Author Topic: Dream Stuff  (Read 91719 times)

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #405 on: September 29, 2019, 12:02:25 AM »
Interesting.  You know something funny, Sofia?  I can totally remember the exact spot where that backhoe was digging the hole in my yard.  Perhaps I should go out there and dig down a ways?
Septic tanks are square and white - be careful, lol.

I wonder if that dream was the mother of all toilet-style dreams (letting go dreams).


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #406 on: September 29, 2019, 12:03:46 AM »
No matter how much I dream about tricky travel, I keep coming up with new variations, but then sometimes the themes repeat.  One example was in the past week, where one night I dreamt I was in Baltimore and didn't have the fare to get back home.  Shortly after that, I had another dream wherein I was in Maryland, and that time although I had the money in my account, I didn't have my credit or debit card, and my friend Ralph offered to help.

But then last night I had one that took the cake.  In waking life, our friend Greg was visiting us, and we expected to go to a craft fair the next day.  In the dream we were still expecting to go to that fair, but in the meantime we were at a reception party for an engagement between my sister and Mark Levine.  Some people were at a table doing some form of divination involving food in a tank like a fish tank.  Anyway, this was a strange affair in that the reception was before the ceremony, and just then I realized I still needed to dress fancy for the ceremony and go there before we'd go to the craft fair.  First I had to get my car out of the courtyard of the catering hall, and then I realized I couldn't've driven it in there, because the only way out was up some steps.  However, I was easily able to carry my car up the steps, because it turned out to be a kiddie car.

Then I realized I didn't know where we were going, so I went back in and asked the other guests, who were all strangers to me, where the ceremony was to be held.  Everybody said it was nearby and easy to get to.  But where?  I tried to narrow it down by asking whether it was even in the same state, New Jersey, and everybody said yes.  One person said it was in a town named Titty.  But I tried looking it up online, and there was no such town in NJ.  Somebody else said they thought it was at a high school named Titty or Tittie, but I couldn't find that either.  I thought maybe that was short for Titicut, but no luck with that either.  Somebody else said it was in Ocean City, and I thought it might've been the place by that name on the Jersey shore, but the animated computer readout had us going across the state toward the shore, then turning south on the Garden State Parkway, taking a ferry from Cape May, and...Ocean City, Maryland?!  (There's Maryland again.)  No, can't be.  So I asked the guests whether they'd gotten invitations with directions.  Just blank stares as everybody realized nobody knew where we were going, and I guess I was the first to think of it.  So I found Mark Levine and asked him, and even he couldn't tell me.  I woke up before I got to asking my sister.
Just be glad it was a dream.  It sounds a lot like my Alzheimer's patient last week.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #407 on: September 29, 2019, 04:22:56 AM »
Septic tanks are square and white - be careful, lol.

I wonder if that dream was the mother of all toilet-style dreams (letting go dreams).

Or the object could be a grave marker of sorts.  They are made out of granite or marble.  Who dies?  Not a who.  An it.  I recently found out that a maple tree that occupies a spot near where the backhoe dug in the dream, has been condemned to be removed due to a chronic tree illness.  Thankfully it will be replaced by a redwood.   


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #408 on: September 29, 2019, 11:38:18 PM »
Or the object could be a grave marker of sorts.  They are made out of granite or marble.  Who dies?  Not a who.  An it.  I recently found out that a maple tree that occupies a spot near where the backhoe dug in the dream, has been condemned to be removed due to a chronic tree illness.  Thankfully it will be replaced by a redwood.
Very interesting.  Well, maples are all over anyhow and redwoods are so nice.  Hope it grows gast.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #409 on: November 21, 2019, 11:04:25 PM »
I dreamt that I was working in a large warehouse and it appeared that my job consisted of being a stock clerk of sorts.  Whatever was dropped off at the loading dock had to be written down in a notebook.  There were two big square shaped objects sitting on the dock, so I walked over to look at them.  'Two extra large accordions.' I wrote down in the book.  Yes, there were two folded accordions sitting there, and they were big ones, too.  Like double the size of regular accordions.  I walked into the warehouse and found a worker whose job it was to take stock items off the dock and store them inside the warehouse.  I told him that there were a couple of items out on the dock and he asked what they were.  I chuckled and decided to make a quiz out of my answer.  "See if you can guess." I said.  I hummed the song 'Lady of Spain' and waited for his response.  He didn't seem to get it and right at that moment a boss came by and told the guy to go do something else.      

