Author Topic: Art Bell On This Day  (Read 14741 times)

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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #60 on: November 08, 2018, 12:50:23 PM »
11/08/00 - Wed/Thu

Topic: The Election


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #61 on: November 09, 2018, 10:35:12 AM »
11/09/98 Monday / Tuesday

Award.... Art discusses his "Snuffed Candle Award". CSICOP lists Carl Sagan as an active member, Art wonders how they are contacting him.
WFAD.... Art welcomes WFAD in Middleberry, Vermont.
Newt.... Gingrich says he quit for GOP unity. Art thought there was no such thing among Republicans.
Anthrax.... A Catholic Church in Indianapolis has received letters allegedly containing anthrax. Art says this seems to be a new rage, though not very funny.
Impeachment.... House impeachment investigators are weighing whether to call presidential confidant Bruce Lindsay.
EQ Pegasi.... Richard Hoagland joins Art in the first hour with an update on the EQ signal story.
Guest.... At the top of the first hour Art reviews the guests scheduled for the week and then tonights' guest, Jeffrey Mishlove joins Art.


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #62 on: November 09, 2018, 10:36:06 AM »
11/09/99 Tue/Wed

Crash.... A boeing 727 exploded over central Mexico with 18 on board.
Black Box.... The flight recorders from flight 990 have been recovered and sent to Washington. Art originally agreed that it was a thrust reverser problem but now awaits the real reason.
Movie.... Art recommends the movie, The Sixth Sense, saying it is the best he has seen in a decade.
Story.... Art reads a story from AP about a woman haunted by a crying baby but there were no children leaving near by. Police found the mummified body of a little girl entombed in a trunk in her closet and it is alleged the child was her own daughter and she has been arrested.
CNN.... CNN did an interesting piece on y2k about incredible sun storms predicted for January 2000. Art reiterates his theory that y2k problems wont begin til the first business day after January 1, 2000.
Weather.... The Seattle Times has a story about upcoming climate changes.
Fireball.... Peter Davenport comes on to tell us that a blue green fireball has been spotted over the east coast a few hours ago. Peter plays an audio cut of an anchorperson on a PBS affiliate who witnessed the sight. Another report from Arkansas is played. Peter talks about his upcoming show with Art on Thursday and what we can expect to learn.
2nd hour.... Dr. Eric Pearl, a chiropractor, is Art's guest tonight. He discusses dormant receptor sites in our bodies that are being activated. He begins by telling us how he had a life changing experience that got him involved in becoming a healer. Dr. Pearl tells us of a body alignment he received from a woman/ tarot reader type person that resulted in missing time or memory.
3rd hour.... Dr. Pearl tells us of a patient who came into his office for an adjustment and after he was finished with her his hands were covered with blisters. This has happened several times since then and one time his palm bled. Dr. Pearl tells us his patients started bringing him crystals and Buddhas etc. He tells a story about treating a regular patient and hearing a voice tell him that he is to continue what he is doing. Dr. Pearl asked the voice how he could speak to him again, and the voice said you can find me in your heart.
4th hour.... Dr. Pearl tells us he has been told he is a Pleidian (sic) but does not believe it. He tells us that he called the original card reader women and told her that he is hearing voices channeled through his patients. Later in the hour, Art tells us a story about his dad going to a healer.
5th hour.... Phone calls are taken for Dr. Pearl this hour. The first caller asks Dr. Pearl if there is DNA in us that has not been activated yet. Art asks Dr Pearl his favorite question, whether he believes there was a man called Jesus who walked the earth. Art asks him if Jesus' DNA would be different than ours. Later in the hour, a caller tells us that he was told to become a healer by his dead mother through a medium. Dr Pearl talks more about receptor sites in the body. Phone calls continue.


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #63 on: November 09, 2018, 10:36:56 AM »
11/09/00 - Thu/Fri

Guest: Gene Meyers

President of Space Island Group, which is a leading developer of commercial space stations and dedicated to the development of commerce, research, manufacturing and tourism in space.



