Author Topic: Art Bell On This Day  (Read 14634 times)

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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #150 on: November 30, 2018, 10:27:07 AM »
Mon Nov 30, 2015 – Ken Gerhard – Flying Humanoids


Ken Gerhard is a widely recognized cryptozoologist and field investigator for The Centre for Fortean Zoology as well as a fellow of the Pangea Institute and consultant for several anomalous research organizations. He has traveled the world searching for evidence of mysterious animals and legendary beasts including Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, the Chupacabra, enigmatic winged creatures and even werewolves. In addition to co-hosting the History Channel TV series Missing in Alaska, Ken has appeared in the series Monster Quest and is featured in the History Channel special The Real Wolfman, as well as Ancient Aliens (History Channel), Legend Hunters (Travel Channel), Unexplained Files (Science Channel), Paranatural (National Geographic), Weird or What? with William Shatner (Syfy), and other series.

His credits also include appearances on numerous news broadcasts and nationally syndicated radio programs, as well as being featured in articles by the Associated Press, Houston Chronicle and Tampa Tribune. Ken is author of the books Big Bird: Modern Sightings of Flying Monsters and Encounters with Flying Humanoids, as well as co-author of Monsters of Texas (with Nick Redfern). He currently lectures and exhibits at various conferences and events across the United States. Born on Friday the 13th of October, Ken has traveled to twenty-six different countries on six continents, and visited many ancient and mysterious sites, from Machu Pichu to Stonehenge.


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #151 on: December 01, 2018, 12:39:33 PM »
12/1/97 Monday / Tuesday

Packers...Whaddya say about Green Bay? asks Art. Are they gonna repeat? Art thinks they are unstoppable.
KRMS.... Art welcomes station KRMS in Osage Beach, Missouri 1150 on the dial.
Art's dog.... Art has named his dog and the winner is David Buller. Her name is Giza, irrestible to Art and Ramona. After thinking over hundreds of suggestions, Giza is the decision. Her picture is on the web page.
Auotgraphs.... It's Xmas time again, and Art announces how you can get an autographed copy of his two books. 1-800-864-7991 is the number to call for information. Art says this will probably be the last time he'll be doing this type of thing.
Guests....Peter Davenport and a report on what's been going on nationwide in regards to UFOs. Then later, Llyod Pie, author of the book, Everything You Know is Wrong.
Guest: Lloyd Pye, Author: "Everything You Know is Wrong"


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #152 on: December 01, 2018, 12:40:10 PM »
12/01/98 Tuesday / Wednesday

NEWS.... Art recaps the latest news about the impeachment hearings. Art says if he was to read the latest election results, he would have to say that the American people are saying, "poop or get off the pot". Do something about this President or get over it.
Oil Deal.... The merging of Exxon and Mobil will create the worlds largest company. Art says this is the latest example of rapid consolidation and soon we will all become one.
Iraq.... Iraq denied trying to buy prohibited missile technology from Romania, but admitted sending a team there to settle outstanding matters. This solicits a "Yeah, Right" from Art.
Fax.... Art reads a fax from a listener asking him if he has any info on an audio time machine the government was rumored to be working on.
Quake.... The death toll rose to 25 in a remote part of Indonesia from the 6.5 earthquake which hit there.
Open lines.... Open lines finishes out the first hour.
Frogs.... After the break, Art reads a fax from a listener who saw it rain frogs and has a possible explanation.
Y2K.... Art gives some advice about Y2K, prepare now, whether it turns out to be a bunch of hooey or not.
Guest.... Art says if you listen closely tonight, you will be horrified at what you hear. William Donaldson will be on with "smoking gun" evidence about flight TWA800 being shot down. Additional witnesses will be on too.


