Author Topic: Art Bell On This Day  (Read 14692 times)

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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #120 on: November 22, 2018, 09:16:51 AM »
11/22/96 - Friday /Saturday

Dr. Len Horowitz, Viruses
Rodney, "The Entity"


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #121 on: November 22, 2018, 09:18:20 AM »
11/22/00 - Wed/Thu

Guests: Stephen Bassett and Richard Dolan

Stephen Bassett and Richard Dolan will discuss the historical analysis of the national security dimensions of the UFO phenomenon. Stephen Bassett is the only registered lobbyist in the U.S. representing UFO/ET research & activist organizations. Richard Dolan is a UFO researcher and author, "UFO and the National Security State"


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #122 on: November 22, 2018, 09:21:45 AM »
10/22/01 - Mon/Tue

Guest: Stephen Quayle

Stephen Quayle is the author of the book, Breathe No Evil, a primer for understanding Bio Terrorism, first published in 1996. For the past 7 years, he has been articulating the need for American citizens to become aware of Bio Terrorism and weapons of mass destruction.


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #123 on: November 23, 2018, 11:09:49 AM »
11/23/98 Monday / Tuesday

Update.... Updates on the Leonids, the fact that they arrived early, and the Pegasi hoax? and the Dec 7th event, are presented by Richard Hoagland in the first hour. Richard says if there is no event on December 7th, it will be another case of him being wrong and that there is nothing wrong with being wrong. Art says he will always let people tell their story on his program and the audience can make up its own mind on whether the story is true or entertainment.
Dow.... The Dow Jones is at a new high, Art says it will be very interesting to see where it goes from here.
Cohen.... Defense Secretary Cohen says the U.S. has enough fire power in the Persian Gulf should force be needed in the latest dispute with Iraq about weapons documents. Art says this is so tiresome, we rattle swords, get ready, even put planes in the air, then we recall them. Art says we will eventually have to deal with Saddam, he says it is beginning to feel like VietNam with these 'partial' missions. To Art, war is war, if we are going to do it, then do it.
Porn.... A Virginia county tried to blocked pornography from their libraries' computers accessing the internet. A judge ruled they could not put in a filter. So, Art says, you can remove the internet from the library, but not the porn.
UFO.... A fax relates a UFO sighting by students at an elementary school in Phoenix. Art asks his audience for any confirmation and what is going on in Phoenix yet again.
[IMAGE] Award.... Art's Snuffed Candle award arrived and you can see a photo of it under Latest News and Site Additions.
Open Lines.... Open lines finishes out the first hour.
2nd hour.... Howard Weinstein, who served on a submarine commanded by the gentleman who was the technical advisor for the movie The Hunt for Red October, will be on with Art, so we are going to hear what it is really like on a submarine.

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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #124 on: November 23, 2018, 11:10:27 AM »
11/23/99 Tue/Wed

