Author Topic: Dream Stuff  (Read 91629 times)

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Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #180 on: October 07, 2018, 01:34:24 PM »
Dreams, October 7, 2018.

I tried my best to enter a cool looking greasy spoon café but I was barefooted and couldn't open the door because there was a big pool of oil on the doorstep and every time I turned the doorknob I would slip and slide all around in the oil.

I was with a group of soldiers and we were patrolling the ruins of a town.  Checking on people, I guess, to see if they were OK.  We entered a small hovel and found two old women warming themselves by a stove.  Once we ascertained that the two ladies were doing allright, my companions continued on with the patrol but I remained behind to talk with them. 

They claimed to have been from the past and told me a number of recollections concerning kings, castles, the fall of Troy, etc.  They also claimed to be fortune tellers so I asked them to tell my fortune.  They said that I would meet and marry a beautiful farm girl and that we would have a daughter with golden hair. 

I hated to burst their bubble but I pointed out to them that the world was in pretty crappy shape, what with the war going on and all.  They agreed and changed their prediction to that of me going out and meeting a glorious death on the battlefield.

"Now I can certainly see that happening,"  I told them as I walked out the door. "Thanks for the warning.  I'll try to keep my head down." 

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #181 on: October 08, 2018, 03:32:39 PM »
Dream, October 8, 2018.

I dreamt that I was at a circus sideshow, looking at the biggest and smallest people, fire eaters and sword swallowers.  One small tent caught my attention and I entered it.  There, up on a wooden platform was the burnt remains of a motorcycle.  A bearded man wearing a turban came into the tent and announced, "Ladies and gentlemen." (Which was funny because there was only me and one other guy in the tent.)  "Please gaze upon the remains of the Great Tarzanna's rocket weapon."

I looked at the burnt bike but I couldn't tell what make it was because I don't know motorcycles.  It might have been a Harley, I'm not sure.  It was definitely burnt to a crisp but you could still make out the melted wheels and handlebar.  There appeared to be a rocket's tail fin attached to the rear of the bike. 

The side show guy went on to explain how the Great Tarzaana had hopped onto his rocket bike and fired it up after having spotting several invading flying saucers up in the sky.  He drove down a huge ski jumping ramp and when he was airborne, he switched on his rocket attachment. He went up into sky with a mighty roar and crashed into one of the saucers, causing it to explode.  The other couple of flying saucers saw what happened and returned to outer space.  All that remained of the Great Tarzanna was the burnt glob of motorcycle, displayed up there on the platform.   

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #182 on: October 09, 2018, 02:19:41 PM »
Dream, October 9, 2018.

I was able to wrangle myself a job interview and so I found myself standing in front of a desk with a man in a suit sitting behind it.  I was hyped up because the job involved high pay.  He asked some questions and I answered back in a horrible, tongue tied fashion.  My answers didn't make any sense.  The guy was a real a-hole and made no attempt to conceal his disgust of me.  He pretty much dismissed me without so much as a 'thanks, but we are looking for someone more qualified to fill this position' remark.  So there I stood, trying to figure out why I wasn't climbing over his desk to bash his face in.  But I meekly turned around and left the office.

Trying to cheer myself up, I went to visit my dad's ghost.  I walked up the hill and into the house but he wasn't there.  I looked inside his back outbuilding (thinking that he might be making some wine) and there was someone there but it wasn't Dad.  It was a woman.  I stepped inside the dim room and saw that it was a youthful Marilyn Monroe standing there.  I walked up to her and she threw her arms around me and gave me a nice wet kiss.  She actually tried to talk while kissing me but natually I couldn't understand what she was trying to say.  I did get the distinct impression though, that it had something to do with some type of espionage work and that she was attempting to convey information that was of a top secret nature.   

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #183 on: October 10, 2018, 01:10:37 PM »
Dream, October 10, 2018.