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #153 on: December 01, 2018, 12:40:51 PM »
12/01/99 Wed/Thu

1st hour.... Art explains why he was not on the air last night. Another syndicated radio talk show host contacted Art and warned him that he had received a letter which included a death threat to Art. Art relates the ordeal and his frustrations with authorities.
Sighting.... After the bottom of the hour break, Peter Davenport joins Art with other guests who had a UFO sighting in Missouri earlier this evening.
2nd hour.... Peter Hadfield, a free lance journalist and geologists, joins Art this hour. He has written a book called, "60 seconds that will change the world" and is currently residing in Tokyo. Art and Peter discuss earthquakes, which is the main theme of his book. Art asks Peter about government assurances of safety where the nuclear plants in Tokyo in light of the recent nuclear disaster there.
3rd hour.... Art reads some questions from faxes for Peter, on asking about Mt. Fuji and a possible major eruption. Art asks Peter what the talk there in Tokyo is about Y2K. He explains how they have a different dating system in Tokyo but did start tackling the problem early in '99. Peter says the trains plan on pulling into station on the eve of the new year, 'just in case' and the 3 major airlines will not be flying. Art asks Peter about the social changes happening in Japan these days.
4th hour.... Art talks about the riots in Seattle today during the World Trade conference. Art says there is a big misimpression emanating from Seattle. The media keeps harping on the same piece of violent footage and didn't cover enough of the peaceful protests. Art reads a few opinions of the battle in Seattle from listeners.
Drudge.... The Drudge report says Hillary is demanding a divorce according to the tabloid The Enquirer. Art says he would not be shocked if this is true.
CNN.... Art reads a report about how scientists have mapped an entire human chromosone.
Ghost Story.... Art reads a letter from a police officer from a small town relating a NDE he experienced during a hernia operation.
Seattle.... A caller from Seattle fills Art in on the situation there, he was one of the peaceful protestors. Open lines finishes out the fourth hour and fifth hour with the situation in Seattle being the main topic with many callers from that area talking with Art.


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #154 on: December 01, 2018, 12:41:29 PM »
12/01/00 - Fri/Sat

Guest: Stephen Corrick and Monica Rix Paxson

In light of increasing energy prices, the guests will be talking about alternative fuel technology and alternative transportation. Stephen Corrick is a writer and researcher on space and environment, and has worked in the environmental field for over twenty years. Monica Rix Paxson is an author and scientific editor.


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #155 on: December 01, 2018, 12:42:59 PM »
Tue Dec 1, 2015 – Todd Robbins – The Master of the Macabre


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #156 on: December 01, 2018, 02:03:01 PM »
Saturday December 1st 1977 :
Swinger party in California @8:00 pm.
Ends up with his third bout of syphilis.


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #157 on: December 02, 2018, 12:42:44 PM »
12/2/96 - Monday /Tuesday

Richard Hoagland... Updates us on his press credentials revocation.
Lee Shargel... Discusses his science fiction novel, as it relates to the Hale-Bopp comet.


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #158 on: December 02, 2018, 12:43:28 PM »
12/2/97 Tuesday / Wednesday

Sperm.... Remember the reports last week about sperm counts? Art has a new report on that tonight.
Flu.... A 3 year old boy has died from the flu which he contracted from a bird. Art says diseases have been doing a species jump.
Milk.... There is a story out relating a problem with milk in the Northeast. Art says shades of Ed Dames. Art is going to talk about these three health items with his guest tonight, Dr. Bogosian.
Reno... Janet Reno has decided not to appoint an independent counsel to investigate Democratic fundraising. Art thinks rather than jack around with an independent council, they really should do something about fundraising period. " That's the real problem, and it is on both sides of the aisle and every damn one of them knows it".
Violence.... The horror continues to unfold in regard to the 14 year old shooting his classmates in Paducah, and in Tennesse a dad turning himself in after killing his four children. Nobody knows why. Art says its a funny thing, the FBI saying violence is down in America, and it may be in some totals because the totals were huge. But the violence is different, says Art. In the old days, there was generally a reason for the violence, a love triangle etc. But today people are killing each other for no reason.
Astronomers... Astronomers reported that they have captured the image of an exploding black hole right in Earth's own Milky Way galaxy. They used a string of radio telescopes across Britian, to get it. This explosion was in fact predicted by Einstein's theories. The black hole is at the center of a microquasar in a constellation. Art thinks it very weird that a black hole can explode.
Miami.... Ap story: A woman, whom police believe fell out of an airplane, was killed after hitting a garden wall. Police don't know who she is or how she fell. Her body had been ripped in half, and the police cannot find a place where she could have fallen from to create this much damage to the body. She had no ID on her and police have no idea how to proceed with this case.
Saddam... Vince, from Rim Rock, AZ sends Art a note: How to stop Saddam without bombs. Produce counterfeit Iraqian money and drop it all around the country and try to destroy his economy. Art asks for your opinion, Art thinks it's a grand idea. He feels we could make very good Dinars. You think someone would try this on us, they've already tried. Lebanon has been printing one hundred dollar bills for awhile.
Guest: Bob Bogosian, Viruses and Germs!


