Author Topic: Art Bell On This Day  (Read 14731 times)

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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #105 on: November 19, 2018, 11:08:11 AM »
11/19/96 - Tuesday /Wednesday

Hale-Bopp... Art received a letter from a friend of Chuck Schramek in Houston on Chuck's behalf. The letter expresses Chuck's gratitude toward Art for treating him fairly and being the only person in the media to ask all the right questions. Chuck says Art will the first to know when there is more to share. Art took at look at the Hale-Bopp website and to his amazement saw something titled Hale-Bopp's eyes. There is a link from Art's web site to Hale-Bopp's site. There are some remarkable photographs of what appear to be two bright objects that look like TWO Hale-Bopps. Art feels this is hypocrisy, since they shot down Chuck's theorys so adamantly, yet provide these photographs that seem to support Chuck.
Earthquakes.... A 7.1 quake along the India/China border, and a second quake of 5.8 in the SW area of Tokoyo, in the Pacific Ocean.
Quincy Crash..... A commuter plane and an express shuttle collide at Quincy's Airport Tuesday night. What is going on in the aviation industry?
Deformed Carp..... The Las Vegas Review Journal's front page says, "Lake Mead Carp Deformed". The article states that common chemical pollution is causing havoc with reproduction of fish. Remember, Lake Mead is the drinking water supply for Las Vegas.
Military... Art is amazed that the number of women in the U.S. Military claiming to be a victim of sexual harassment last year has reached 61%. 10,000 women became pregnant last year while in the Army. The military has opened hot lines for women to report sexual harassment. Art wants to talk to women who are outraged over this scandal. Also, he asks, with a figure of 10,000, don't you think there must be some consensual sex going on? Should women be in the military with men?
Ebola..... Art is asked in a letter what his opinion is of Clinton sending Troops to Zaire where there is an outbreak of Ebola. Art feels the troops will come back with more than they went with, not so much Ebola, but there are a lot of other things over there emerging.
Friday Show.... Emerging viruses around the world will be discussed.


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #106 on: November 19, 2018, 11:09:43 AM »
11/19/97 - Wednesday / Thursday

Guest: Whitley Strieber, Alien Abductee, Image of the Glenrock, Wyoming UFO
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Guest: Dr. Roger Leir, Fund for Interactive Reseach in Space Technology


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #107 on: November 19, 2018, 11:10:42 AM »
11/19/98 Thursday / Friday

Prescott.... Colin Prescott will start his trip around the world in a hot air balloon tomorrow from Spain. Art is trying to get in contact with him before his departure, not having much luck with the phone lines, but will keep trying during the first hour during the breaks.
Starr.... CNN showed people falling asleep during Starr's testimony today. Art says people seemed bored by this though it is getting all the headlines.
Riots.... Students are rioting in Texas because they have been told they cannot leave campus during their lunch break. Art asks if you remember any RIOTS over rules when you were in school.
Alien Photos.... Many people have studied the alien photos from Dr. Reed, and Art reads a few opinions sent to him.
Open lines.... Open lines finishes out the first hour. The first topic discussed is the possible closing of the Pyramids to the public.
2nd hour.... Joe Nickell, from CSICOP, which was the organization who awarded Art the Snuff Candle, will be on with Art tonight in the second hour.


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #108 on: November 19, 2018, 11:11:49 AM »
11/19/01 - Mon/Tue

Host: Art Bell Returns
Guest: Linda Howe

Updated report on lost underwater city near Cuba.


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #109 on: November 20, 2018, 12:31:21 PM »
11/20/96 - Wednesday /Thursday

Ice Storm.... A state of emergency, in Eastern Washington, was called by the Mayor of Spokane after an ice storm raged through the area.
Gingrich... Newt Gingrich was re-nominated to be Speaker of House on the same day his stepfather died of cancer.
Value-Jet.... A Value-Jet executive shifted responsibility to a maintenience contractor for allowing hazardous oxygen canisters to be shipped aboard the doomed Value-Jet flight. Art thinks there will be alot of shifting of blame because whoever ends up with the blame gets the lawsuits as well.
Schramek.... Art reiterates his dislike of the treatment Chuck Schramek has received.
NBC Report... Art was interested in a program NBC aired about children of rich people. It reported that the parents of rich children have certain fears where the children are concerned. Art feels these are well grounded fears. They are, in order;
The children will be too materialistic.
They won't know what money is worth.
They won't have any ambition or independence.
However, two-thirds of these children will visit Europe before they are 18 and will have a car as soon as they are old enough to drive. Art wants to know if you think this is wrong? Do you have those fears about your children? Art worries about this for his own son.
Deformed Carp.... A trucker from Arkansas writes in to say popcorn has been proven to cause deformities in carp, (chuckle). As far as the military, let's let the females have it, no males allowed.
Mad Man Markham.... An update on Markham lets us know that he has found the generator he was looking for. Remember Markham is the gentlemen who stole some transformers and built a Jacob's Ladder that dimmed out the entire town. Art will be there when he fires up his machine again sometime in December and film it.
The Quickening... A mill worker in S.C. suspected of murdering his son and three stepchildren in their beds was found dead, Monday, in a resevior after leaving a strange message for his estranged wife to pick up "four packages" at home. He apparently drowned himself after having his wife discover the bodies. He left a note wishing her a merry Christmas and saying she will be alone in '97. He also had asked his insurance company last Friday to remove his wife as beneficiary of his life insurance policy. This is the kind of thing Art calls part of "The Quickening". He feels socially we are deteriorating and this is proof of it. Do any of you have any idea why this type of thing is increasing, this total disregard of human life?


