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White Crow SayIf live for Facebook Likes you probably need a Psych.If don't Love ALL you probably are limiting yourself.We are ALL Falkies, rationalizing better than, is lying to self.Squirrels bury nuts, dont be a squirrel.One life, live it, some negative karma is really postive karmaTootsie Wootsie is cool.
some people will like you , some won't , this is meant for those who don'tvisitors can't see pics , please register or login
Tootsie, you sassy modern day Confucius! Great thread! I love the pictorial examples and "I Love Lucy" was rich in philosophical expressionism. 😂
this thread is basically meant to be funny. .geez, grow a sense of humor thank you visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Don't think you completely understand someone, a person can be complicatedvisitors can't see pics , please register or login
@XArea51 Thanks lol
Hey, Tootsy, I jus wanna squeeze yer nose. +1
Enjoying your comments. You do have a sense of humor with fun graphic art works.
Thanks, Starr, with all the hate around both sites, I needed that.. love you @StarrMountain