1 is sufficient
Can we start the show with ; !r "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" - Gordon Lightfoot (HD w/ Lyrics)
Search youtube - it's the highest quality version.
The backgrounds really come through.
I'll be piping the show through my stereo...
Oh, BTW - The three sisters took her down. The great lakes slosh, and they took the northern rout to catch the currents - they should have done it a week earlier though. That was the last shipment of the season - and she was overloaded.
Yeah, I remember when this happened.
It was very sad for me, because I know how vicious the Great Lakes can be - since I was a kid.
Superior didn't get that name because it's the upper-most lake - Ha ha ha .
That Bitch is wicked.
I've canoed her.
Her whims change in an instant.
She's a fickle Bitch.
Anyway - WR... Thanks Big Guy