Bart Ell

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #410 on: November 22, 2019, 04:50:07 AM »
I chuckled and decided to make a quiz out of my answer. 

Mrs Thompson influence!


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #411 on: November 23, 2019, 05:59:46 AM »
I just had to make a note here of one of the things I dreamed last night.

It was Moe, Larry, Shemp, and Curly in a brief sound clip.  I think it was black and white, but might've been color.  They were doing a series of blackout gags that consisted of the 4 of them together, in regular clothes, striking a quick pose and then announcing quickly in unison what it was supposed to be before jumping into the next one, rapid fire.  There was no actual blackout between them, and the whole thing was less than a minute, maybe half a minute.

I don't remember what any of the poses were, but they were all things like contemporary satire and parodies of famous scenes.  For instance, they might've all shrugged their shoulders while looking at each other and saying, "Congressional Democrats", or struck a pose as "Washington crossing the Delaware".  You get the idea.  The bits were so fast I was getting behind "getting" them in the dream.

They all looked like they had their natural hair styles.  The beginning of the clip was what looked like a natural setting, all of them sitting around or close to a table, a couple of them with hats on, as if someone had just encountered them and asked them to do a bit.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #412 on: November 29, 2019, 07:14:55 AM »
I was up in the middle of the night for a few hours with post-Thanksgiving heartburn.  Thanksgiving had included more political discussion than I'd had in person for some time.  So maybe it makes sense that when I got back to sleep, it was political, but I don't think it belongs in the Politics section:

I dreamed I was in DC, where a commission had closed some streets and facilities and rerouted things for a special event.  I even dreamed the detail that commissions in DC were a parallel government, having full, sovereign jurisdiction over the subjects of their temporary commission.  So I had to park in a grassy place to attend something involving handicapped persons, I think.

Meanwhile the talk of the town was a proposed political deal involving the presidency of the US.  Harry Truman was still alive and was deemed eligible for president and/or vice president for the portion of Franklin Roosevelt's last term that was served by FDR.  So there was going to be some complicated deal with Trump like the way Nelson Rockefeller became vice president.  It was going to involve Mike Pence's resigning and Harry Truman's becoming VP, then Trump's resigning and Truman's becoming president and running for election to the presidency.  Then shortly after getting elected and inaugurated, Truman would get Trump similarly as a replacement VP, and then resign and wind up with Trump as president again.  Apparently Truman was sought for such a deal because:
  • he's just the sort of weasel who'd do it, and
  • his being ineligible for a whole term was insurance against his welshing on it.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #413 on: December 18, 2019, 04:22:46 PM »
A few nights ago I had another movie dream.  It amounted to a nasty idea for a feature film.  I was watching the film in the dream.

The movie had been billed as one starring Charles Bronson as a vigilante hero.  However, a few minutes into it, the Charles Bronson character was shot dead by a Clint Eastwood character who apparently was to be the real hero.  Or anti-hero or whatever.  Eastwood seemed to come out of nowhere in the scene to do this.

Bart Ell

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #414 on: December 20, 2019, 09:31:08 PM »
Here are the 2 @Rikki Gins dreams Dave narrated on #Woo2acular

Give this thread a read if you have not already

I had a quickie dream where I was sitting in an office (apparently mine) when several police officers brought in a handcuffed man. 

"We have captured the world's greatest villain," one of them told me.  "Everyone in the department wants to beat him up, so we thought he'd at least be safe in your office."

"Sure," I told them as they walked out of the room.

I looked the guy over as he sat in the chair.  He was mildly chubby and had red hair.  "Oh no,' I thought to myself.  "Here comes my impatience with red headed people again."