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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #64 on: November 09, 2018, 10:40:27 AM »
Mon Nov 9, 2015 – Ralph Sarchie – Demonology

Ralph Sarchie is a retired NYPD Sergeant and Traditionalist Catholic demonologist. He has written a book, Beware the Night, which details many of his paranormal investigations; his accounts were later the basis of the film Deliver Us from Evil. Sarchie, in 2016, was featured in the film Hostage to the Devil, which detailed the life of Malachi Martin.


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #65 on: November 10, 2018, 12:11:43 PM »
11/10/97 - Monday / Tuesday

Guest: Dan Sherman, Author, "Above Black"

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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #66 on: November 10, 2018, 12:13:04 PM »
11/10/98 Tuesday / Wednesday

1st hour.... In the first hour Art is setting up something that will be happening tomorrow night regarding an alien encounter. Art replays a call from last Friday, to jog your memory, where a guy said an alien killed a doctors' dog and then the doctor killed the alien. Photos of this event were sent to Art and are now posted on the web page. Art plans on having the gentleman, Robert Raith, and the doctor, Jonathon Reed, on the program tomorrow night.
Photos.... After the first break, Robert Raith talks with Art about the alien photos.
2nd hour.... Paul LaViolette will be Art's guest tonight, author of "Beyond the Big Bang".

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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #67 on: November 10, 2018, 12:13:56 PM »
11/10/99 Wed/Thu

1st hour.... Art begins by discussing the latest news on flight 990.
Y2K.... Clinton has made a statement saying he is confident that the safety of the American people will not be at risk. But only 50% of America's 911 systems are Y2K compliant. Art wonders about this.
Sex.... Art talks about a story in about not having a need for sex in the 21st century as humans get more into genetics and cloning.
Cats.... Scientists at Berkley have successfully wired a computer to a living cat's brain in the vision area so we can see what a cat sees on a computer screen.
Comet.... Art reads a report about Earth coming very close to the orbit of a comet on November 11th and there may be some meteor showers visible.
Open Lines finishes out the 1st hour with the first time caller line being reserved for government agents.
2nd hour.... Art reads a little commentary from a listener about Clinton's statement about the 911 systems.
CNN.... The U.S. Army has rated 2 of it's 10 divisions as unprepared for a major war. Art says that is th only reason we got them, but peace keeping is causing a shortage of troops to fight.
Open lines.... Open lines continue this hour with a caller giving us some predictions of the New World order. Later in the hour, a government agent calls Art and offers to help screen callers to verify if they actually are agents when they say they are. Art asks him about the 2 divisions in the Army that are not prepared for war.
3rd hour.... Comedian George Carlin joins Art this hour. George begins by making light of some of the topics discussed in the last hour. Art asks George why he does what he does. Art and George discuss the stars in the sky and Art asks George if he has ever seen anything he can't explain. George tells us he is a little disappointed in the paranormal.
4th hour.... George talks about his values and how he keeps them in his commercial world. George tells us he planned out his life when he was 14 and has pretty much kept to it. He talks about when he was a disc jockey. Phone calls are taken for George in his last hour with Art.
5th hour.... Open lines resumes with the government agent line being pretty active.


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #68 on: November 10, 2018, 12:14:33 PM »
11/10/00 - Fri/Sat
Guest: James Blanco

Blanco will explain how to protect yourself from credit card fraud, rip-off scams, forgery & counterfeits, internet fraud, identity theft, and much more. Blanco is a certified Examiner of Questioned Documents. His client work ranges from police departments to insurance companies to a variety of businesses. His 17-year plus career in the field includes forensics positions with the U.S. Treasury Department (B.A.T.F.) and the California Department of Justice.


