground of the courtyard of my building. Door to building was open. Another door opposite led through an ivy covered wall. People were going in and out through the doorways.

“Think fast,” I said. “Time’s running out.” I went into my building. I went through the passage into the lobby. It was just my building and normal people were going through. I could feel myself waking up.

What do with so little time? Think fast. It was early in the morning, and many of the residents were still asleep.

Perhaps I could go into their apartments and give them Night Terrors. Go medieval and put on Devil’s horns and prod them with a pitchfork. Or sit on their chests and choke them like the Old Hag. Put on a Roswell Gray alien suit and give them an Anal Probe… Last time I tried that, my experimental subject screamed and woke the entire building. Woke me up too. I know it was only a dream, but the coincidence between my dream content and the screaming of a real person was... interesting. And reapeatable. I decided it was not a good idea to dream about things like this.

 Move out now.

I went back out through the hallway. People were walking through the hall. The hallway was narrow, and only one person could pass at a time. I forced my way through the people in the hall, climbing over them, saying, “Sorry, so sorry, pardon me, Ma’am. I need to get out right now, sorry. It is an emergency.”

After an agonizing moment that seemed like it took an hour, I made it out of the building to the courtyard again and went through the other door in the ivy-covered wall opposite my building.

I went through a tunnel and came out into a grassy area. It was foggy, and I could only see fifty feet.

The area nearest me was clear. Abruptly, at a distance of around fifty feet from me, was the fog. It was like a wall reaching to the sky. It roiled, and shadows moved in it. Some shadows would solidify into forms and boiled away. Trees, animals, people, buildings became solid and evaporated into fog.

Near me was a ring of huge trees. I moved toward the trees, and the Fog of Time retreated. Landscape and trees and statues formed out of it. They remained solid, and I approached and walked among them. As I looked, the wall of fog receded.

I was in a park full of plane trees, huge and untrimmed. The park was surrounded by walls that looked like they were made of thick, boiling mist. I had the feeling that they were a dream phenomenon known as the Walls of Time. Perhaps they were temporal walls sectioning off this area into a place of non-time that intersects thousands of years of time, past and future, for this area.

Although I did not pay attention to the tops, they were perhaps thirty meters high and their orientations and locations corresponded to that of the University behind my apartment, just as they are in life.

Stationed along the Walls were monuments, representational bronzes atop high stone and brick bases. They were mostly of significant people, mythical creatures, and animals done in a nineteenth century realistic style once popular for municipal art.

I walked around. People were here in the park. Going farther south (away from my building), there was a canal. In it was a barge (for people, like a pleasure boat). There was a ticket kiosk. A female voice was announcing guided tours and describing the areas the boat would visit. Her words were garbled, as though her reference time frame did not match mine. I could not follow.

I went to the barge. I wondered where it went. I looked for its name and home port.  It was called the “Nightmare.” I could not find its port. I decided to get on and go for a cruise.

Sadly, I could no longer maintain the state. I woke up and did research on streams in the area. Turns out the Beaver river used to run through here until perhaps 100 years ago. It was used as a network of transport canals. There are old photos and it is shown on maps as being where I dreamed part of it.

The park and locations of the walls of mist were the same as those of the College of Agriculture.

The experience took only a few minutes. I was glad I had not wasted the entire morning lying around dreaming.
Interesting, esp the old canals! And AG School walls and location. And purposeful going-in versus a random dream or an unconcious/sleep situation or method.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #148 on: September 19, 2018, 12:12:13 PM »
Dream, September 19, 2018.

I had a silly dream last night where I entered a grocery store and instead of grabbing one large sized cart, I pulled out about four carts that were still stacked inside one another.  Of course, by doing so, there weren't any openings to put groceries, except for a small space on the leading cart, but I didn't seem to be doing any shopping, I just enjoyed the feeling of empowerment from pushing that set of carts.  It was like I was driving a truck compared to the other grocery shoppers driving Volkswagens.  I kind of had some troubles with the tighter corners, and some stacks of canned goods got knocked onto the floor.  Plus I ran into other shoppers carts and that didn't go over well with them.  For some odd reason, the store management called the fire dept. and a truck pulled out front.  The firemen walked into the store to see what all the hub-bub was about.  I left my carts temporarily and went out to the fire engine and swiped a helmet.  I put it on and went back inside to my carts.  I was surprised to find out that the helmets had radio-voice broadcasting in them.  I could actually hear the firemen trying to find me.  I was able to keep one step ahead of them because I could hear where they were searching for me.  I worked my way to the back of the store and pulled the carts backwards into a cold storage area.  I went into the room at an angle and the carts got stuck in the doorway, effectively trapping me inside the room.  I looked behind me and saw the surprised looks on a lady who had been chopping a slab of meat with a cleaver, and a black guy who was dressed up like Chef Boyardee. 

Fast and Bulbous

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #149 on: September 20, 2018, 02:12:08 AM »
Interesting, esp the old canals! And AG School walls and location. And purposeful going-in versus a random dream or an unconcious/sleep situation or method.
the merhod is just a  breathing exercise combined with concentration on the solar plexus.  It’s pretty reliable for OBE-style lucid dreaming. The dream world fills in as you go. It builds from all kinds of information you picked up subconsciously and didn't even know you had. The result is it has an uncanny overlap with the waking world. It's a good way to access collective unconscious archetypes too.