Author Topic: Dream Stuff  (Read 91704 times)

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Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #270 on: January 17, 2019, 02:39:33 PM »
I dreamt that I was back in high school, the very last day of my senior year, in fact.  I was walking through the halls, heading for the Science Department because I wanted to say a special goodbye to my science teacher, Mr. P.  When I got to the Science Department, I saw a man science teacher talking to a woman science teacher.  I asked them where Mr. P. was and they told me that he was out to lunch.

So I stepped outside just in time to see a small airplane fly overhead.  Someone inside of it threw a handful of lit firecrackers out and they popped lightly in the air but then they all re-exploded into glorious fireworks, as the high school band played a stirring John Philip Souza marching song in the background.  (I could have sworn that I dreamt about the fireworks in an earlier dream, but after reviewing the thread, I guess not.)   

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #271 on: January 18, 2019, 04:21:09 PM »
I walked up the hill to Dad's house and found his ghost standing on the front yard.  He was holding an old Kodak Instamatic camera to his eye and he was aiming it straight up.  I looked up to see what he was taking a picture of and noticed a huge image of what appeared to be an open checkbook up there.  It was like a massive, projected image that filled the entire sky.  A giant hand appeared, holding a pen and it started to write something on one of the checks.  Pay to the order of...and there was my name.  I couldn't quite tell how much the check was being made out for.  The hand took the check and with a sound of lightning ripping through the sky, tore it out of the book.  I looked back at Dad but he had disappeared and I was left there standing on the lawn, trying to figure out the implications of what I had seen up there in the sky.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #272 on: January 19, 2019, 06:35:58 PM »
Last night I dreamed I'd been living on an upper floor in a high rise for some time, collecting baseballs, golf balls, and onions that had flown in thru the windows.  I had carefully hidden them in the apt.  Then a Hispanic guy burst in w a gun, demanding either the baseballs, golf balls, or onions, I forgot which, and I said sure, you can have all from all 3 categories.  He was followed by his gang of thieves -- a mixed bunch in terms of sex, ethnicity, & age -- while he asked if I wanted a drink.  I counter-offered him a Coke in a cup.

Yes, some of the onions were bruised.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #273 on: January 19, 2019, 07:04:54 PM »
I was driving my car off road.  I was actually driving down the side of a hill.  It was pretty desolate, kind of like a scene from a Spaghetti Western movie.  No trees anywhere, just dried grass and sand.  The car was kind of sliding down the hill until I came upon a veritable graveyard of parked cars.  I stopped the car and saw that I was hemmed in on both sides by other cars plus one directly in front.  It must have been quite a sight to anyone looking up and seeing all these parked cars on the hill.  I tried to back up but my tires spun in the sand.  I got out of the car to take a look around.

"Hola, mi amigo," a rotund Mexican fellow greeted me.  He was standing further up the slope.  He had a big white shirt and white pants on and he was wearing a big, red sombrero. 

"Hello," I said with a smile.  "Well, it looks like I'm certainly in a pickle.  I guess I'm pretty well stuck here."

"No problema," the friendly man said.  "Estos autos, se han ido por la mañana.  Todo el mundo va a conducir al trabajo.  Entender?"

"Um, no, not really." I said.

The fellow held his hands up as if they were holding on to a steering wheel.  " Hombres come and how you say, drive to work?"

"Oh, that's great." I said.  "Thanks for the información."

So I began to wait for the men to show up and drive their cars away.  I know it's nitpicky, but I couldn't help but notice that the cars were parked very close to me on both sides.  It kind of irked me to think that their car doors would probably hit the sides of my car, when opened.

(I thank Bing for the translations.  I don't speak Spanish, but I'm pretty sure that our conversation ran along a similar line in the dream.  Though I do know the words problema and información.)     


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #274 on: January 20, 2019, 10:25:33 AM »
Last night power failed (icing on lines & trees) as I got back to bed from the bathroom.  When I went back to sleep, I dreamed we had various visitors (some locally familiar from waking life, others from a distance or meeting them for the 1st time in the dream) who were there to help, plus the house was larger & someplace warmer.  The sun came up and electricity came back on in the dream, and everybody seemed pleased, but I kept telling them it didn't matter what they thought, because they were imaginary and in a dream, & that I'd have to leave them when I woke up.  That didn't seem to faze them.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #275 on: January 23, 2019, 03:49:11 PM »
I dreamt that I was walking around in a peaceful, open zoo (no cages) and park, where you could walk right up to the animals and pet them, regardless of the animals size or temperament.  I was actually able to stroll over and scratch behind the ear of a big elephant. 

There were a lot of people walking about.  Mostly parents and their kids.  I noticed one fellow who stood out from the crowd.  He was a giant of a man, with big bulging muscles.  Suddenly, several uniformed policemen jumped on the big guy and they attempted to wrestle him to the ground.  One of the policemen shouted out a warning.  "Beware, escaped convict here!"