1st hour.... Dr. Colm Kelleher joins Art this hour to discuss some of the reports coming in on the new reporting line at NIDS. Colm says a lot of animal mutilation calls have been coming in and also calls about missile launches from Vandenberg Air Force base. Art asks Colm if he has any idea why there are so many animal mutilations and Colm says it doesn't seem to be tied to the usual theories such as cult holidays etc. Colm reports an incident of a missing heifer and describes the conditions of mutilations discovered.
2nd hour.... Art talks about a miracle baby photo he has posted. Aharon Friedman joins Art this hour to discuss computer hacking. Art reads a story about the number of hackings skyrocketing from 5000 incidents in 1998, to 18 thousand incidents in 1999. Aharon tells us 10 billion dollars a year is stolen through computer hacking each year. Art asks Aharon if it is wise to use your credit card over the internet. Aharon says it is usually the merchant who is targeted. Art asks Aharon what the difference is between a hacker and a cracker, criminal intent being the difference.
3rd hour.... Art asks Aharon about the NSA and the rumor that it is sampling telephone conversations searching for and flagging key words. Aharon tells us it is legal for them to listen to across the border conversations. Art asks Aharon the quality of Pretty Good Privacy. Art asks Aharon about hackers and satellites and a listener wants to know if a terrorist could get control of a satellite. Art and Aharon talk about the pentium 3 chip and possible problems and Art wonders if Microsoft could look at the entire contents of your hard drive.
4th hour.... Phone calls are taken for Aharon this hour. A caller asks Aharon about encryption methods and the likelihood of it being cracked. Aharon talks about all the information about you that goes along with an email message that we may not be aware of and how it is valuable to a hacker. A caller asks Aharon what level of security did he design for the NSA. Art asks Aharon about internet anonymisers. A listener asks for the best versions of PGP to purchase.
5th hour.... Art reviews the news; the U.S. will not restore ties with Libya til they give up the terrorists who took down the Pan Am flight.
Hillary.... Hillary intends to run for the Senate confirming rumors. Art says Bill and Hillary will be separated while he finishes out his last term and she spends alot time in New York. Art speculates that Bill will return to Arkansas and Hillary will stay in New York til she is ready to run for the Presidency.
Open lines.... Open lines finishes out the last hour. A caller asks Art if he knows how far the universe goes. A caller and Art discuss the shootings in Seattle and the lack of any updates. Contrails are discussed. Later in the hour a caller asks Art about the Bible and what areas he has problems with. Art says he thinks there is alot of truth in the Bible and it is an important document but does not know whether it is actually the unaltered word of God.


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #125 on: November 23, 2018, 11:12:04 AM »
Mon Nov 23, 2015 – Michio Kaku


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #126 on: November 24, 2018, 01:04:15 PM »
11/24/97 Monday / Tuesday

Guest:  Dr Joseph Gold, Kathy Keeton's HS Doctor (1st hr)
Guests: Wm. Donaldson & 2 Witnesses, TWA Flt 800 (2nd hr)


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #127 on: November 24, 2018, 01:05:20 PM »
11/24/99 Thu/Fri

Turkey.... Art talks about how he hates turkey and tells a little story about a Delta flight he was on where all his dinner choices were turkey.
990.... Art reads a report stating an Egyptian official says an explosion brought down flight 990.
Game.... The fugitive who helped carry out the great train robbery in Britian is designing a video game based on the heist.
Photos.... Art reads a letter from Robert Raith about the photos submitted by Dr. Jonathon Reed of an alien and obelisk. A follow up to the original program with these two guests has been scheduled for December ninth.
Y2K.... Art reads a story from a Canadian newspaper about y2k hitting early at two hospitals in Victoria, Canada. A computer glitch disrupted telephone service.
Open lines.... Open lines finishes out the first hour. Art talks about contrails with a caller.
2nd hour.... Dr. Wayne Simkew, an MD who claims to have visual evidence of reincarnation, joins Art this hour. Art asks him what his colleagues say about his claims and what kind of patients he generally sees. Wayne tells us he visited a medium who could channel his spiritual guides. The medium told Wayne about his past life in colonial America. Later in the hour, Wayne tells us you can have different religious beliefs in each life you have led and that we look very much like we did in a prior life, physically and personality wise. Wayne gives us some examples.
3rd hour.... Wayne and Art talk a little about the movie 'What Dreams may Come'. Art asks Wayne if he thinks love is the strongest force in the universe. Art talks about other religions that embrace reincarnation and Wayne tells us that it is in the bible, like Moses being the reincarnation of Adam. Wayne mentions passages. Wayne talks about why churches took reincarnation out of their doctrine. Art reads some questions from listeners about why we don't remember what we did in past lives.
4th hour.... Wayne and Art discuss gender and sexual preference changes during reincarnation, only 10 percent actually switch. Wayne gives us an example. Phone calls are taken with one caller telling us he uses lucid dreams to remember past lives. Art and Wayne talk about the movie "Contact" and Art asks 'who is to say we reincarnate as human souls'. A caller talks about an author she knows who spoke with Jesus and Jesus confirmed that there is reincarnation. Wayne tells us he has a case where a person started a new life before ending the old one but he hasn't proved it yet.
5th hour.... Art and Wayne discuss animals and reincarnation. Wayne tells a listener about a psychiatrist that would be interested in seeing her son who relates past life experiences to her. Phone calls continue for Wayne. Another caller asks Wayne about some Bible passages that he feels embraces reincarnation. After the bottom of the hour break, open lines finishes out the hour.


