Author Topic: Dream Stuff  (Read 91639 times)

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Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #60 on: August 08, 2018, 02:22:06 PM »
have you ever looked in a mirror in a dream ?

Not that I can recall.  I came close the other night but the room was too dark to reflect any images.  Then I became too afraid to turn the lights on.

Fast and Bulbous

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #61 on: August 09, 2018, 09:44:23 AM »

Not that I can recall.  I came close the other night but the room was too dark to reflect any images.  Then I became too afraid to turn the lights on.
it happened to me once when I was a kid. The mirror was an antique. When I looked in the mirror,  every thing got weird. There were ghosts , all old timey, in the glass looking at me. It scared me so much I ran out of the room screaming, but I could not wake up.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #62 on: August 09, 2018, 11:39:54 AM »
I do recall a dream I had as a child, or part of one anyway. Must have been roughly kindergarten aged.

The image I remember is that I was in a classroom during recess time, and I had slammed the palm of my hand down onto the top of a drain elbow under a sink. (like this one)
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When I pulled my hand away I had a hole in my hand, clean through, that took up most of my hand. Around the perimeter of the wound it was like multicolor play-dough instead of meat.

I can still see that image, in full color.

Fast and Bulbous

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #63 on: August 09, 2018, 12:56:27 PM »
I do recall a dream I had as a child, or part of one anyway. Must have been roughly kindergarten aged.

The image I remember is that I was in a classroom during recess time, and I had slammed the palm of my hand down onto the top of a drain elbow under a sink. (like this one)
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When I pulled my hand away I had a hole in my hand, clean through, that took up most of my hand. Around the perimeter of the wound it was like multicolor play-dough instead of meat.

I can still see that image, in full color.
dreams from early childhood were the scariest . I didn't know where the nightmares ended and waking life began.  Or what the difference was. Some demon was always at the verge of breaking through.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #64 on: August 09, 2018, 01:40:39 PM »
Interesting, this talk about dreams from childhood.  I recall one where I was falling from the sky.  While this should have been rather terrifying, I really wasn't overly concerned about my body striking the earth.  As I fell, a muscular arm holding a big hammer floated by.  The Arm and Hammer trademark, right?  Well, not so fast.  A body formed around the arm and it was a woman.  A kind of Rosie The Riveter type of woman.

Another one took place outside of a colorful, marquee lit movie theatre.  I remember being inside but I couldn't get past other people who were packed like sardines from the seating area, clear out into the lobby.  I couldn't see the screen but I kind of had the impression that it was an adventure movie like King Solomon's Mines, or something like that.  Anyway, I was walking the sidewalk in front of the theatre and it was raining hard.  I stepped into a pool of rainwater and it was like a joke hole under a mud puddle.  I sank down a good twenty feet or so.  The water was very clear and at the bottom I saw an attractive lady sitting at a desk.  She was like a secretary and she lifted up a phone and with a very officious voice announced,  "This is your second bubble."  I must have been around six years old at the time.

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Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #65 on: August 10, 2018, 01:52:59 PM »
Dream, August 10, 2018.

I was part of a tour group, going through a giant sized industrial place full of working machines and treadmills and conveyor belts.  It was quite interesting.  At one spot our group entered a room where a massive steam shovel scoop was cemented onto a block of concrete.  I told the other members of the group how much earth that the scoop could hold, though I have since forgotten the amount.  It seemed to be a place that mixed certain materials together but I wasn't able to ascertain what was being produced as an end product.  We walked up some stairs that overlooked a big screening system.  A worker above saw us walking on the stairs and he threw a shovelful of slimy sewage sludge down onto the screen.  The foul stuff splattered onto us as we were going up the steps.  Nobody in the tour group said anything, but I couldn't help myself.  "Hey a-----e!"  I shouted.  "Watch what you're doing.  People are walking down here!"  "Aww, go f--k yourself!" he shouted in return.  "Well f--k you, m-----------r!"  I shouted back.