I could feel the anger rising up inside me.  I got up and unlocked his handcuffs.

"OK, you bastard," I snarled at him.  "Are you trying to escape?"

I made a fist with one of my hands and started to wallop him.  Bonk, bonk, bonk!  I was hitting him on the top of his head, over and over again.  When I finally stopped, I noticed that he really didn't look any different at all.  Still, I felt kind of relieved from having hit him all those times.

I was driving down a road, following a car that was moving along at a high rate of speed.  I was kind of surprised that I was keeping up with it, especially since I was driving an old car I once owned, a 1973 Datsun B210. 

The driver in front of me came to a stop sign and stopped rather abruptly.  I went to hit my brakes and...nothing.  I managed to swerve around the stopped car but the move put me into a spin and I crashed sideways into a telephone pole.  It was a pretty horrific crash but I did manage to walk away from the wreck.  In fact, that's what I did, I just kept on walking down the road.  I wasn't quite feeling myself, though.  Something was amiss, and it wasn't from any injury sustained in the wreck.  I wondered, could I have not survived that wreck?  Was I walking around dead, without realizing it?

I came to a corner of the road and decided to test myself.  I spread my arms wide and started to run.  I jumped up and instead of returning to the  ground, I kept rising into the air.  "Oh oh," I thought to myself. "This can't be good."

I saw a tree ahead and flew myself right at it.  I held my arms out to grab the tree's trunk but the tree passed right through the middle of me as if I weren't really there.  It was at that point that I realized that I was dead.   


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #415 on: December 22, 2019, 04:32:44 PM »
Couple nights ago I had a dream that seemed to be one of an occasional series I've been having the past few years, wherein I travel to an altered version of the Sound coast in the eastern part of the Bronx, not far from where I lived when I started having these dreams.  I usually meet women who come up to me there -- in the dreams, I mean.

Anyway, in this one I wound up playing with 3 attractive women a game similar to go, but made for several players.  We had black, white, red, and yellow stones, one color for each player.*  There were blue stones for a possible fifth player available.  The stones were square and the board was sectioned into a smaller section on my left and the remainder on the right, reminiscent of the way the 80-column punch cards were sectioned for Fortran programming, except that the left section's rows extended farther down, making the whole thing L-shaped.  I don't remember which color I had, but in waking life red is my favorite.

* People talk as if "dreaming in color" were rare, but I don't find that to be true at all.  If we dreamed in monochrome, surely we'd notice this as a startling contrast to the waking world!  I think it's just a matter of whether color is significant to what we're experiencing.  Ask me what color anything else was in this dream, like the ladies' hair, and even though they were good looking, I don't remember, because it was the game that I was focusing on.  The board was nice yellowish unstained side-grain wood with reddish-brown trim.  See, even with ladies around, even in my dreams, I'm a gamer.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #416 on: December 26, 2019, 05:30:50 PM »
This time I was dreaming that I was with a bunch of students in med school.  It wasn't clear whether I was student, faculty, or just a guy who comes into a dream world as an interloper.  We were sitting around a table doliscussing the research paper in a journal we had copies of.  It seemed to me that the articles were heavily influenced by the journal's advertiser, Drixoral.  And then I was informed that all the students had to do for their course was regurgitate these 5 insubstantial publications.  I think that portion of the dream was influenced by my previous housemate, who told me he was entering medical school but was actually in some allied health field where they had to write some bullshit politically correct paper.

Then I went to dream-home where I saw what I suppose were my dream children swimming in my dream pool.  But I had the topression the children, although dressed for swimming, had shortly beforehand been using the pool to wash in.  Sure enough, my dream wife was there holding a slightly used cake of Ivory soap.  I wanted to ask her, "Why are you giving the children a bath in the pool when we have a perfectly functional bathroom?"  But my wife was asleep in a lounge chair poolside, and as I put my head down next to her and started to talk I realized I'd have to wake her up, and then I realized that I was dreaming and would be waking myself up too, which was a little disappointing for a second because I realized I'd never get an answer to my question.  Ever get into that hypnopompic state where you want to take care of dream business as you're re-entering waking life?