I watched as the big man easily threw the policemen off his shoulders.  He reached down and got a gun off of an officer's belt.  He raised it up and started to fire indiscriminately into the crowd.  Everybody started to run about in a panic.  A guy standing right next to me got shot and he fell in a heap to the ground. 

One of the policemen got to his feet and shouted for everyone to evacuate the park.  He didn't have to tell us twice.  I started to run through the park.  I zipped past a number of interesting looking display tents that I normally would have been keen to explore, but under the circumstances, I knew that I had to keep running.  As a matter of fact, I had a chilling thought that the escaped convict was chasing me alone, and that he was trying to get a bead on me with the gun.       

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #276 on: January 25, 2019, 01:06:40 PM »
I dreamt that I was in an old wooden building, walking down a long hallway.  There were lots of doors in there and I got the feeling that there were stores of various types behind them.  Shoe stores, bakeries, and even produce stores.  One fully wooden door got my attention because a slip of paper was being slipped out through the crack of it.  I watched as the piece of paper got bigger and bigger, until it became a big sign that proclaimed, 'The Odd Fellows meeting is now in progress.'

"Ah yes, the Odd Fellows," I thought to myself.  I have never really known much about the organization.  I have wondered if the members were odd, in which case I would have fit right in with them.

The door swung open and a group of older man walked into the hallway.  They saw me looking at the sign and happily proclaimed me to be the newest member of the club.  I was bemused by their attitude and I acted like I was interested in joining them. 

"Are you guys really odd?"  I asked.

"Yes," One of them answered.  "We are odd people who like to do good things in the world."

The guy speaking was looking very closely at me, except in a rather odd way.  His eyes were open wide, and he was staring just off to the side of me, as if he were talking to somebody standing next to me.

"Oh, I get it,"  I said, "You are the odd fellow with the off kilter stare."

"You catch on fast, member."  Another old man said.

I then continued to walk down the hall and lost track of the odd fellows, but I eventually made a full circuit and came across the group once again as they were just finishing singing the Odd Fellows Song of Allegiance. (No such thing, I'm afraid.)  A younger man with dark hair approached me and pointed out that the group was made up of both the rich and poor.  He said that he was a multi-millionaire himself, and that he had been with the group for several years.

After I woke up, I looked up the Odd Fellows and yes, they are a fraternal organization that likes to do good: 

I was a little disappointed to find out that they weren't odd though, in the conventional sense of the word.




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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #277 on: January 25, 2019, 04:25:30 PM »
Last night's dream was unusual for me in that it incorporated baseball.  I can't remember the last time I had baseball in a dream, either playing or watching -- maybe never, though what are the odds of that?  Usually it's rugby and/or American football.  There was some rugby football in last night's dream too, though.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #278 on: January 30, 2019, 01:45:13 PM »
I found myself back at a long ago job, feeding sheets of plywood into a dryer kiln.  Bill's ghost, (Bill was a dryer tender who died years ago from a brain tumor) approached me and said that the supply of plywood veneer had run out and that there wouldn't be any work available.

"You mean for tonight?" I asked him.

"I mean for every night." He said.

I walked away from the mill feeling dejected.  I made my way into town and entered a mini-theatre where I had a starring role in an amateur stage production, a comedy.  I gave a smashing performance, despite my inner, depressed feelings.  I had the audience in stiches.

After the show, I was backstage and all the other performers gathered around me.  They slapped my shoulders and predicted that I would get some great acting offers.  I stepped out the back stage door and the ally was dark and empty.  Nobody was there to offer me any acting jobs.

I walked over to the ocean and did some beachcombing.  I didn't find any seashells, but I did see a number of rocks that had been polished by the surf into nearly transparent, glass like globes.  There were red ones, blue ones and clear ones scattered about in the sand.  They almost looked like bowling balls. 

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #279 on: February 02, 2019, 02:42:25 PM »
I feel like I almost died in my sleep last night.  It was daylight and I was standing out on the front yard, just looking around, when I happened to gaze upwards.  The sky was nice and blue but there, directly overhead, was a spinning disc of sorts, though not a spacecraft.  It seemed more static, like a doorway or a portal.  It looked like a giant, gold cd or dvd disc.  It was not just high up in the sky, it seemed to be further back, I mean way, way back...beyond the far away as Heaven.  The spinning circle had a magnetic effect on me.  Suddenly I felt like I was going to fall up to it and I swung my arms around to keep my balance.  I fell to the ground and once my gaze was off of the thing, I felt all right.  A passing woman stopped by and helped me onto my feet.  Again, I looked upwards and the far away disc/door pulled at me again.  I felt like if I were to allow myself to be pulled up towards it, then I would never be returning to earth again.  Once more, I fell back to the ground, only this time, I crawled into my house.  I felt safe inside, but I had a nagging urge to take a peek at the mysterious thing/vision, through a window, but then I woke up.       