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #110 on: November 20, 2018, 12:32:06 PM »
11/20/97 - Thursday / Friday

Guest: Michio Kaku


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #111 on: November 20, 2018, 12:33:07 PM »
11/20/98 Friday / Saturday

Iraq.... Art relates his opinion on the current Iraq situation, the whole thing was foiled by Iraq's interaction with the United Nations.
N. Korea.... President Clinton and the President of South Korea are concerned that communist North Korea may be cheating in regards to nuclear development. Kim has advocated a "sunshine policy" towards N. Korea, not wanting Clinton to push them too far. Art says it sounds more like a "head in the sand" policy. Raise butt.
Andre Arafat.... Yassir Arafat has gained 2% more of land on the West Bank from the Israelis'. Art says Israel is making a mistake by giving up land for empty promises of peace.
Volcano.... The abandoned village on the slopes of Mexico's most volatile volcano is being guarded by soldiers. They spent a nervous night hearing boulders rolling down the volcano. Scientists say it could erupt at any moment, spewing lava down it's slopes. Art says this is duty he would not be volunteering for.
Open lines.... Open lines finishes out the first hour and then a Reverend from the Church of Satan, Andre Schlesinger, joins Art for the next four hours. Art warns listeners some content may be disturbing.
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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #112 on: November 20, 2018, 12:33:59 PM »
11/20/99 Sat/Sun

Y2K report... The American Red Cross said yesterday that we should prepare for Y2K as you would for any disaster. The Federal Reserve has ordered 50 billion in extra currency ready for circulation. Hilly gets a chuckle about the possible rush on toilet paper. Another humerous story is that the head of the Federal Aviation Administrator Jane F. Garvey pledged to be up in a plane when the New Year rolls around but each flight she reserves seems to get canceled. Many commercial airlines have canceled flights since no one seems to want to be in the air when Y2K hits. The White House is telling us not to worry, yet they have spent 50 billion on a high-tech control center to handle any possible problems. The National Guard will have extra people on duty in case anyone gets out of control. The FBI is watching for any groups that might turn to terrorist acts, believeing that the world is ending anyway.
Chemtrail report... The big protest was today in New York, Santa Fe and Aspen and there was no media coverage. Aspen newspaper might have something on it tomorrow. Mr. Carnicom is asking people to get online and send protest letters to various government officials.
2nd Hour... Hilly's guest is Dr. Robert Zubrin. He has two books that Hilly says blew him away. An astronautical engineer, founder of the Mars Society and head of the Pioneer Astronautics Engineering Company in Denver which develops ideas for NASA. Robert says we have become inventors and settled the earth with technology and are now a single global civilization. Instead of thinking of this as being the end of our civilization, we need to think of this as just the beginning. We need the challenge of the new frontier, space exploration. If we used Mars resources we could have humans living on Mars in ten years. We could colonize and set up cities on Mars. The Chinese have plans for space exploration and will probably be competitive with U.S. in ten years. Hilly suggests Bob Bigelow and Robert should get together and work on Mars colonization. We are better prepared technologically, financially and domestically than we were when we explored the moon. We are in a great position to be doing space exploration. He is trying to generate interest in both government funded and privately funded explorations. He suggests we use prizes as an encentive to motivate more space exploration. Then we would have people trying to spend less to achieve this goal and win the prize. Exploration has always paid off. We need a new place where the rules have not been written yet. This freedom is valuable to people.
3rd Hour... Hilly starts with the question of why should we go to Mars instead of the moon. Robert says that the resources are so much greater on Mars and that it is a world that we could really settle. Robert relates some ideas of how we could start exploring using Mars resources rather than bringing everything with us. Another reason we should explore Mars is that scientifically there is likely water underground, there is probably life, and if we find life on Mars, there is likely life on other planets. Asteroids have valuable resources that could be mined. Robert explains some ideas like solar sails, magnetic sails and cold fusion. A national or world-wide agenda of space exploration is what is needed.
4th Hour... Dr. Zubrin says we need to organize in order for space exploration to grow. If we are first to colonize Mars could we sell land to other nations? There is a question of whether a private person could own anything in outer space or have to share it with mankind. They discuss the loss of the pathfinder and whether this was the result of faster, better, cheaper attitudes and underfunding.
Callers... Why should we spend money to explore when we need to fix our problems like polluted drinking water?
5th Hour... Hilly says there are other exploration societies, why do you think the Mars Society will have any more success? What about radiation, entertainment, storms etc.?
Callers... One caller suggests that Robert should get together with Richard Hoagland to get an impetus going in fund raising for exploration. Several callers comment on how many medical and technological advancements have been created because of the space program. Inspiration from the space program also led many to become engineers. We definitely need a challenge.


