I also liked Ian on Friday and preferred his take on "Google poisoning" to Lauren Weinstein's.
Weinstein basically thinks the good of the whole outweighs the injustice against the "few," in this case those whose lives are ruined or impacted by trollish search results that Google puts at the top of results. He feels like even if one person is saved by knowing they, say, have a predator next door, it's worth the misery that trolling in search results causes the innocent.
Ian had to pay $5,000 to clean up his search results, and obviously has a different point of view, as do I. Weinstein seems to think we should live and die by Google's "complex" algorithms, but I strongly disagree and have largely gone off the grid because of it. They can't even change a freaking business address after years of direct contact, and I'll be damned if I pay them or some third party to overcome the stupid, the incompetent, and the trollish.