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #280 on: February 04, 2019, 02:54:10 PM »
Strange dream to have in the middle of winter, but there I was, standing pitch side at a World Cup Futball game.  Every so often a ball would roll out of play and I would swoop it up and throw it back to the competitors.  Halftime rolled around and the players headed for the locker rooms.  I walked over to a snack outlet and purchased a container of strawberry flavored ice cream.  This being a dream and all, I wasn't able to eat the treat, but I did carry it with me back to my post.  The players started to return for the game's second half, and being that I couldn't eat my treat, I offered it to a couple of them. 

The first guy, a player for Spain, looked at the ice cream and asked, " Qué sabor?  Flavooor?"

"Strawberry,"  I said.

His face got all twisted and he waved a dismissive hand.  "Noooo, noo, no!"

I asked a French player next.  He seemed interested in the ice cream and with great effort, used sign language to convey that he would be most interested in consuming the treat, but only if his team were to win the game.  By this time, the ice cream had begun to melt and I thought about looking for a freezer to store it in, but then I woke up.     

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #281 on: February 10, 2019, 03:26:12 PM »
I was driving down a road, following a car that was moving along at a high rate of speed.  I was kind of surprised that I was keeping up with it, especially since I was driving an old car I once owned, a 1973 Datsun B210. 

The driver in front of me came to a stop sign and stopped rather abruptly.  I went to hit my brakes and...nothing.  I managed to swerve around the stopped car but the move put me into a spin and I crashed sideways into a telephone pole.  It was a pretty horrific crash but I did manage to walk away from the wreck.  In fact, that's what I did, I just kept on walking down the road.  I wasn't quite feeling myself, though.  Something was amiss, and it wasn't from any injury sustained in the wreck.  I wondered, could I have not survived that wreck?  Was I walking around dead, without realizing it?

I came to a corner of the road and decided to test myself.  I spread my arms wide and started to run.  I jumped up and instead of returning to the  ground, I kept rising into the air.  "Oh oh," I thought to myself. "This can't be good."

I saw a tree ahead and flew myself right at it.  I held my arms out to grab the tree's trunk but the tree passed right through the middle of me as if I weren't really there.  It was at that point that I realized that I was dead.     


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #282 on: February 11, 2019, 06:07:45 PM »
I was driving down a road, following a car that was moving along at a high rate of speed.  I was kind of surprised that I was keeping up with it, especially since I was driving an old car I once owned, a 1973 Datsun B210

The driver in front of me came to a stop sign and stopped rather abruptly.  I went to hit my brakes and...nothing.  I managed to swerve around the stopped car but the move put me into a spin and I crashed sideways into a telephone pole.  It was a pretty horrific crash but I did manage to walk away from the wreck.  In fact, that's what I did, I just kept on walking down the road.  I wasn't quite feeling myself, though.  Something was amiss, and it wasn't from any injury sustained in the wreck.  I wondered, could I have not survived that wreck?  Was I walking around dead, without realizing it?

I came to a corner of the road and decided to test myself.  I spread my arms wide and started to run.  I jumped up and instead of returning to the  ground, I kept rising into the air.  "Oh oh," I thought to myself. "This can't be good."

I saw a tree ahead and flew myself right at it.  I held my arms out to grab the tree's trunk but the tree passed right through the middle of me as if I weren't really there.  It was at that point that I realized that I was dead.   

Nice! That's the one with the mirrors way up on the front. I never quite figured out why/how the switch from Datsun to Nissan. Likely some kind of odd "Jap Play" for some tax advantages or marketing purposes. Kidding, of course.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #283 on: February 12, 2019, 09:17:14 PM »
Last night's dream was unusual for me in that it incorporated baseball.  I can't remember the last time I had baseball in a dream, either playing or watching -- maybe never, though what are the odds of that?
A few dreams ago, baseball figured again, don't remember how, but just noted this unusual trend in my dreams.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #284 on: February 13, 2019, 06:40:05 AM »
You know you need to lose wt. when it starts figuring in your dreams.

2 d. ago I weighed 304#.  Lat night I dreamed I was with my old Ph.D. mentor in a lab looking at some autoradiograms he'd made of an electrophoresis gel.  The lane of interest appeared overloaded, so I had the idea of doing another autoradiogram of it, shorter exposure.  He passed around a few copies, putting 1 on a lab bench in front of him.  I leaned over w my hands on the bench top to look at it.  Apparently the bench top was cantilevered wood, because my wt. broke it.  I could even see a small triangular piece of painted wood flying off where it broke; my dreams can be very visually detailed in the dramatic parts.