How come working class people have to pay about 300% interest on a 2 week payday loan but employers borrow all their employees wages for 2 weeks and don't pay us any interest at all? The Bible says wages should be paid the day they are earned, not 2 weeks later or at the end of the month! A company of 100 people who make $160/day potentially earns about $16,000 in interest on the employee wages each pay cycle. If they split that among the employees whose money it actually is, each employee would come home with about $160 more per month.
And if the IRS would stop borrowing money all year interest free, then low income workers could bring home $20-50 more per month. The IRS does not pay interest on the money workers lend it, just like employers don't pay interest on the money workers earn, but they borrow for up to 14 days (or a month) each cycle. We have to pay interest on all loans, including short term ones, but employers and government pretty much don't have to pay interest on our money?