11/17/98 Tuesday / Wednesday
Leonids.... Art has already seen several displays of the Leonid tonight.
Tomorrow.... The two gentlemen who were on last week with Art discussing their alien encounter, Dr. Jonathon Reed and Robert Raith, will be on again tomorrow night to answer YOUR questions. Dr Reed has given permission to post one more photo of the oblisk.
Hyde.... Henry Hyde warned the president's attorneys that Thursday's hearing is not an opportunity to put Ken Starr on trial.
Lewinsky.... The Lewinksy tapes are out, a full 22 hours, and not on Pay Per View. Art wonders if you would want to listen and where do we get copies.
Egypt.... Remember the pyramids closed for 6-8 months? Now, according to a newspaper in Sacremento, Dr. Hawass wants to permanently close them to all people. Art wonders why? Maybe, Dr. Hawass has been up and down the old steps too many times.
Argentina.... Scientists have found a massive dinosaur nesting place and have uncovered actual embryonic material. It appears that some kind of natural disaster destroyed them. Art wonders if we brought back the dinosaur would we be happy with it, would it be a good idea, toying with mother nature may be a poor idea.
Open Lines.... Open lines finishes out the first hour.
Guest.... In the second hour, guest Jim Phillips will be instructing us on how to personally get ready for the Y2K.