@Walks_At_Night My Airbnb guests that take the time to sign the guestbook with warm wishes and wonderful compliments on the house but then make off with the customized branded pens we had made for the guestbook desk. I have now taken measures to stop them. Unless they cut that little chain in which case we will ding them in the security deposit and make mention of it in our review.
Other guests who leave things behind like very expensive shoes and other clothing. Guests have forgotton everything from pricey perfumes to earbuds and then messaging us to ask if we can ship the items to them.
Faaawk That!!
Weirdest item was a wrapped Christmas gift. They left a great review but never made mention of the gift, nor did they respond to us when we offered to send it to them. Two months later I opened the gift addressed to, Ben. It was an Old Spice box containing every item Old Spice offers. Alot of stuff really. Needless to say I was an Old Spice guy for about eight months.