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #69 on: November 10, 2018, 12:16:28 PM »
Tue Nov 10, 2015 – Jim Elvidge – Digital Simulated Reality


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #70 on: November 11, 2018, 11:08:16 AM »
11/11/96 - Monday /Tuesday

This Week's Guests.... Tuesday night Richard Hoagland, former NASA advisor, will be on the show with a lot to say about the face on mars and the upcoming missions along with Ken Johnston, also a former NASA employee. Wednesday it will be Craig Roberts, author of Kill Zone, a former sniper in Vietnam. Thursday, Dr. Courtney Brown from Wyola University who has made a remarkable announcement on his web page about what is coming. Friday is the return of Dr. Malachi Martin. Monday, the 18th Art has David Oates back with discussions on Reverse Speech. On the 22nd, Dr. Horowitz, the author of Emerging Viruses.
Web site... New items on the web site are, a picture of a big tree in a Wilmington, N.C. cemetery with a large gap in its trunk with a clear picture of a ghost. Also a picture of what is being called Demon Seeds because all the attempts to kill the plant they become have failed. There is also a remarkable picture of a UFO shot in California on July 27th at 2 P.M. Art finds it intriguing that this object is leaving a contrail. Art also has provided us a picture of all three of his crazy cats by request.
Army... The Army is now investigating 170 cases of sexual misconduct involving 20 supervisors who have now been suspended. This means drill instructors, people of that cut, that apparently extorted sex from trainees. Art says they better clear this up quick or people will be asking, "Is it safe to let my daughter join the Army?" And we don't want that to happen, do we?
Brinkley... David Brinkley did get to interview President Clinton over the weekend and he did apologize to him for his statement on election night saying that what he did was impolite and unfair. But Art thinks that he meant it anyway. Clinton did say that there will be at least one republican in the cabinet. Brinkley ended his show with an old story he told many years ago about a man who called authorities complaining his wife was missing. The authorities eventually found out that his wife was really a man. Art wants to know if you think its possible for a man to be married for 3 and a half years and not know the person he married is a man.
Shays.... One Republican Congressman, Christopher Shays, says Newt Gingrich should step down now while he is being investigated. Some are saying he should consider resigning. Art thinks, based on the seriousness of the allegations, that if Newt should resign prematurely then surely the President should too.
Trent Lott... Lott was asked over the weekend whether he would consider repealing the Brady Bill and the assault rifle ban. He hedged and didn't say yes. So Art thinks that we are going to have a moderate on gun control as Majority Leader of the Senate..... too bad.
Sen. Don Nickels.... Nickles, a Republican, said that if the President dare pardon anyone in the Whitewater matter, there would be "impeachment scent in the water". Art doubts that he will pardon anyone.
Reno... Janet Reno wants to stay on, though she feels Clinton doesn't want her to. She really shouldn't have said that publicly.
Cleveland.... Snow 15 inches deep and maybe more coming, Art has been told that we are going to have one of the roughest winters in history. Do you think it's getting under way right now in the Great Lakes?
Guillotine.... Some discussion of severing heads with a guillotine and whether all thoughts ceased immediately, took place last night on Dreamland. This prompted a letter from a listener informing Art that you can still think for about 30 seconds after decapitation. Art wants to know what would your last conscious thoughts be while your head is laying in the basket.
Slimed... Electromagnetic fireballs have been seen in Tasmania, with slime resulting. This report from MSNBC. Do you remember the lady that was on Art's show claiming to be slimed?
DIA.... A former morning newsman from Cleveland who was assigned to the Denver Airport story back when, confirms that it was indeed built on sacred indian burial ground.
UK News... A man received a little tiny cut from a chicken bone which has turned him into an evil smelling social oucast. His entire body reeked of a horrible smell and has ruined his life. Art fills us in on this true story, as doctors are perplexed.
Shortwave Radio Giveaway... The final question for winning the ATS-909 shortwave radio last night was: Name the 5 nationalities of Art's wife Ramona? Click here* for the answer. The winner was a gentleman in Oregon. Congratulations one and all.