I was looking at some photographs.  The first two were of my cousin.  She was sitting on a couch in the first one, and in the second pic, she was sitting on a sidewalk, posed like a buddha in front of two black policemen.  They were all happily smiling.  The third photo showed an elaborate inner city scene, with tall abandoned buildings, broken down cars and trash strewn all over the place, and a small graveyard that was squeezed inside all of the squalor.  I could see that two graves were covered in flowers.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #184 on: October 11, 2018, 03:10:27 PM »
Dream, October 11, 2018.

I entered an old time work place and saw right away that it had changed.  I couldn't see any pieces of machinery but there sure were lots of big ramps placed everywhere.  I assumed that by walking up a ramp, one would be led to a work station.  I picked a ramp and started to walk up it.  A familiar voice came from behind me and I turned to look.  It was Kenny, an old maintenance pal.  I told him how glad I was to see him and asked where I was supposed to report for work.  He pointed back down to the floor and told me to stand next to that jail cell.  So I walked back down the ramp and stood next to the row of bars.  Yep, it was a jail cell all right because there were four sets of bars in a box shape, but small, as if it would only fit one person standing, with no chance to sit down once inside of it.  The small jail cell fell over onto me and all I could do was hunch over so that it hit me on the back.  I actually got it balanced and stood there kind of holding the thing with my stooped back.

"Good." Kenny said.  "Now take it up the welding ramp so that the boys can cut a door for it."

Bart Ell

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #185 on: October 13, 2018, 11:50:50 AM »
I would like to hear @DynamoHum do dramatic reads of these posts for KONR.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #186 on: October 13, 2018, 11:57:12 AM »
I would like to hear @DynamoHum do dramatic reads of these posts for KONR.

Will do .. By midweek boss.
Give pees a chance.

Hi Metron <3

Bart Ell

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #187 on: October 13, 2018, 11:58:52 AM »
Will do .. By midweek boss.

I will commit to producing them as individual TOTM pieces then.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #188 on: October 13, 2018, 12:03:28 PM »
I was playing the piano in the sort of foyer/entryway at my aunt's house where we usually have Thanksgiving, except the house was rather grander.  For some reason I was also present in the dining room down a long hallway where the rest of the family was talking, though they couldn't see me, and I could hear myself playing in the distance.  It was terrible -- I was making all kinds of mistakes, and all the left-hand stuff sounded like an indistinct, discordant growl.  My family endured my serenade with expressions of pained resignation, wincing regularly.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #189 on: October 13, 2018, 05:47:21 PM »
I was playing the piano in the sort of foyer/entryway at my aunt's house where we usually have Thanksgiving, except the house was rather grander.  For some reason I was also present in the dining room down a long hallway where the rest of the family was talking, though they couldn't see me, and I could hear myself playing in the distance.  It was terrible -- I was making all kinds of mistakes, and all the left-hand stuff sounded like an indistinct, discordant growl.  My family endured my serenade with expressions of pained resignation, wincing regularly.

Haha, K, despite the poor recital, your dream tickled me, especially the constant wincing.  It also reminded me of my grandparents house in Monroe.  Oh how I wish that I could dream of the dinning room there, especially at Thanksgiving.  I haven't been able to though and I think I know why.  Somewhere in the family archives are some old black and white snapshots of the Thanksgiving dinners that took place there. I must have been around five or six years old at the time the pics were taken. Everyone was there, aunts uncles, parents and grandparents, cousins, brothers and sisters,all sitting on both sides of a long table.  Everyone is dressed in black and white 1950's clothes, waiting to begin eating, or chowing down, depending on which picture you view.  If you could see the pictures you would notice an empty chair in some of them.  That's because I was so afraid of the camera's flash that I would duck down under the table until the picture had been taken.  And that's why I think that I can't go back there.  My subconscious mind knows that if I were to dream of the Thanksgiving feast, I might fall down some strategically placed black dream holes that I had innocently placed there so many years ago.         

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #190 on: October 13, 2018, 05:53:05 PM »
Dream, October 13, 2018.