I ran up the steps in a rage, intent on finding the guy so that I could throw him down onto the smelly screening system.  I went through a door and entered a gift shop, of all things, where some employees were milling about, idly stocking shelves with bouquets of artificial flowers.  I saw that one lady seemed to be in charge of things, so I approached her to inform her of what happened down on the stairs.  "Oh, I know who you are talking about," she said resignedly.  "We've had trouble with him before."  "Well, why put up with him?"  I asked.  "Well, he's worked here for so many years."  she answered.  "It isn't all that easy to discharge him."  "No problem."  I told her.  "Hire me right now and I'll go up and fire his ass." 

As much as I wanted for the dream to continue, I woke up.  I was laying there in bed feeling utterly frustrated and mad.  I even tried to go back to sleep so that I could continue with the dream but I wasn't able to fall back asleep.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #66 on: August 12, 2018, 02:17:06 PM »
Dreams, August 12, 2018.  (One of these days I'm going to type 1918, I just know it.)   

I'm sure most of you know about that photo of Art, where he's sitting on the gravel in front of a bowel shaped antenaae dish.  He's kind of looking off to the side.  Well, Art appeared in a dream last night, looking the exact same way, only he was sitting on the floor of my den, watching me as I typed away at the keyboard.  I wish I could have got lucid, and made more out of the dream, but sadly, that was it.  The dream ended and I moved right into another one.  (Interestingly, I almost totally forgot about the Art segment.  It just barely popped into my mind when I was up and about, and shaving.)

I was walking down the street when an old man backed his car out of a driveway and bumped into me.  It kind of rattled me a bit and I reacted by giving the side of his car a kick.  Honestly, I wasn't that angry, but I did try to get him to stop the car so that I could tell him to be more careful.  I placed a hand on a passenger side door handle and the guy kept backing out onto the street, taking me with him.  His window was down so I was able to reach in and turn his ignition key off.  (Yup, older style car.)  He looked at me and I could see fear in his eyes, and like I said, he was pretty old looking.  I let go of his key and backed away from the car.  The bottom line was that I wasn't hurt, so I simply continued to walk down the street.     

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #67 on: August 13, 2018, 03:02:25 PM »
Dreams, August 13, 2018.

I had a couple of dreams with some international flavor last night.  Not location wise because I think I was in my hometown, but rather people wise.

The first dream had me standing in front of my house where I was idly watching a mailman deliver mail to a neighbor.  The guy was acting kind of strange, furtive like and nervously glancing here and there.  He pulled a newspaper out of his bag and spread it out onto the ground and then he made a big show out of getting on his knees and reading it.  It was right at that moment that I heard a commotion further up the street.  It was caused by another mailman who was running down the street, shouting something.  The mailman who I had been watching got up onto his feet and ran past me, over to the side of my house.  The two mailmen converged, and attempted to grab a thin, oriental guy who was running with a package in his hands.  "Oh," I thought to myself.  "The mailmen are running a sting operation to catch people who are stealing other people's mail."  They caught the guy, and right then the rest of his family came out of hiding.  I saw his elderly wife, and a couple of sons and daughters.  They were all thin as if they hadn't eaten in awhile.  They kind of looked like those Philippine people in the U.S.S. Huron photos in the postcard thread.

The second dream started with me meeting a Russian spy.  I gave him a handful of Russian Rubles and he handed me some silver pieces.  We walked to a local amusement park and he pointed out a big blimp that was floating around.  "Секретная информация.  Люди плавают в дирижабле.  Газ не вредит им.  Никто не пострадает плавающей о, в тяжести свободного.  Мы будем применять технологию к военным. Государства.   ÐœÑ‹ будем применять технологию для военного использования." he said.  For those of you who don't know Russian (including myself,) he said, "Classified information.  People are floating about inside the blimp.  Gas does not harm them.  Nobody gets hurt floating about in the gravity free state.  We will be utilizing the technology for military use." 

The spy left me in the middle of the carnival.  I joined a group of people who were climbing into some roller coaster cars.  We took off and were soon climbing a steep section of the ride.  We went way up high, then over the crest and down in a fast rush.  We came to a turn but the roller coaster was going so fast that it shot off the rail system and we were streaking through the amusement park grounds.  We continued on through the countryside and into town, where we got some odd stares from the local motorists there.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #68 on: August 14, 2018, 01:08:49 PM »
Dream, August 14, 2018.

