Well another day and another FIL experience,, Today Hubby got a call from Cassie that Grandpa was going to shoot the Police or the Police was going to shoot Grand Pa,,too make a long story short, the Town of Mt. Pleasant came to FIL's garage/forge (as he likes to call it) about some teenagers riding dirt bikes,, everything was fine until one of the Officers asked FIL if he could hand over his gun (FIUL always carries a M1911 full metal jacket and not those wimpy wad cutters as he likes to say)
Fil said no, I don't think so and the Offices said it is for your protection as well as mine and FIL said well this is for my protection and not yours, FIL told the Office that he knew nothing or saw or heard and dirt bikes and said if that is all, I got work to do and went back to beating on metal,,,within 5 minutes 3 more Police cars arrived and now there are 8 Officers and FIl tells them unless you have a yWarrant don't open my gate, you are being video taped with sound AND DATE TIME STAMP,,now the Police want to see his CCP (concealed carry permit) and so FIL replied I don't need no fuc@ing CCP, it is not concealed and this is my property and I can open carry and as a matter of fact, your jurisdiction ends at that road (Hwy17) and you have nothing to do down here and you need to call ther Sheriff (which is true because Fils property is just outside the Town of Mount Pleasant and any 911 calls go to the Sheriff as well as fire and emergency, just on the back side of our property, he even has a dirrerent electric and water company and we are just a few yards away) OK, so now the cops are made fools of and no cop wants to be made the fool so now they are profiling and FIL said, if you cross this gate I will sue you and the town for money to just wipe my ass with,, 20 minutes later a SGT and a Sheriff's Deputy arrived and talked amoungst them selves, the town cops left and the Sheriff's Deputy apologized and told FIL, next time don't be an ass and FiL replied why is protecting and enforceing my rights being an ass, according to DeAndre the Deputy jush shook his head and said next time just give me a call.