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #128 on: November 25, 2018, 10:52:45 AM »
11/25/96 - Monday /Tuesday

Web Page.... Art will be on " Strange Universe" tomorrow, and you can check your local TV guide or link to the "Strange Universe" page and check their schedules. Also, Whitley Striebers' photograph of what he calls a "Grey". Whitley may be on the show later this week. The MJ12 badge that Art took from the Dark Skies appearance is also on the page. A picture Art took while in Nashville to see Crystal Gayle is also on the page.
Schedule.... Art is not taking a day off this week so his show will run as usual.
Bail Denied.... Art agrees with the judge who denied bail to former CIA double agent Harold Nicholson accused of spying for Russia.
Columbia.... The space shuttle Columbia used it's robotic arm to pluck a prototype satellite factory from space.
Hi-Jack.... The copilot of the Ethiopian airline plane that crashed was unable to identify two detained men as the hijackers. The plane crashed 500 yards from the beach as it ran out of fuel. Art does not understand why we are having so many aviation accidents, do you?
Texas... Winter weather causing havoc in Dallas and surrounding areas. Art says this is indeed a very strange and severe winter.
Malstrom... Art wants to know what you think about the missiles near Malstrom being shut down. What is the message they are sending us?


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #129 on: November 25, 2018, 10:53:25 AM »
11/25/97 Tuesday / Wednesday

Maj. Dames.... Art asks callers this first hour what they think this "discontinuity" is that Ed Dames is going to talk about tonight.  Is it some sort of religious event, or catastrophe, or earth change?
Iraq.... William Cohen said today that Iraq has maintained enough chemical and biological weaponry to kill every man woman and child on the face of the earth.  Probably hidden away in one of Suddam's castles.  Art guesses we will force a confrontation.  Art thinks it will play this way:  The UN Inspectors will  demand to go to these 60 or so locations where the weaponry is hidden, the Iraqis will say no, the inspectors will leave in protest and then the smart and dumb bombs will begin to fall.  Art says if we are going to do this, let's do it right and kill the S.O.B.
Rats.... An ecological group in Chile is sounding an alarm about two foot long mutant rats that are attacking barnyard animals.  They expect they have grown this big by feeding off the droppings of hormone fattened poultry.
Clinton.... Clinton is a believer that there may indeed be UFOs according to a Little Rock associate, saying when he appointed his friend Webster Hubble, he told him to examine government records to see if  UFO's existed.  Clinton also wanted him to find out who killed JFK.  Art wonders what kind of answers he got.
Frogs.... Researches in Duluth think now that uv rays are causing the deformities in frogs because they have been able to duplicate the deformities using uv rays.
Sperm.... A third sperm density report has come out saying there is a decline in sperm density.  There has been an average of 1.5% decrease per year.  Art says all our others concerns will be for naught if this continues.  What if we slowly just stopped reproducing?
Guest: Major Ed Dames, Remote Viewing and Discontinuity


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #130 on: November 25, 2018, 10:54:02 AM »
11/25/98 Wednesday / Thursday

Starr.... Art recaps Starr's ABC interview.
Hyde.... Henry Hyde said he would subpeona the 81 answers he has asked for from Clinton, regarding the Lewinsky business, unless the written replies appear by Monday.
Kevorkian.... Dr. Jack Kevorkian has been arraigned on charges of 1st degree murder, along with a few other charges.
Fox.... Michael J. Fox has revealed that he has Parkinson's Disease. He will continue to work, Art says this is a pretty tough rap at this early age.
Hidden Camera.... A woman who gave a spare set of her house keys to a neighbor was appalled to learn the neighbor had secretly installed a video camera in her attic above her bed. No charges have been filed, because there is no law for this in Louisiana.
Jaws.... Art reports on a real life "Jaws" story coming from Florida about a third grader killed by a shark.
Hurricanes.... Art reads a report from a professor in Colorado reporting hurricane seasons will be intensifying during the next couple decades.
2nd hour.... Alan Vaughn, a prophet, will be on with Art. He is the world's most successful predictor. He says he can teach you how to be a prophet