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #113 on: November 20, 2018, 12:34:47 PM »
11/20/00 - Mon/Tue

Guest: Dr. Eugene Mallove

Dr. Mallove, Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of Infinite Energy Magazine will discuss cold fusion and new energy technology. Dr. Mallove holds a Master of Science Degree and Bachelor of Science Degree in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering from MIT and a Science Doctorate in Environmental Health Sciences from Harvard University.


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #114 on: November 20, 2018, 12:35:26 PM »
11/20/01 - Tue/Wed

Host: Art Bell
Guest: Ralph Merkle, Ph.D.

Dr. Merkle received his Ph.D. from Stanford University in 1979 where he co-invented public key cryptography. He joined Xerox PARC in 1988, where he pursued research in computational nanotechnology until 1999. He is now a Principal Fellow at Zyvex, where he continues to pursue research in nanotechnology. He chaired the Fourth and Fifth Foresight Conferences on Nanotechnology, was corecipient of the 1998 Feynman Prize for Nanotechnology for theory, and was corecipient of the ACM's Kanellakis Award for Theory and Practice, the 2000 RSA Award in Mathematics, and the IEEE Kobayashi Award. Dr. Merkle has published and spoken extensively.


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #115 on: November 20, 2018, 12:36:38 PM »
Fri Nov 20, 2015 – Open Prepper’s Line


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #116 on: November 21, 2018, 11:01:28 AM »
11/21/96 - Thursday /Friday

Whitley Strieber..... The author of "Communion" sent Art a photograph of the alien which he describes in book. The picture is up on the web page.
Dark Skies.... Dec 14th will be Art's cameo appearance on Dark Skies. Since rumors about the character he played leaked out, he confirms that he plays CBS CEO William Paley, and you may not recognize him. The MJ12 badge that he wears on the show and displays his photo in full make-up, is up on the web page.
Strange Universe.... Art also appears on "Strange Universe" Tuesday November 26, 1996.
Chat Rooms.... There are chat rooms up on the web page now if you are interested in participating in this experiment.
O.J. .... O.J. Simpson takes the stand tomorrow in his civil case.
Plane Crash... Another aviation accident reported in Scottsdale, Arizona. Three dead. Art reminds us he just asked yesterday what is going on in aviation these days?
Explosion... A deadly explosion in Peurto Rico injures 80 and kills 20. The blast destroyed a 6 story building containing apartments and shops.
TWA 800..... With 95 percent of the plane recovered from the ocean, the FBI is now saying it does not "think" it was a bomb or missile.
Weird Stuff.... A friend of Art's who works at the L.A. Times was recenlty in touch with a person who was at the meeting for the opening of the Sphinx. It will open Dec. 5th. (Hoagland's prediction!) Guards who have been stationed at the opening of the Sphinx are frightened because of chanting coming up from a chamber below. Also there is a blue light that has been said to emit from the opening turning people back, much like a force field.
Deformed frogs.... A listener informs Art that a report on deformed frogs finally hit his local TV news. The report confirms that it is higher levels of UV radiation, not snake bacteria or pesticides.
L.A. Times... An article in the L.A. Times reports sightings of deformed frogs. So it is all back in the news again.
Murder... Brian Peterson Jr. turned himself in for murdering his girlfriends newborn son. He abandoned the child after helping in the delivery of the baby in a motel room. The girlfriend had already been in custody.
Captured..... An entity has been alledgedly captured by a guy named Rodney. Electro magnetic devices are sealing off "Everett", an entity that seems a little afraid but has been answering questions from Rodney. Everett says we are being prepared for the great visit of our cousins beyond. Art is trying to follow up on this and check it out. Rodney called late last night in the program, Rodney will be on Art's program Friday after the guest....
Friday .... Dr. Horowitz will be on discussing emerging virus'.
Nov 30th.... Vince De Piatro will be on discussing Mars and his belief that there is an area on Mars that is green every year, and much more.
Fax.... An atheist in Alabama says the existence of the chupacobra proves there is no God, and he lists off many reasons.


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #117 on: November 21, 2018, 11:02:16 AM »
11/21/97 - Friday / Saturday

Guest: Bob Frissell, Author, "Nothing in This Book is True, But it is Exactly How Things Are" (2 hrs)
Open Lines....


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #118 on: November 21, 2018, 11:03:22 AM »
11/21/00 - Tue/Wed

Guest: Major Ed Dames

Major Edward Dames, world's foremost remote viewing teacher, has new information on the Leah Freeman murder case, cattle mutilations and several new projects. Major Dames, U.S. Army (Ret.), is the founder of PSI Tech, Inc., and creator of Technical Remote Viewing (TRV). He was selected as an original member of the U.S. Army prototype remote viewing training program, and served as the training and operations officer for the Defense Intelligence Agency's remote viewing unit.


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #119 on: November 21, 2018, 11:04:00 AM »
11/21/01 - Wed/Thu

Host: Art Bell
Guest: Sean David Morton

Morton has developed a network of psychics called "The Delphi Associates", who specialize in month-to-month predictions of geological, political and economic events.