*Ramona is made up of these 5 nationalities:

Puerto Rican


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #71 on: November 11, 2018, 11:09:20 AM »
11/11/97 - Tuesday / Wednesday

Guest: Boris Said & Tom Danley


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #72 on: November 11, 2018, 11:10:26 AM »
11/11/98 Wednesday / Thursday

WABC.... Art welcomes WABC in New York to his first hour. Sorry Curtis, Art really didn't mean to take an hour from you.
Guests.... Art has on the gentlemen who sent him the alien photos, in the first two hours along with Whitley Strieber.
Third Hour.... David Icke, author of "The Truth Will Set You Free", joins Art in the third hour to discuss not only global conspiracy, but the global agenda of certain secret organizations.


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #73 on: November 11, 2018, 11:11:16 AM »
11/11/99 Thu/Fri

Welcome.... Art welcomes station WSYR in Syracuse, New York.
History.... Art says we will make radio history tonight with 2 commercial airline pilots, from two different airlines, coming on tonight to describe the same sighting. An air traffic controller will be on with his opinions also.
Guest.... Peter Davenport joins Art this hour from the UFO reporting center in Seattle. Peter starts with a short audio clip of what his wake up call was this morning at 6 am from a FAA traffic controller. Peter than plays the audio clip from October 26th that sets the stage for tonights UFO sighting over Texas. Peter asks Joe, the air traffic controller, if there is a possibility that the objects that he saw could have been of a military type. Art asks Joe if he is supposed to be informed of military craft that would be in his area.
2nd hour.... Art replays the audio clips of the Oct 26th sighting before bringing on the two pilots. "Captain Carl" and "Jose" describe what they saw, saying they first believed the objects were of the transport type category aircraft but when the radar didn't pick it up they changed their minds. Later in the hour Carl says the objects could have been a reflection of legitimate aircraft off some layer of the atmosphere. Art tells us he has asked Ed Dames to look at this situation and the one with flight 990.
3rd hour.... The mystery of flight 990 has deepen with the flight recorder telling us the auto pilot disengaged and the plane began descending. Art talks about an article referring to a victim of the crash who worked for NASA who specialized in combustion research and was once awarded the NASA medal. Richard Hoagland has a more detailed version of the article on his web site.
Guest.... Ed Dames joins Art this hour and Art asks him about the sighting discussed in the first 2 hours. Ed says he downloaded the report from Peter's website to assist him and says the object seen by the 2 pilots was an electro hydro dynamic vehicle, an advanced propulsion vehicle. Ed says it is a manned vehicle and the lights that the pilots reported was an ionized surface of the vehicle.
After the bottom of the hour break, Art asks Ed about Flight 990. Ed says there was a violent altercation in the cockpit and that a crew member attacked the pilot from behind. Art asks Ed if this is what occurred, will the cockpit voice recorder information be released to the public.
4th hour... Ed and Art discuss Eds past remote viewing of satan and whether satan knew he was "looking". Ed says satan isn't actually on the planet, but a "Lieutenant", a being associated with satan, is. Art asks Ed about the boy who killed his parents and then students at his school and the other recent disgruntled workers shootings. Ed talks about evil in general. Later in the hour, Ed tells us there are now 12,000 people remote viewing and Art asks him if there has been any changes in the "seeing" since so many are participating now. Art asks Ed about the sun and his "killshot" prediction.
5th hour.... Art asks Ed about John Lennon and whether he was a prophet and seeing our future or just dreaming and hoping. ed tells us that there will be a time when mankind will spiritually evolve. Art asks Ed some questions from listener faxes. Art asks Ed why he moved to the Hawaiian Islands and are there places that will be safer than others in the future. After the bottom of the hour break, Art asks Ed about the recent chemtrails. Ed says it is nothing innoculatory or biological but he cannot let the cat out of the bag as to what it is. Phone calls are taken for Ed and one caller asks Ed why he is wrong all the time with his predictions. Ed says they are not wrong, the timeline is wrong.


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Re: Art Bell On This Day
« Reply #74 on: November 11, 2018, 11:14:25 AM »
Wed Nov 11, 2015 – Warren Faidley

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