I was on a big Luxury Liner with actor/singer Pat Boone.  I don't know if we knew each other in the dream, but we were standing at the rail, looking out across the ocean.  "Beautiful," Pat said to no one in particular.  "God's majesty stretched out before us."

I left Pat and went down some stairs to the engine room.  It was as if I had stepped back in time.  There were men covered in black dust, shoveling coal into big boilers.  It was hard to breathe in there so I walked further on and entered a room with some bunks and a table.  The air was even worse than in the boiler room.  I nearly suffocated from all the cigarette, cigar and pipe smoke.  It seemed like there were quite a number of deck hands crowded into the room and that must have been the subject of conversation because I heard one old salt (ha, I just love writing the words, old salt) say, "Oh, taint nearly as crowded as in the old days.  Why, I can recall being on steamers where there wuz fifteen men in the crew's quarters 'stead of the usual seven."


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #69 on: August 15, 2018, 08:41:48 AM »
This was a new one.

I was a pregnant woman about to give birth, but I didn't have any kind of baby bump.

So, uh, yeah. It was a very short dream, really just images and some vague notion of what was going on.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #70 on: August 15, 2018, 02:00:02 PM »
This was a new one.

I was a pregnant woman about to give birth, but I didn't have any kind of baby bump.

So, uh, yeah. It was a very short dream, really just images and some vague notion of what was going on.

Thinking back over years of dreams, I kind of recall having a similar dream, only I had a fairly big bump.  I felt like myself though, not a woman. As with you, my dream was also quite vague.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #71 on: August 15, 2018, 02:02:03 PM »
Dream, August 15, 2018.

I was staying at a motel overlooking the ocean.  I walked down to the shoreline and watched a big blimp fly overhead.  It must have been out over the ocean a ways because it flew over my head, heading inland.  It was soon followed by a large contingent of military aircraft such as jets and transport  planes, all headed in the same direction.  Then I could see a large number of ships and landing craft headed to where I was standing.  It kind of freaked me out, so I ran back to the motel and warned the other guests about the impending invasion.  Nobody fled but a number of them came onto the balcony to witness the event. 

I spotted a military man standing by the pounding surf, so I walked down to talk to him.

" What's going on?"  I asked.  "A military exercise." he answered.  "Just a mock battle.  No more than two or three hundred military personnel involved."

The general (At least I'm guessing that's what he was) walked away and I was alone on the beach.  I looked out over the waves and spotted a group of sperm whales making their way towards me.  They got pretty close, in fact I was able to wade out into the surf and pet one of them.  The whales weren't beaching themselves, they were just happily swimming around close to the shoreline.


  • KDWN
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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #72 on: August 15, 2018, 07:16:36 PM »
I like the dream logic there. This crazy military exercise is going on and you're just like "oh, neat, whales"

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #73 on: August 16, 2018, 06:34:18 PM »
Dream, August 16, 2018.

I was walking on a dock, about to board a sight seeing boat when the stewardess stopped me and asked if I would help with getting other people on board the boat.  "Sure, I'll help." I said.  So I started helping the other passengers step onto the boat.  Little kids and elderly women needed my help the most.  Some of those old ladies gave me tips.  I got some nickels and dimes and a silver see-hear and speak no evil monkey charm.  One lady gave me a roll of bills that contained a twenty, a ten and a five dollar bill.

"Could you sit at the front of the boat?" the pretty boat stewardess asked.  "Yes, I can sit up there," I said. "I've always wanted to sit at the very front of a boat."  "Good," she said.  "That means we can squeeze one more person into the seating area."

Instead of sitting, I stretched head first on the forward platform of the boat and it was pretty cool when the pilot shot the boat over the waves.  My head was over the very tip of the boat and it felt like I Was flying.  After awhile the pilot turned the boat round and made his way into a lagoon.  We bobbed along slowly and there were strange swamp creatures perched on moss covered trees.   


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #74 on: August 17, 2018, 05:59:09 AM »
As I was falling asleep. I could see a giant multi-color pillow towards the foot of my bed, so I kicked it with my foot. When there was no resistance I knew it was a dream, and it vanished.