11/11/96 - Monday /Tuesday
This Week's Guests.... Tuesday night Richard Hoagland, former NASA advisor, will be on the show with a lot to say about the face on mars and the upcoming missions along with Ken Johnston, also a former NASA employee. Wednesday it will be Craig Roberts, author of Kill Zone, a former sniper in Vietnam. Thursday, Dr. Courtney Brown from Wyola University who has made a remarkable announcement on his web page about what is coming. Friday is the return of Dr. Malachi Martin. Monday, the 18th Art has David Oates back with discussions on Reverse Speech. On the 22nd, Dr. Horowitz, the author of Emerging Viruses.
Web site... New items on the web site are, a picture of a big tree in a Wilmington, N.C. cemetery with a large gap in its trunk with a clear picture of a ghost. Also a picture of what is being called Demon Seeds because all the attempts to kill the plant they become have failed. There is also a remarkable picture of a UFO shot in California on July 27th at 2 P.M. Art finds it intriguing that this object is leaving a contrail. Art also has provided us a picture of all three of his crazy cats by request.
Army... The Army is now investigating 170 cases of sexual misconduct involving 20 supervisors who have now been suspended. This means drill instructors, people of that cut, that apparently extorted sex from trainees. Art says they better clear this up quick or people will be asking, "Is it safe to let my daughter join the Army?" And we don't want that to happen, do we?
Brinkley... David Brinkley did get to interview President Clinton over the weekend and he did apologize to him for his statement on election night saying that what he did was impolite and unfair. But Art thinks that he meant it anyway. Clinton did say that there will be at least one republican in the cabinet. Brinkley ended his show with an old story he told many years ago about a man who called authorities complaining his wife was missing. The authorities eventually found out that his wife was really a man. Art wants to know if you think its possible for a man to be married for 3 and a half years and not know the person he married is a man.
Shays.... One Republican Congressman, Christopher Shays, says Newt Gingrich should step down now while he is being investigated. Some are saying he should consider resigning. Art thinks, based on the seriousness of the allegations, that if Newt should resign prematurely then surely the President should too.
Trent Lott... Lott was asked over the weekend whether he would consider repealing the Brady Bill and the assault rifle ban. He hedged and didn't say yes. So Art thinks that we are going to have a moderate on gun control as Majority Leader of the Senate..... too bad.
Sen. Don Nickels.... Nickles, a Republican, said that if the President dare pardon anyone in the Whitewater matter, there would be "impeachment scent in the water". Art doubts that he will pardon anyone.
Reno... Janet Reno wants to stay on, though she feels Clinton doesn't want her to. She really shouldn't have said that publicly.
Cleveland.... Snow 15 inches deep and maybe more coming, Art has been told that we are going to have one of the roughest winters in history. Do you think it's getting under way right now in the Great Lakes?
Guillotine.... Some discussion of severing heads with a guillotine and whether all thoughts ceased immediately, took place last night on Dreamland. This prompted a letter from a listener informing Art that you can still think for about 30 seconds after decapitation. Art wants to know what would your last conscious thoughts be while your head is laying in the basket.
Slimed... Electromagnetic fireballs have been seen in Tasmania, with slime resulting. This report from MSNBC. Do you remember the lady that was on Art's show claiming to be slimed?
DIA.... A former morning newsman from Cleveland who was assigned to the Denver Airport story back when, confirms that it was indeed built on sacred indian burial ground.
UK News... A man received a little tiny cut from a chicken bone which has turned him into an evil smelling social oucast. His entire body reeked of a horrible smell and has ruined his life. Art fills us in on this true story, as doctors are perplexed.
Shortwave Radio Giveaway... The final question for winning the ATS-909 shortwave radio last night was: Name the 5 nationalities of Art's wife Ramona? Click here* for the answer. The winner was a gentleman in Oregon. Congratulations one and all.
*Ramona is made up of these 5 nationalities:
Puerto Rican