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #159 on: December 02, 2018, 12:44:33 PM »
12/02/99 Thu/Fri

Howe.... Linda Moulton Howe joins Art this hour to report on the probes landing on Mars Friday. The focus is on the microbe world. Linda talks about a Scientist from the Johnson Space Center in Houston who studies microscopic particles from meteorites. Linda plays an interview with this scientist. Linda inquires of her how Mars could have had a strong magnetic field and then have lost it. Another scientist tries to answer this question as Linda plays another interview. Also discussed is how Mars could have had water at one time and lost that too. This gentleman says if life exists on Mars it will be below the surface. After the bottom of the hour break, Art and Linda discuss the discovery of new planets. Linda plays an interview with Dr. Steve Voight where she asks him why only large gaseous planets are being discovered. On another subject, Linda and Art also discuss the melting of the Arctic ice and the greenhouse effect.
2nd hour.... Actor Steven Seagal joins Art this hour. We learn that there is alot more to this man than an action hero movie star. Art and Steven discuss his environmental issues and his switch to environmental type movies. Art asks him if his past violent shoot 'em up movies causes an inner struggle with his spiritualism. Art and Steven talk about the recent spiritual movies, like the 'Sixth Sense' and 'What Dreams May Come'. Art asks Steven about his belief in an after life and Steven tells Art he believes in reincarnation and that we learn lessons every time we come back. They also discuss their mutual friend, Dannion Brinkley and his near death experience. Steven said he was dead once and did not have any 'white light' type experience. Steven feels if you feel real remorse, there is no sin that cannot be forgiven.
3rd hour.... Steven calls Hollywood, Cannibal House, because everyone is out to devour each other. Phone calls are taken for Steven and a caller asks him for his take on compassion. Another caller who is a buddhist asks Steven how he maintains a simplistic life when his life is geared toward success and in turn produces wealth. Steven tells us he has given his money away. Steven says money cannot buy enlightenment or happiness. Art tells us of Ted Turner's take on being so wealthy and asks Steven's opinion.
4th hour.... Art clarifies an earlier statement he made, saying he doesn't feel the year 2000 will bring about any cosmic or spiritual revelations. Open lines commences. Art mentions that he feels Alan Keyes won the recent presidential debates, hands down. Art tells a blonde joke. Art and a caller discuss the fact that December 22, 1999 will be a three event nova kind of day. After the break, Art mentions the passing of Gene Rayburn at age 81 and discusses the latest swipe from Curtis Sliwa about Art's New Year's Eve program and his dislike of Art coming on the air early and preempting Sliwa's show. Later, Art discusses with a caller the fact that no one ever got in trouble at NASA for the lost probe.
5th hour.... A caller asks Art about Steven Gibbs and his time machine so Art reads a letter from someone who tried it that he has been holding onto for just such an ocassion. Open lines continues with time travel being the main topic.


