12/2/97 Tuesday / Wednesday
Sperm.... Remember the reports last week about sperm counts? Art has a new report on that tonight.
Flu.... A 3 year old boy has died from the flu which he contracted from a bird. Art says diseases have been doing a species jump.
Milk.... There is a story out relating a problem with milk in the Northeast. Art says shades of Ed Dames. Art is going to talk about these three health items with his guest tonight, Dr. Bogosian.
Reno... Janet Reno has decided not to appoint an independent counsel to investigate Democratic fundraising. Art thinks rather than jack around with an independent council, they really should do something about fundraising period. " That's the real problem, and it is on both sides of the aisle and every damn one of them knows it".
Violence.... The horror continues to unfold in regard to the 14 year old shooting his classmates in Paducah, and in Tennesse a dad turning himself in after killing his four children. Nobody knows why. Art says its a funny thing, the FBI saying violence is down in America, and it may be in some totals because the totals were huge. But the violence is different, says Art. In the old days, there was generally a reason for the violence, a love triangle etc. But today people are killing each other for no reason.
Astronomers... Astronomers reported that they have captured the image of an exploding black hole right in Earth's own Milky Way galaxy. They used a string of radio telescopes across Britian, to get it. This explosion was in fact predicted by Einstein's theories. The black hole is at the center of a microquasar in a constellation. Art thinks it very weird that a black hole can explode.
Miami.... Ap story: A woman, whom police believe fell out of an airplane, was killed after hitting a garden wall. Police don't know who she is or how she fell. Her body had been ripped in half, and the police cannot find a place where she could have fallen from to create this much damage to the body. She had no ID on her and police have no idea how to proceed with this case.
Saddam... Vince, from Rim Rock, AZ sends Art a note: How to stop Saddam without bombs. Produce counterfeit Iraqian money and drop it all around the country and try to destroy his economy. Art asks for your opinion, Art thinks it's a grand idea. He feels we could make very good Dinars. You think someone would try this on us, they've already tried. Lebanon has been printing one hundred dollar bills for awhile.
Guest: Bob Bogosian, Viruses and Germs!