This dream started off in a health food store.  I was browsing the soup aisle, looking at those small soups that come in little boxes.  The trouble was, I couldn't understand what types of soup they were.  Instead of Tomato Soup, one would be called Tom Toe's soup.  Rice and Chicken was called  Spice of Lichen,, you get the picture.  Right at that moment a beautiful young girl in her early twenties appeared to offer me assistance.  She explained all of the varieties of soup and their ingredients to me.

"Fine, I'll take that one in the green box up there, yeah, the one called Herb's Herbal Delight.."  I said.

"No, she said.  "You wouldn't like that one.  That is an herbal soup and it's quite bitter."

"Well," I told her.  "I had planned on getting something for lunch, you see?  But it looks like I'll have to eat out."

I had a hard time keeping my eyes off the girl and her long, blonde hair.  She reached over and touched the sleeve of my coat.  Then she pointed at a symbol that had been embroidered onto the upper left, front of the coat.

"What does that half moon mean?" She asked.

"Oh, that?"  I said.  "That is the official symbol for the country of Turkey."

That did it.  I was completely under her spell.

"So you're going to eat out, huh?" She asked.

"Yes," I answered.  "Would you like to join me for lunch?"

Much to my surprise, the beautiful young thing said, "Sure."

So we went and had some lunch somewhere and the next thing I knew, we were at my apartment.  It didn't take long before we were hugging and kissing.  The emotion of love spread through us like a fever.  And yet, wouldn't you know it, I was hit with a feeling of guilt.  I told her that I knew that I was dreaming and all, but that I couldn't go through with it, because I would be cheating on someone.  She looked at me with a sweet smile and said that she was dreaming too and that she would be cheating on her young husband. Well, I remember thinking, since things were nicely balanced out, there was really no reason why we couldn't continue on with our lovemaking.  But by then it was too late.  I woke up. 


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #191 on: October 13, 2018, 08:25:26 PM »
Haha, K, despite the poor recital, your dream tickled me, especially the constant wincing.  It also reminded me of my grandparents house in Monroe.  Oh how I wish that I could dream of the dinning room there, especially at Thanksgiving.  I haven't been able to though and I think I know why.  Somewhere in the family archives are some old black and white snapshots of the Thanksgiving dinners that took place there. I must have been around five or six years old at the time the pics were taken. Everyone was there, aunts uncles, parents and grandparents, cousins, brothers and sisters,all sitting on both sides of a long table.  Everyone is dressed in black and white 1950's clothes, waiting to begin eating, or chowing down, depending on which picture you view.  If you could see the pictures you would notice an empty chair in some of them.  That's because I was so afraid of the camera's flash that I would duck down under the table until the picture had been taken.  And that's why I think that I can't go back there.  My subconscious mind knows that if I were to dream of the Thanksgiving feast, I might fall down some strategically placed black dream holes that I had innocently placed there so many years ago.         

Goodness, Rix, trying to work out your dream logic, maybe weaving in the old superstition that a camera steals your soul -- or at least borrows it for a while -- makes my head hurt.  Black dream holes, forsooth!  What beautiful memories we have when, at decades' remove, the transient cares and petty squabbles fade and we see what they really meant.  Perhaps long after I'm gone, my pitiful plonking will turn into an angel's hymn.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #192 on: October 14, 2018, 12:16:47 PM »
What a beautiful post, K.  I can only respond to it by saying how wonderful it would be to find myself sitting in an easy chair, full to the gills from eating a turkey dinner and working on a large slice of pumpkin pie that had been topped with a big glob of whipped cream.  And in the background, I listen to somebody plonking away at a piano and while an occasional note might not ring out in perfect tone, I find the music enchanting.  Angelic.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #193 on: October 16, 2018, 02:46:43 PM »
@Bart Ell

These don't want to play for me in media player but are fine in audacity let me know if they come out ok
Give pees a chance.

Hi Metron <3


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #194 on: October 16, 2018, 02:47:16 PM »
Give pees a chance.

Hi Metron <3