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #131 on: November 25, 2018, 10:59:28 AM »
Wed Nov 25, 2015 – R. Scott Lemriel – The Seres Agenda

R. Scott Lemriel is a researcher and author who is passionate about revealing hidden truth on Earth and throughout the Galactic multidimensional universe. In the past, Scott directed a weekly TV show “Exploring Your Spiritual Life” in the Seattle area of Washington State. Topics explored included: out-of-body travel, past life recall, dream travel, journeys along the past time track, journeys into parallel timelines, and higher dimensions.

Forty years of direct exploration and extraterrestrial contact inspired the writing of The Seres Agenda. In its final 4th edition, it contains a section that will assist the readers to safely explore deliberately hidden truth about who they are and where they really came from.


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #132 on: November 26, 2018, 10:38:36 AM »
11/26/96 - Tuesday /Wednesday

Guest.... Tonight's guest is a Native American who survived actual death after a severe car accident. While in the state of being dead she was given visions of the future of our earth and our society. She was told of specific changes that must be made to improve our lives and heal this planet.
Winds.... The winds are screaming in the high desert tonight, so if there is an interruption of service you'll know why.
Strange Universe... Art would like your thoughts on tonight's episode of Strange Universe if it has aired in your area already.
News Briefs.... There is not much news to discuss tonight, the O.J. trial, if anybody cares, North Korea releases an American. There is more proof concerning the Gulf War Syndrome. The severe winter weather continues now claiming nineteen lives. Other than that this is an unusually slow news night.


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #133 on: November 26, 2018, 10:39:24 AM »
11/26/97 Wednesday / Thursday

WIMA.... Art welcomes WIMA in Lima, Ohio.  1150 on the am dial.  Art remembers his dislike of lima beans when he was a child.  Actually he still dislikes them.
Thanksgiving.... Art says he will not do the age old tradition of asking people what they are thankful for, but what they are unthankful for.  Such as Suddam, AIDS, etc.
AIDS.... A new report says that 30 million people are now infected with HIV, and only one in ten knows about it.
Iraq.... Iraq now says it will allow the UN Inspectors back in.  Art relates the events of the last couple days involving this incident.
Law....The Supreme Court has agreed to reconsider reinstating a law which requires the National Endowment for the Arts to consider decency along with artistic merit when handing out public money.  Art thinks that is just fine.
Deer.... A guy who shot a white tailed deer reports it had a fifth leg growing out it's back.  Art says these deformities are moving up the food chain.
Present.... Art is very happy with a Packards helmet sent to him from a friend in L.A.
Guest: Joyce Riley, American Gulf War Veterans Association


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #134 on: November 26, 2018, 10:40:25 AM »
11/26/98 Thursday / Friday

Football.... Art watched the Steelers/Lions game and was much dismayed with the coin toss for the overtime ball. Art says the instant replay must be brought back.
Japan.... Japan Finance Minister may resign, this would be about the 43rd one to do so, says Art.
OPEC.... OPEC fails to reach deal. Price of oil is at a twelve year low.
AIDS.... European AIDS deaths are down, Art says they are obviously getting a handle on all this.
Drudge.... The Drudge Report says Elizabeth Clare Proffitt has announced she has Alzheimers. Art is very sorry to hear this.
Quakes.... Quakes happening in the Red Ripple California area, in fact twelve in the last 24 hours.
Joke.... Art reads a joke faxed to him from a listener.
Warming.... Global warming blamed for melting sea ice in the Arctic, which has left the remaining ice up to a third thinner than it was twenty years ago. Scientists fear this will lead to huge disruptions of the circulation in the ocean.
Photo.... There is another really cool ghost photo under Latest News and Site Additions.
Open Lines.... Open lines finishes out the first hour.
2nd hour.... Father Charles L. Moore, recommended to Art by Zecharia Sitchin, will be on.