But I think I do know the answer.  Wanting to know about our perfectly functional bathroom meant, wake up, you've got to go.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #417 on: January 25, 2020, 06:11:32 AM »
I've had some interesting ones lately, but forgotten, although one that sticks out in my mind was where I wound up in podiatry school.  It's easier to keep details like that when I discuss them with someone in the waking world, like my friend and housemate, as I did that one.  I guess I can't call it the woke world these days.

Last night I had another toilet dream.  I dreamed was was to attend an affair the next day, and that my mother was hinting that she wanted me to freshen up beforehand.  I can't remember when I last had Mother in a dream, extremely rare since she died over 50 years ago in the waking world.  Anyway I was staying in strange quarters, and I went to use a bathroom.  On one wall was a funny kind of toilet or urinal, distorted in its angle to the wall, like a parallelogram, as if it were to save space although there seemed to be plenty of it.  I was having trouble starting, so I closed the door, thinking maybe the thought of Mother seeing me was inhibiting me, even though she wasn't directly in view in the hallway.  So I resumed but wondered why I was still having difficulty starting the urine stream.

Fortunately that's when I woke up, and was very glad I had difficulty starting that urine stream!  That's a few times in the 21st Century that I've come close to wetting the bed.  It actually happened only once, but it seems just a matter of time until I repeat.  Until then I'm keeping this old sagging mattress, which was new when that happened.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #418 on: February 08, 2020, 11:55:11 AM »
Last night I dreamed I was touring North Korea with its current Kim as my personal tour guide.  I don't remember where we were headed when he got a call that there was trouble on a certain floor.  We got in the elevator, where he pressed two floor numbers simultaneously to get special access; I remember one was 8, I think the other was 5.  We got to the floor, got out and turned the corner, and there was a middle aged woman apparently passed out on a brown upholstered bench in the hallway.  Kim pulled out a pair of scissors and poked a hole in her shirt over the shoulder, and reflected a small tag thru the hole.  There was Korean printed info on it, black on white.  Kim explained to me that this was emergency info all North Koreans wore, and phoned emergency medical techs.  When they arrived and took the lady away, we went back down the elevator to the lobby, where Kim left me alone for a while and walked out the front glass doors, I think with the med techs.

I sat down on an upholstered bench, and up walked two stereotypic American G-men, fedoras and all.  They sat left and right of me on the bench and proceeded to question me about what I'd seen.  I told them about the preceding incident and that I was impressed by this shirt tag system, although I admitted that the lady could've been a shill who staged the event to impress me.  The G-men assured me that she was a shill, but didn't convince me.

Only after I woke up did it occur to me that it was the supposed G-men who were shills, probing for a reaction from me.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #419 on: February 08, 2020, 04:22:18 PM »
Last night I dreamed I was touring North Korea with its current Kim as my personal tour guide.  I don't remember where we were headed when he got a call that there was trouble on a certain floor.  We got in the elevator, where he pressed two floor numbers simultaneously to get special access; I remember one was 8, I think the other was 5.  We got to the floor, got out and turned the corner, and there was a middle aged woman apparently passed out on a brown upholstered bench in the hallway.  Kim pulled out a pair of scissors and poked a hole in her shirt over the shoulder, and reflected a small tag thru the hole.  There was Korean printed info on it, black on white.  Kim explained to me that this was emergency info all North Koreans wore, and phoned emergency medical techs.  When they arrived and took the lady away, we went back down the elevator to the lobby, where Kim left me alone for a while and walked out the front glass doors, I think with the med techs.

I sat down on an upholstered bench, and up walked two stereotypic American G-men, fedoras and all.  They sat left and right of me on the bench and proceeded to question me about what I'd seen.  I told them about the preceding incident and that I was impressed by this shirt tag system, although I admitted that the lady could've been a shill who staged the event to impress me.  The G-men assured me that she was a shill, but didn't convince me.

Only after I woke up did it occur to me that it was the supposed G-men who were shills, probing for a reaction from me.

Your dreams are like fun stories, how do you remember so much?