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #160 on: December 02, 2018, 12:47:41 PM »
Wed Dec 2, 2015 – Open Lines


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #161 on: December 03, 2018, 11:49:04 AM »
12/3/96 - Tuesday /Wednesday

Hoagland... An update from Richard Hoagland tonight.
Fax.... A listener from Albuquerque tells Art about a recent interview he heard with Alan Hale. Mr. Hale, when asked what he thought of Art's show, said it was a good source of news and current events.
Hale-Bopp.... A source from the Royal Greenwich Observatory says that the anomaly trailing Hale-Bopp does exist. Art also reads many reports from other sources confirming the anomaly exists but no one in the Astronomical community wants to stick their neck out until something is published.
Strange Universe.... "Pamela", from a recent Strange Universe episode, talks to Art about her experiences with reptilian aliens.
Quake... Before air time Art received news of a 6.3 quake hitting southern Japan, also a 4.3 in Nevada.
Ice on the Moon.... There will be a news conference by the Pentagon later today concerning the discovery of ice on the moon. Art reminds us that Richard Hoagland said a long time ago there was water on the moon, but until Peter Jennings or Dan Rather says it, it isn't true. Well now they have, so we believe.
Mars Attacks... Many listeners have faxed Art with previews of the new movie "Mars Attacks" and their surprise at Art's city being picked as the point of contact.


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #162 on: December 03, 2018, 11:49:49 AM »
12/3/97 Wednesday / Thursday

KFXI.... Art welcomes KFXI 92.1 on the FM dial in Lawton, Oklahoma.
Stations.... Art receives coverage maps from stations all the time and the secretary from KFXI sent one to Art showing the great area they cover. Art opens the east of the Rockies line especially for callers listening to KFXI FM.
Treaty.... There are holdouts to the treaty to ban anti-personnel landmines. All they did was send observers to the signing. The U.S., Russia and China are the ones not signing. Now think about that. Art wants to know what this means.
Iraq.... The deputy prime minister of Iraq said the UN's chief arms inspector was welcome in Bagdad but ignored Butler's request to get into any sensitive sites. Art says it is interesting, this stalemate we are in with Iraq.
Paducah.... The shooting in Kentucky is still in the news, no motive apparent yet. Though the shooter did warn some students. The only motive being tossed around is that the student was angry at the world, society so to speak.
Study.... A new study about the meteorite from Mars that had life in it, doesn't have life in it at all. The things that looked like little worms, are not worms. NASA has responded, standing by their worms. Art says so now we dont' know if there was actually life on Mars and he wonders if there is any life here.
Stan Deyo.... Art asks for everyones help in reaching Stan Deyo to setup a show with him for Friday. The phone number he has for him is no good.
Ghosts.... A story from the UK relates a report that some of those who have passed over to the spirit world are unwilling to be kept from the pleasures of the flesh. A woman called in a priest, 2 psychics and a Morman missionary to try to get rid of a ghost she claims has been sexually molesting her for years. It began in 1994, feeling something climb in bed with her and telling her it was going to make love to her. She then felt tiny needles trying to pierce her skin. Another couple reports they have been plagued by a ghost that complain every time they make love by groaning and banging on the walls. Art wonders if either of these people have a deceased ex.
Guest.... Father Malachi Martin will be on tonight and Art wants to discuss these aforementioned topics with him, especially Harlot/Patsy.


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #163 on: December 03, 2018, 11:51:09 AM »
12/03/01 - Mon/Tue

Guest: Dr. Nicholas J. Begich

Dr. Begich has published articles in science, politics and education and is a well known lecturer, having presented throughout the United States and in nineteen countries. He has been featured as a guest on thousands of radio broadcasts reporting on his research activities including new technologies, health and earth science related issues.

Dr. Begich is the eldest son of the late United States Congressman from Alaska, Nick Begich Sr. He is the publisher and co-owner of Earthpulse Press and is, also, under contract as Tribal Administrator for the Chickaloon Village Council, a federally recognized American Indian Tribe of the Athabascan Indian Nation.


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #164 on: December 03, 2018, 11:51:49 AM »
12/03/02 - Tue/Wed

Guest: Jeffrey Mishlove

Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D., a respected parapsychologist and host of the popular public television program Thinking Allowed, analyzes correspondence, interviews, newspaper reports, and testimonies of observers to probe the troubling nature and remarkable life of "the world's greatest psychic," Ted Owens.